Johns Creek
Peachtree City
Considering Divorce
Marriage Advice
Strengthening Your Marriage
Working on the Marriage
Common Marriage Issues
Marriage Tips
What do Marriage Counselors do?
Divorce Preparation
Preparing for Divorce
Planning an Exit Strategy
Information Gathering
Telling Your Spouse
Telling the Kids
Is My Spouse Cheating
What to Bring to Your First Attorney Meeting
Divorce Advice
Divorce Strategy
Choosing an Attorney
Questions for your Attorney
Common Divorce Mistakes
Aggresive isn't Always Best
Collaborative Divorce Attorney
Using Online Divorce Forms
Dealing with Narcissists
Can Dads Win?
Divorce Costs
Costs of Divorce
Lowering the Costs of Divorce
Attorney's Fees
Lowering Costs of Divorce: Uncontested Divorce
I Can't Afford Attorney's Fees
Expert Testimony
The Process
Starting The Process
Getting Started in Divorce
How long is the divorce process in Georgia?
Grounds for Divorce
Parenting Seminar Information
Complaint for Divorce
Does it Matter who Files First?
Uncontested Divorce
Contested Divorce
Discovery Phase
Discovery Overview
Failure to Respond to Complaint
Requests for Production
Requests for Admission
Mandatory Discovery
Informal Discovery
Failure to Respond to Discovery
Alternatives to Trial
Alternatives to Trial Overview
Settlement Conference
Late Case Evaluation
Separate Maintenance
Legal Separation
Trial Overview
Trial Procedures
Why You Need An Attorney
Trial Evidence
Tax Concerns
Child Custody
Determining Custody
How is Child Custody Determined
Child Custody Evaluations
- Psychological Examination
- Guardian Ad Litem
Parental Alienation
Top Custody Factors
Age to Choose Parent
Moving Out of State
Alcohol & Substance Abuse
Physical Abuse
Parental Employment
Parenting Time
Standard Visitation Plans
Supervised Visitation
Summer Visitation
Holiday Visitation
Telephone Visitation
Parenting Plans
Example Parenting Plans
Parenting Coordinator
Legal Custody (Decision-Making)
Joint Legal Custody
- Medical
- Educational
- Extracurricular Activities
- Religion
Physical Custody (Time with Child)
- Primary Custody
- Joint Custody
- Sole Custody
- Split Custody
Helping Kids Through Divorce
- Telling The Kids About Custody
- Child Refuses to Visit
General Custody Information
Top Client Custody Questions
Can Fathers Win Child Custody
Grandparents' Rights & Custody
Types of Custody
Asset Division
Marital vs Non-Marital Property
Determining Marital v. Separate Property
Property Checklist
Marital Property
Separate Property
- Premarital Property
- Inherited Property
How Separate property can become Marital
- Commingled Property
- Non-Economic Contributions
How are Assets Divided
Factors for Determining Division of Marital Property
Equitable Division is not Modifiable
Adultery & Equitable Division
Do I need a Forensic Accountant?
Uncovering Undisclosed Assets using Tax Returns
Signs your Spouse is Hiding Marital Assets
Settlement Agreements
Specific Property Issues
Marital Home & Other Real Property
Taxes & Equitable Division
Military Benefits
Stock Options & RSU
Retirement & Other Property
Retirement Assets
Top 5 Retirement Plan Mistakes
Social Security
Impact of 401k loans
Other Retirement Assets
Child Support
Child Support Basics
How is Child Support Calculated?
What is a Child Support Worksheet?
Completing a Child Support Worksheet
Gross Income
Variable Income
Imputed Income
Duration of Child Support
College Expenses
Payment Methods
What are Deviations?
Mandatory Deviations
- Health Insurance
- Child Care
Non-Mandatory Deviations
- Parenting Time
- Private School
- Extracurriculars & Summer Camp
- Travel Expenses
Child Support isn't Being Paid
License Revocation
Contempt Defense
Modification of Child Support
Child Support and Taxes
Dependency Exemption & Child Tax Credit
Uniform Interstate Family Support Act
Waiver of Child Support
Requesting an Account of Child Support
Child Support in a Military Divorce
Life Insurance Coverage
Split Custody & Child Support
Auto Adjusting Child Support
Types of Alimony
Alimony Types Overview
What is Alimony?
Periodic Alimony
Lump Sum Alimony
Temporary Alimony
Permanent Alimony
Factors Affecting Alimony
Determining Alimony
Alimony Factors
Adultery and Alimony
Proving Adultery
Tax Effect
Alimony Recapture Rule
Seeking Alimony?
End of Alimony
When Does Alimony End?
- Death of Either Spouse
- Re-Marriage
- Cohabitation
Proving Cohabitation
Alimony and Attorney Fees
Waiver of Right to Modify
Failure to Pay
Alimony Modifications
Men Seeking Alimony
Post Divorce
Contempt Actions
Contempt Defenses
Income Deduction Order (IDO)
Property Conversion
Child Custody Modification
Modifications without a court order
Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction
Interstate Jurisidiction
Child Support Modification
Change in Circumstances
Requirements for Modification Petition
Agreement between Parents
Change of Custody or Visitation
Out of State Child Support Order
Alimony Modification
Requirement for Alimony Modification
Live in Lover
Procedure to Modify Alimony
Alimony Modification Attorney Fees
No Retroactive Modifications
Post Judgment & Appeals
Transfer of 401k (QDRO)
Motion for New Trial
Motion to Set Aside
Family Law
- Legitimation Procedure
- Legal Effect of Legitimation
- Why Establish Paternity?
Family Violence/TPO
Temporary Protective Order (TPO)
Family Violence
- Prevention
- Am I A Victim?
- Child Abuse
Grandparents' Rights
Grandparents' Custody
Grandparents' Visitation
Death of a Parent
Grounds for Annulment
Common Law Marriage
Termination of Parental Rights
Child Deprivation Actions
Marriage in Georgia
Same-Sex Divorce
Step Parent Adoption
Third Party Adoption
Client Portal
Make a Payment
About Us
The M&T Difference
Atlanta (Midtown)
Our Attorneys
Why M&T
Divorce County Resources
Make A Payment
The Divorce Rate & COVID Pandemic
Aggressive isn't Always Best
Finance Your Divorce
Flat Fee Divorce
- Medical Decisions
Special Needs Children
Cryptocurrency & Divorce
When does Child Support End?
Support for Dependent Adult Children
What is Contempt?
- Single Mom Resources
- Domestic Violence Resources
Applying for a Name Change
Listen Here
In Divorce and Family Law cases it is not just what you say that counts - it is what you... Listen Here
Information and details are incredibly important in a divorce. As a general rule, the more ... Listen Here
There are many divorces that start off 'nice,' but quickly take a turn for the worse. In this show, Leh and Todd discus... Listen Here
While the original intent of the show was to take on a series of questions, Leh and Todd decided to focus in on question... Listen Here
After taking countless questions over the years, Leh and Todd identified several misconceptions, or myths, the people of... Listen Here
Experts can be used to not only help win a case, but also to simplify complicated issues to help parties settle their ca... Listen Here
In this show, Leh and Todd give examples of what happens when you miss legal deadlines or you do not take action on cer... Listen Here
If you have been putting off taking legal action on a family law matter, you should listen to this show. Sometimes proc... Listen Here
As a follow up to episode 186, Leh and Todd answer questions that are focused on Adultery in this episode. The question... Listen Here
Todd and Leh tackle a tough question that they get often: “Does My Divorce Have to Be Nasty?” After answering the ... Listen Here
With virtual hearings probably here to stay (at least for the near future), it is a good idea to be as best prepared for... Listen Here
Many parents of adult children going through a divorce think that they have saved their children from the pain of divorc... Listen Here
If you have had to go through the painful process of a divorce, the last thing you want is for that pain to increase or ... Listen Here
Worried about how to be prepared for a virtual hearing? Tune into episode 172 to hear Leh and Todd break down 9 practic... Listen Here
If you are looking to keep your divorce case relatively inexpensive and amicable, then there are certain actions that yo... Listen Here
Some Courthouses appear closed. Others appear to be operating on a limited basis. Are they actually open in the middle... Listen Here
Sarah Armstrong came back on the show to talk about her new, revised edition of A Mom’s Guide to a Good Divorce. Leh ... Listen Here
This show was pre-recorded last week. A lot has happened since this show. In this episode, Leh and Todd predicted some... Listen Here
Leh and Todd wrap up their discussion of how to give a great deposition in this episode. When you tune in, you will co... Listen Here
One of the more effective tools in the 'Discovery' process is taking someone's Deposition. In this show, Leh and Todd b... Listen Here
If you have read our website, you will have seen information about the 'Discovery Phase' of a divorce. In this show, Le... Listen Here
Choosing the right lawyer can be a tough decision. Choosing when it is time to change lawyers can be even harder. Are ... Listen Here
What we love about the show is that it gives us the opportunity to share divorce resources with those that are strugglin... Listen Here
If we are being honest, Financial Affidavits are no fun to fill out . . . well, for most of us anyways. But, they are a... Listen Here
When was the last time you went somewhere unknown without plugging the destination address into a navigation app on your... Listen Here
When you are helping those who are going through a divorce, you quickly notice that every case is unique. Even within t... Listen Here
Walking into a Courtroom is intimidating for someone that has never been there before. Not knowing what to expect at tr... Listen Here
Dealing with the emotions of a divorce and the anxiety associated with court is enough to put anyone in a bad place. Wh... Listen Here
When you go through a divorce, it is easy to start telling yourself false narratives. These false narratives become lim... Listen Here
In this episode, Leh and Todd interview Bill Butterworth, a professional speaker and author of the book New Life after D... Listen Here
Going through a contested divorce can be one of the most emotionally traumatic things anyone goes through. Doing the ri... Listen Here
A Guardian ad Litem is often appointed by Judges in cases involving contested custody of children. They are appointed t... Listen Here
If you ever see this guy in your rear view mirror, immediately check yourself into the hospital because there is probabl... Listen Here
Many people feel a sense of freedom after their divorce has been granted. Unfortunately, this sense of freedom can get ... Listen Here
In recent years, more professionals have come on the scene to help people work through the painful divorce process. Cer... Listen Here
The 4th of July fireworks are always fun to watch, but fireworks in your divorce . . . not so much. Tune in to learn wh... Listen Here
After a large portion of your personal time has been taken up by a long divorce process, the last thing people want to d... Listen Here
When you are in the middle of a divorce or similar family law matter, everything can feel like an emergency. Emotion ta... Listen Here
This Episode is the second part to our 2 part show on Temporary Hearings. This episode gets into the practical aspects ... Listen Here
Over the years, we have found that temporary hearings occur more often than final hearings, at least in divorce cases. ... Listen Here
According to the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, 80% of family law attorneys use social media as evidence in th... Listen Here
In most cases, you only have one chance to make a first impression. In the Courtroom, your only chance to make a first ... Listen Here
For most, the mention of having to testify in Court creates a high level of anxiety. Regardless of whether you are a pa... Listen Here
In our last episode on the Divorce Process, we take you through the end of the divorce process and discuss some of the m... Listen Here
In Episode 58, we pick up from where we left off in Episode 57. We continue our discussion on some of the most common d... Listen Here
One of the biggest complaints we get from even our happiest clients is the length of the divorce process. And they are ... Listen Here
Divorce puts two parents at odds with each other. Even in the best of situations, communication in a divorce can quick... Listen Here
Despite all the latest and greatest inventions, our lives feel busier than ever. Unfortunately, going through a divorce... Listen Here
In order to help parents break the news of divorce to their children, we brought on air Dr. Howard Drutman, a licensed c... Listen Here
Many times what should be a relatively simple divorce turns into an all out battle that costs tens of thousands of dolla... Listen Here
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