180 - The 3 P's of a Virtual Hearing
Meriwether: Welcome everyone.
I'm Leh Meriwether, and with me is Todd Orston. We are your co-host for Divorce
Team Radio, a show sponsored by the divorce and family law firm of Meriwether
& Tharp. Here you'll learn about divorce, family law, and from time to time
even tips on how to save your marriage if it's in the middle of a crisis. If
you want to read more about us, you can always check us out online at
Meriwether: Todd, one of the
things I love about this show is we do it to help people. And we're talking
about people that aren't even our clients. And it takes a lot of time to put
these shows together. We put a lot of thought into it... at least sometimes. I
was kidding. And sometimes we don't take enough time to thank the people that
post reviews.
Meriwether: So I want to
start off the show by just saying thank you to all those people that posted
reviews. I mean, we make any money from the show. It's just to help people, our
clients, in particular, but also everyone going through this process. We're
here to help. And the more reviews that we get, the higher our show climbs in
the ratings, which means more people are going to be able to get access to this
information and hopefully get through this process, occasionally, as one
reviewer put, maybe even save their marriage.
Meriwether: But I wanted to
take a moment just to read two of the ones we just most recently got. One was
actually somebody who came on the show. He said, "Great insight. I
listened to a few episodes in preparation for being a guest on the show, 177,
and was impressed with how they combined deep knowledge with easy
listenability. This was confirmed when I worked with them on the episode.
Thoroughly recommend it." Well, thanks, Simon.
Leh Meriwether: Apparently, he wasn't the only one
who liked this show. Another review said, "Extremely informative! Super
informative! I loved the interview at Simon Brady explaining financial mistakes
to watch out for when going through a divorce." And so I just wanted to
say thanks to MikeVacca95, and really appreciate the reviews. And if you're
enjoying the show, if you wouldn't mind taking a moment and just going online
and posting a review, wherever you listen to your pods. We actually have
instructions on our website, divorceteamradio.com if you've never posted a
review about how to do it.
Todd Orston: Yeah. I mean, it really
does mean the world to us. And like you said, we really do this to help people.
We don't look for anything in return, other than we just love hearing from
people that they have gotten something out of the information that we're
providing. So anyway, any reviews you could leave for us… good ones, of course…
then we really truly appreciate it. And we're going to keep making the shows,
and whoever it helps, that makes us happy. That's why we're doing it.
Meriwether: Yep. All right.
Even with 180 shows, I'm sure there's still shows we haven't covered, so just
send us an email. Go to our website, atlantadivorceteam.com, you can find the
email for Todd and myself there, and send us an email, "Hey. I would love
to hear a show about X, Y and Z."
Todd Orston: I mean, it does have to be
family law related. Like if you want us to do a show on what a liger is or
something, then I don't… well, that'd be pretty cool actually. I could do that.
Yeah. I don't understand what a lion-tiger mix is, but whatever.
Meriwether: We just have to
start a whole new podcast on that one.
Todd Orston: I guess so. All right.
Meriwether: All right. So,
but today, we are talking about something very practical. We're going to talk
about the three P's of a virtual hearing. So Todd, what are the three P's?
Todd Orston: My guess would be, it's the
average number of bathroom breaks you take in the middle of a show.
Leh Meriwether: Oh my gosh.
Todd Orston: Is that not what we're… I
mean, that's a weird thing to talk about in the show, but-
Meriwether: No.
Todd Orston: No? Oh. Oh, it's a
different? Okay. All right.
Meriwether: Oh my gosh. No.
It's preparation, practicing, and performing.
Todd Orston: Ah, those. See, I knew it
probably wasn't the bathroom breaks.
Meriwether: Oh my gosh. Okay.
All right, now we got to get serious because, see, trials are serious. Let me
start here. I'll probably say this again later. When the pandemic hit, some
court systems were actually already set up for this. Others, like here in
Georgia, we're not set up for virtual hearings. There was this massive shift
and change, and people didn't know how to do things. So there was a lot of
grace given. Maybe people weren't dressed up like they should be like normally
going to court. Now we're several months in. So that grace is… well, that's
fading quickly.
Meriwether: And so we want to
put together another show, we did one a while back, but we'll put together
another show about having virtual hearings to make sure you properly prepare,
that you properly practice. And then when you perform at this virtual hearing,
I mean, you give a presentation that's going to dramatically increase your
chances of winning the case. So, are you ready?
Todd Orston: Yup. I'm ready.
Meriwether: All right. We
maybe refer to Zoom a lot, because that's actually what a lot of what we're
seeing here in Georgia are a lot of Zoom hearings, but these apply to any
platform. Some judges are using Microsoft Teams, which basically is a pro level
of like Skype, because Microsoft owns Skype. I mean, BlueJeans I think is
another virtual program.
Meriwether: So it doesn't
matter what software you're using for this virtual hearing. The first thing you
have to do is go find out, what's the platform that the court's going to be
using. So platform will be Zoom, basically the software that enables the
virtual hearing, go to either the website or YouTube and watch videos on how
the software works. It's very important.
Meriwether: So long before
this hearing, you need… this is part of this preparation, because that's what
we're hitting first. Look at these things. Some people might be tempted to use
a chat feature in Zoom, and most of these softwares have a chat feature. Well,
often the host, if it's set up a certain way, they can see the conversation you
might be having with your lawyer. So the last thing you want is the judge to
see the conversation you have with your lawyer through Zoom.
Todd Orston: Yeah.
Meriwether: And we talked
several shows ago about this, how it's important to talk with your lawyer about
how you're going to communicate during the course of the hearing. And we'll get
into that a little bit later, like the actual when you're ready for the
Todd Orston: Very quickly. I mean, there
are a lot of attorneys who will tell you that the case is usually won before
you even walk into court, or lost before you walk into court. And what that
really is talking about is the level of preparation. If you walk in and you
wing it, you're probably not going to do well. All right? And now we're talking
about a nontraditional method of trying cases, which means there are some
additional layers of preparation that you need to be thinking about.
Todd Orston: And that's what we're
talking about, because if you walk in and you are not prepared, you may have
your argument in your mind ready to go, but if you now don't have all the
technological aspects of trying a case, just down pat that you understand the
tool you're using, how the tool works and how to best present your story using
that technology, then the case may be lost. Doesn't matter how strong your
argument is. Again, that's my take on what we're talking about when we say
Meriwether: Yeah. First
thing, if you got something coming around the corner, put a pause on this show…
or if you're listening to on the radio, you can't really get a pause… but when
you get home, you can go back and listen to our previous episode about how to
prepare. I'll find the number. Well, actually, that was a 172. So Episode 172,
we talked about nine practical steps to take to prepare for a virtual hearing.
Go back and check that. And your lawyer is probably going to do a lot of this.
If you can get an external microphone. So we didn't really talk about these.
We're going to touch on this because we already went in a much deeper level on
the last show.
Meriwether: But if you can
afford it, an external microphone, an external light to light you up, trying to
have more than one device. So don't just have your computer with Zoom on it. So
you can have one that's got Zoom, and another device maybe to communicate with
your lawyer. Maybe you'll do it in the same room. That's something you're going
to discuss with your lawyer. Are you going to be at your house while your
lawyer is at the office? Are you going to be in the same room? Are going to
take a COVID test before you have the hearing? So all those things need to be
discussed ahead of time, not two days before.
Meriwether: Like I said, if
you can have an extra screen or laptop, that's very helpful, or iPad, and you
have to decide ahead of time if you want to have [inaudible 00:10:36]. And when
we come back, we're going to continue to talk about how to prepare for a
virtual hearing.
Meriwether: I just wanted to
let you know that if you ever wanted to listen to the show live, you can listen
at 1:00 AM on Monday mornings on WSB. So you can always check us out there as
Todd Orston: Better than like counting
sheep, I guess. Right? You can turn on the show, and we'll help you fall
Meriwether: There you go.
Todd Orston: I'll talk very soft.
Meriwether: Welcome back
everyone. I'm Lee, and with me is Todd. We are your co-hosts for Divorce Team
Radio, a show sponsored by the divorce and family law firm of Meriwether &
Tharp. If you want to read more about us, you always check us out online at
atlantadivorceteam.com. And if you want to listen to prior shows, go to
divorceteamradio.com. You'll find our prior shows along with a transcript of
those shows.
Todd Orston: Yeah. I just like how you
stressed shows. That was, "Shows." Before we move on, well, I just
want to make a couple comments. Some of what you were saying almost sounded
like there's an assumption that somebody has an attorney. This show is for
anyone going through this.
Todd Orston: So if you don't have an
attorney, obviously there are some logistical things you don't have to take
care of. You don't have to worry about COVID testing. I mean, unless you really
don't trust yourself, and that doesn't really make sense. So if you can't
remember where you've been, then you have bigger problems. But the things like
getting an external microphone and external light, things like that, I just
want to be very clear, what you're talking about is that the sound quality and
the picture quality.
Todd Orston: All right. The computer
that you're going to use in order to be a part of this hearing, the microphone
may be great, the lighting in wherever it is, in your home, or office or
wherever it is might be fine. That's going to come down to what we talked about
with that second P of practice. You need to do a dry run through. You need to
do a practice run in order to make sure that the lighting is okay.
Todd Orston: Like when you and I were
doing videos, I mean, I literally went to, because the lighting in my house it
just wasn't good enough, and it's amazing I found I ended up going and buying
two like spotlights, and that's what dramatically improved the picture.
Todd Orston: Now, again, you're not
doing this because you're in Hollywood and you need this to be beautiful, but
you do need to be seen. And if you're sitting under like a single lamp light,
there's a very good chance that the other parties, including the judge, can't
even see you.
Todd Orston: So again, we're not telling
you, in order to do this, that you have to go out and spend thousands of
dollars on equipment, but you do need to be aware that the lighting and the
microphone that you're using can dramatically affect what you look like and
sound like during these hearings, and that can really play a part into how your
hearing goes.
Meriwether: Yep. If you are
on a tight budget, then don't worry about this stuff. What's more important is
preparing your exhibits, and we'll go into that a little bit. You could look
and sound great, but if you can't get your evidence into the hearing, that's
not… the evidence is most important thing.
Todd Orston: That's right.
Meriwether: This is just
adding that little bit of polish. So if like your evidence and the opposing
side's evidence is about equal, that maybe the added level of professionalism
suddenly adds a level of credibility to your evidence above the other side. So
that's what we're talking about. And the external light can be as simple as…
Home Depot sells these clip-on things, they're like a metal aluminum shroud
that you screw a light bulb into, and they're like 10 bucks or 15 bucks. You want
to get a daylight light, because that's the right, what's called, temperature
for these, and you get a daylight light bulb, like a 60 watt, you screw it into
it, and then you put it so it's basically lighting up your face.
Todd Orston: And it's uncomfortable.
Meriwether: We don't want you
to obsess about it.
Todd Orston: Yeah. But I'm not going to
lie. Like when I put the two lights in front of me, I was seeing spots for
about 20 minutes after a show. But it looks a lot better. And obviously, I give
everything to my art. No, I'm kidding. I'm joking. I feel a little nauseous
having said that. Anyway. All right, let's move on.
Meriwether: All right. This
is maybe more of actually performing, but one of the things I love about these
virtual hearings, Todd, is that I can just roll out of bed, throw out my
jammies and just get in front of the camera.
Todd Orston: Yeah. No, no. I am actually
drawing a line. I don't want to see you in your jammies, ever, to be very
honest with you, and I can almost guarantee no judge wants to see that either.
Meriwether: No. So dress for
your Zoom, or your virtual hearing, I should say, dress as if you were going to
court. And don't wear shorts. I mean, a full. I mean, if you don't want to wear
a dress shoes, I mean, I guess you don't have to do that. But I will say
there's a certain mindset.
Meriwether: When you put on
like a suit, if you're a guy, and you dress very formally, it changes the
mindset for your hearing. You're going to talk differently. You're like, "I
am ready to go." Whereas if you're very casual, you may not be in the
right frame of mind to present your evidence. That's something that personally
impacts me, that how I'm dressed can impact my level of my presentation.
Todd Orston: I agree, but I'm going to
hit it from a different angle. You are showing the court respect.
Meriwether: Yup.
Todd Orston: And you want to walk into
that process, into that hearing, you want to be showing the judge that you take
this seriously. And I know you were joking, but if you are in your pajamas, if
you've got a t-shirt that says, "I got trashed at Jekyll Island," or
something like that, then that sending the wrong, probably wrongest, I know
that's not a word, but the wrong message to the judge.
Todd Orston: So now, do I care about the
shoes? No. If the court can see your shoes, once again, you need to watch a
video on how to record yourself because your feet should not be part-
Meriwether: Your camera is
way too far.
Todd Orston: Yeah.
Leh Meriwether: Yeah. Your camera is way too far-
Todd Orston: Or just angled in the wrong
Meriwether: Right.
Todd Orston: Look, you need to show the
court respect. And I'm going to also say this. For women, does it need to be a
super nice dress? No. Dress professionally. Dress nicely. A blouse, something
like that, that just again, shows that you take the process seriously. Men, do
you need a full suit and tie? My opinion, no. If you have an attorney and they
tell you differently, fine. No, I don't believe that that's actually required.
Meaning, a court's not going to look at that if you have a dress shirt on, and
clearly it doesn't look like you just rolled out of bed, I think that is fine.
Look professional. No t-shirts, things like that, where the judge is going to
be like, "Okay. This person just isn't taking this seriously."
Meriwether: Yeah. And don't
sleep in your dress shirt.
Todd Orston: All right. I don't think-
Meriwether: Literally.
Todd Orston: I didn't think I had to go there,
but all right, yes, don't sleep-
Meriwether: I've seen some
people come into court looking like they slept in their dress shirt.
Todd Orston: All right. Yes. Some people
need to be introduced to an iron or a dry cleaner. I agree with that.
Leh Meriwether: Yeah. All right. So last thing on
the preparation, and we're going to head into the practice. But wherever you're
doing it, whether you're doing it from your house or you're doing it at the
lawyer's office, make sure that you're sitting at a wide table, because that
way if you have multiple screens, whether it's an iPad, whatever you have to
set up multiple things, make sure you have a wide table because maybe you need
paper exhibits to go through things. Some people work better with paper than digital.
Meriwether: You need an area
to spread out the exhibits because you will be asked questions about these
exhibits. Spread them out so you can easily get access to them, and have it out
there. And so speaking of exhibits, well, I mean, I guess the preparation of
practicing start to blend together, but it's important to have all those
exhibits done ahead of time. And we'll get into that.
Meriwether: But that I wanted
to hammer home, though, is the principles of trial presentation are the same. So
the rules of evidence don't change in a virtual hearing. The process doesn't
change. It may be a little bit more relaxed, but still there's an opening
statement, there's direct questions, there's cross-examination questions,
there's a break.
Leh Meriwether: The plaintiff gets to present
their side, or the petitioner, or respondent, or defendant gets to present
their side. And then there's closing arguments, unless the judge doesn't want
closing arguments, but that's what you have with bench trial. Sometimes the
court doesn't need closing arguments. Sometimes they don't object. But this
process is going to be pretty much the same, whether you're in court or you are
in a virtual hearing.
Todd Orston: Yeah. And-
Meriwether: And so that's
why… Oh, go ahead.
Todd Orston: No, that's why. I'm at the
edge of my seat. That's why what?
Meriwether: You said that's
Todd Orston: We're going to have to go
back to the record, and yeah. Can you read back his last words?
Meriwether: Yeah.
Unfortunately, I have dual screens as we record this, and I have slides I'm
going through, and unfortunately I changed the slide accidentally. So if I
broke off, I apologize. See, we did not practice for this, and it's coming
across Todd is absolutely very unprofessional today.
Meriwether: I'll just skip.
Yeah. So we did put together some thoughts. And knowing that we want to be
professional, we want to end on the right note. When we come back, we're going
to talk about what you can do to make sure you do a proper trial run.
Todd Orston: Hey, everyone. You're
listening to our podcast, but you have alternatives, you have choices. You can
listen to us live also at 1:00 AM on Monday morning on WSB.
Meriwether: If you're
enjoying the show, we would love it if you could go rate us in iTunes or
wherever you may be listening to it, give us a five-star rating and tell us why
you like the show.
Meriwether: Welcome back
everyone. I'm Lee, with me is Todd. We are your co-hosts for Divorce Team
Radio, a show sponsored by the divorce and family law firm of Meriwether &
Tharp. If you want to read more about us, you can always check us out online at
atlantadivorceteam.com, and you can check out past episodes at
Meriwether: So, we are
talking about the three P's of virtual hearing: preparation, practicing, and
performing. Now we're starting to pass beyond... I could talk today. See,
that's why you need to practice, so you don't-
Todd Orston: Oh. I see a couple of
reviews coming after that one.
Leh Meriwether: No. Well, practicing is actually
part of preparation. You've got to do more than prepare, then you need to
practice to go through a trial run. We're going to talk about, whether you're
doing this on your own or you're meeting with your lawyer, here's what you
should do.
Meriwether: So if you have a
lawyer, you need to schedule a trial prep meeting. I would do it probably two
weeks, no less than five days before the trial, because you may realize there
are some things missing. You do not want to do it the day before or just a few
days before. And of that is because maybe you realize during this process that,
wow, you haven't given all the… maybe there are some missing exhibits, because
one of the things you want to be doing is putting together your entire exhibit
list with numbers on them, because in these virtual hearings, it's even more
important that ahead of time they're shared with the judge and they're shared
with the opposing counsel.
Meriwether: And the court's
going to let you know how they want to process those documents, those exhibits,
because the way I've seen it, but that doesn't mean that's what's going on in
your county, where you live, but where I've seen it is lawyers put all the
exhibits into a folder, whether it's a Dropbox folder or how whatever means
they use to share this information, they send it to the judge. It goes into a
folder on his or her desk.
Meriwether: And then as those
exhibits come up and they're asked to be presented into evidence, that's when
the judge opens them. The opposing counsel is going to get them ahead of time,
and the opposing counsel should do the same thing. They should be sharing with
you the exhibits that are going to be used ahead of time.
Meriwether: So that may be
part of the coordination. Maybe when you schedule your meeting two weeks out
with your lawyer, the exhibits from opposing counsel haven't come in yet. So
you may have to have two meetings. You may have a meeting where you sit down
with your lawyer and they ask you a bunch of practice questions, and you have a
second meeting to go over practice questions perhaps from the exhibits from
opposing counsel.
Todd Orston: Yeah. Very quickly, let me
also say this. The other reason why it's so important is, a common frustration
that I hear about is you end up in court and your counsel didn't ask something
you thought they were going to ask, didn't present a document or a piece of
evidence that you thought was important. You have to understand that attorneys,
I mean, sometimes it's even on the fly. It's our job to think about strategy,
what's important, what needs to be presented, but these meetings are so
incredibly important because if something's important to you, you need to be
able to express that to your attorney.
Todd Orston: You need to make sure ahead
of time you've said, "Hey. These documents here, I'm really expecting you
to hammer on this when we have this hearing." And if they don't want to,
then that's fine, but that's going to open the door to that conversation,
"Why don't you think this is important for me at my hearing?"
Todd Orston: So these trial prep
meetings are incredibly important. And sometimes, unfortunately when you're
working with an attorney, it doesn't always happen. There's too much on their
plate, and next thing you know it's the day before trial, you haven't met with
the attorney, and it's you're being told, "Okay. I'll meet you there at
9:00 in the morning," or, "I'll be on the call at 9:00."
Todd Orston: Well, I can tell you right
now, don't allow to happen. I'm not saying be angry at the attorney. I'm simply
saying, "Take control." Contact the attorney well ahead of time, and
say, "This is my expectation. I'd like to have this meeting, and I'd like
to do it five days, seven days, 10 days prior to the hearing, so we can iron
out any of these wrinkles, and deal with any of these kinks that might affect
my case."
Meriwether: Right. Great
point. I'm glad you added that. So along those same lines, you should put
together, "Here's what I want out of this divorce," or whatever the
hearing is. Whether it's a divorce, or custody case, or child support case, or
any type of family law case or any trial for that matter, but you need to write
down when the judge issues his or her ruling, what do you want the judge to
say? What kind of parenting plan do you want to see, what kind of child
support, what kind of alimony if that's an issue, the division of the marital
assets and debts?
Meriwether: Write all that
stuff down, or meet with your lawyer and go through all those things, and then
have your lawyer prepare a proposed order ahead of time. And you should review
that to make sure that the judge has listed everything in there. Review it
three, four, five times, because you never know what's going to happen. You never
know if they're going to just forget something or leave something out, and go
over the exhibits ahead of time.
Todd Orston: Yeah. Yeah, no, let me jump
in for a second, because again, and I'm not I'm not saying it's wrong, but
you're dealing with it from the point of view of somebody who has an attorney.
So I'm going to speak for a moment to the people who don't.
Meriwether: Right.
Todd Orston: And you may feel
intimidated by the fact that, "Oh my gosh. I have to now put together a
full legal order that the judge can sign off on," and you may not have the
skill or feel like you have the ability to do that. All right. Stay calm. All
right. I understand that the court understands that. And I don't think the
court's going to expect you to come with a full order, but, but, but, but you
need… excuse me, I'm getting all choked up... you need to go in there
understanding what you're asking for, though.
Todd Orston: So there may be a big
difference between the drafting of a formal order and going in and being very
clear in what your ask is. All right. So if you are not able to put together
that written order, okay. But when the judge looks at you in the Zoom call and
says, "What are you asking this court to do?" you need to be 100%
ready to say, "Well, here are the four core issues. There are custody
issues. There are child support issues. There alimony issues and division of
property issues."
Todd Orston: And you need to be able to
go through each one of those. "For custody, this is what I'm asking: legal
custody, physical custody, final decision-making authority. For child support,
I've run the numbers. These are some of the things I need added. This is the
number that I'm asking the court to accept." You need to be very prepared
to present all of that information to the judge, and then the judge will worry
about drafting that order.
Meriwether: Right. So a great
point. And here's another reason why you would want to do it, if you don't have
an attorney to draft it, why you would want to do this. I heard from a judge,
this is years ago, but I'll never forget it, she was presenting how to do
effective opening statements. And she said that so often, not just pro se
litigants, but also just lawyers come in to court and they give an opening
statement but they don't say what they want or what they want for their client.
And the judge is, the whole hearing, they're just taking notes but not any
particular direction.
Meriwether: And the funny
thing is I never thought about this, because I always came to court, with very
few exceptions, and there was a reason for that, but as a matter of habit I
prepared proposed orders, going back to your point, Todd, I wanted to make sure
I was on the same page with my clients. So I came to court with proposed
orders, proposed findings, if it's that kind of hearing. And it just makes it
easier for the judge.
Meriwether: So let's say you
don't do a formal order but you do do bullet points, like, here's what I'm
asking the court to grant at the end of this hearing, you can share those as
demonstrative aid to the court. In most cases, you need a double. Maybe the
other side objects, but, "This is my proposed ruling, judge," and you
go through those.
Meriwether: Here's why. It
forces you to organize your thoughts. It forces you to keep on track. It forces
you to be thoughtful and come up with a reasonable solution that's a problem
you're presenting to the judge, "Here's what we don't agree on. This is
why we had to come to you. And here's how I would like you to rule."
Meriwether: And then the
court has some parameters. If the other side does it, too, like, "Oh, I
understand where you're all going," now I'm going to hear if the evidence
fits into whether what you're asking for is reasonable or not. And also, it
helps you to remember, "Make sure you get in all that evidence." So
you're like, "Oh, I want child support, judge, in the amount of $2,000 a
month." Well, you need to make sure you present in evidence of how much
money you make and how much money he or she makes.
Todd Orston: Yeah. If you don't present
the right information, then… I mean, it's great, you can go and you can make
some good arguments, but it's not about your argument, it's about the evidence.
And it's like that with Zoom hearings, again, no different. Zoom hearings or
hearings in court, you need to understand the process, if you're doing this on
your own. An attorney is going to know how to do these things, hopefully, and
will present the case the way it needs to be presented. Each attorney has different
styles and all that, but they understand the importance of evidence.
Todd Orston: But if you're doing this on
your own, do not think you're going to get a pass by going in and not really
knowing what you're doing, thinking the judge is just going to say, "Well,
they're a pro se litigant. They don't know what they're doing." Doesn't
work that way. If you haven't proven something, then don't expect that you're
going to win on that point.
Meriwether: And when we come
back, we're going to continue to explore this topic.
Meriwether: I just want to
let that if you ever want to listen to the show live, you can listen
at 1:00 AM on Monday mornings on WSB. So you can always check us out there as
Todd Orston: Better than like counting
sheep, I guess. Right?
Meriwether: That's right.
Todd Orston: You can turn on the show,
and we'll help you fall asleep.
Meriwether: There you go.
Todd Orston: I'll talk very softly.
Meriwether: Welcome back
everyone. I'm Leh Meriwether, with me is Todd Orston. We are your co-hosts for
Divorce Team Radio, a show sponsored by the divorce and family law firm of
Meriwether & Tharp. If you want to read more about us, you can always check
us out online at atlantadivorceteam.com, and you can get transcriptions of this
shows and others at divorceteamradio.com. And today, we are talking about the
three P's of a virtual hearing: preparation, practicing, and performing.
Meriwether: We haven't gone
into detail on really the full-blown trial part, because really the trial
itself is pretty much the same, whether it's virtual or in-person. We are
trying to go over the nuances, the challenges that a virtual hearing creates.
And we are talking about preparation, of course, but we are not going into
excruciating detail because that would put Todd to sleep.
Todd Orston: Too late.
Meriwether: Okay. All right.
So where we left off, we were talking about orders. I usually like to prepare
my orders first, because then I'm, "No. Okay. Here's what I want the court
to do. What documents do I need the court to see in order to achieve these
things?" Because you can't just walk into court and say, "Judge, I
want child support in the amount of a thousand dollars a month." No. You
have to prove like, "Where did you come up with that?" So part of it
is child support worksheets. Part of it is your domestic relations financial
affidavit. Obviously, you have to have that done. We haven't gone into that,
because you have to do that whether you're in-person or virtual.
Todd Orston: You're saying, back into
the evidence, basically, think about what you're looking to accomplish, and
then that will help you back into what evidence you need to prove what you need
to prove.
Meriwether: Exactly. And what
that does is, because I've come to court, and I'm just going off of just past
experiences, where I've come to court were just 30 exhibits because I did have
a proposed order ready. And the opposing side came to court with over a
hundred, but they only introduced like 15 or 20 because the other stuff just
wasn't relevant, but they spent all this time putting together all these
exhibits ahead of time.
Meriwether: And when you put
them together, you want to have a pre-numbered exhibit list. You want to have
numbers on all your exhibits, because the judge has to have this stuff, and the
opposing counsel should have it as well before the hearing.
Todd Orston: Well, and let me just say
this. Every time I buy something online and it comes to my house and I build
it, there's always extra parts. And I don't know why, but there's always a few
extra screws and bolts. So going into court, you should have some extra
potential exhibits, but not just because you don't know where to put them, it's
actually, because sometimes there might be exhibits that you must use and then
there might be some that you might be using to counter a potential argument
that's going to be made.
Todd Orston: Or if an issue comes up or
you don't know if it's going to come up, you have documents to either defend or
to bring an issue that in some way is going to help your case. But the whole
point that you're making is a great point, which is, be prepared. You could
have the biggest table in the world and you have spread out all your documents,
but if those documents don't help you win the case, they're not helpful. It's
just taking up space.
Todd Orston: So be very deliberate in
the documents that you are using, and be prepared. Have them numbered. Have
them scanned. Have them ready to go. The last thing you want is when the judge
says, "What do you want?" and you say, "Well, I have this
evidence that proves this." And the judge says, "Okay. I'm
waiting," and then you're sitting there scratching your head going,
"How do I magically get this document into this machine to the judge, who
is many miles from here?" Obviously, the court's not going to put up with
Meriwether: They have certain
spells for that.
Todd Orston: Absolutely. Absolutely.
Meriwether: They don't know.
Todd Orston: I mean, most people don't know
that about these judges.
Meriwether: Yeah.
Todd Orston: Yeah.
Meriwether: One spell is
called email, and the other is like a shared Google Doc folder, and there's the
Dropbox spell, too.
Todd Orston: Yup. It's a strong one.
That is a strong spell. So you have to be prepared. You have to be organized.
And what we're talking about in this show is how that hasn't changed from
regular trials to virtual trials, what has changed is the methodology on how
you can get your information to the judge in that virtual setting.
Meriwether: Here's something
else to keep in mind if you're not represented by an attorney. A lot of these
judges have put together a proposed… not orders. Well, some are orders. But
they have already put together, "Hey. Here's how we want you to get us
your documents ahead of time." Some have been proactive.
Meriwether: So if you're
representing yourself, then you want to read what the law clerk or the judge's
office has sent you before you call them, because maybe they've already
answered all these questions. "We would like all the documents numbered
ahead of time. We want them in our office. You can send it by Dropbox two days
before trial."
Meriwether: So it is critical
you read whatever comes from the courthouse about how to make sure you can get
all your evidence into court before the hearing. I'm not talking about the
rules of evidence. Just to get those exhibits to the judge. If you don't get
that, then you need to contact the court and ask, "How does the judge want
me to get the documents to him or her before the hearing, so that they have
them during the hearing?" Okay.
Todd Orston: Yeah.
Meriwether: Everything from
medical expenses. Here's an example. So let's say your dispute is about,
someone hasn't paid medical expenses. Maybe it's a contempt hearing. I would
just give some practical examples. So you want to have copies of all your
receipts scanned in to a document and each one of them numbered. Maybe you have
10 receipts. Maybe you put them all into one exhibit, or they're all separate
exhibits, however you can best put it.
Meriwether: And maybe you
highlight to the court. Maybe use a highlighter. And if you scan it, make sure
you use a color where you can read what's on there. But you highlight what was
owed. You put together what letter that you send to the opposing party to say,
"Hey. I need your 50% of this medical expense." And then you even put
together an Excel spreadsheet that just breaks down on these exhibits,
"Here's what it is. He owes me or she owes me $2,000, which is 50% of
$4,000," or something like that.
Todd Orston: Very quickly before you
move on, I just want to comment. Sometimes you have to be very careful, because
if you have a bank statement but you've written all over the bank statement,
you've highlighted it, you've made notes on that piece of paper, potentially
the other side can object that it's not in its original form when you're trying
to put that evidence into play in the case. So be very careful.
Todd Orston: Oftentimes, I know I try
and I tell clients that you need to try, "Get me clean documents. Let's
put them into evidence in its pure form. And then we can add notes,"
meaning, we can then add something else, a spreadsheet or something that
explains what it is you think that document shows and proves. So that would be
the only caveat that I would add there.
Meriwether: I'm glad you said
that because that got my thinking, too. So, a part of your preparation should
be, "How do I share my screen with the judge?" So if you're doing
your closing argument or your opening statement, now keep in mind the
difference between the two is opening statement is just telling the court the
evidence you plan on presenting, what you're asking for, and what do you think
the evidence is going to prove. You can't make argument.
Meriwether: The closing is,
"Hey, judge. They presented this evidence. I produce this evidence. Their
evidence is not valid because of X, Y and Z, and my evidence is more valid
because of A, B, C and D, and this is why you should accept mine." So
that's where you get to argue, in closing argument.
Meriwether: But one of the
powerful things is to be able to pull up your exhibits on screen while you're
doing your argument to the judge. So you want to make sure you know how to do
that. So maybe you have this exhibit, and it's an email, and there is a
critical line. Maybe the email is four paragraphs long, but there's one
sentence in there that's really important, and you want to highlight to the
Leh Meriwether: In that closing argument, you can
have… so maybe it's exhibit 10, and this is we're going to a whole new level
now, but you can highlight on the document, say, "Judge, look at Exhibit
29, this email that was received on this date. I would like to highlight the
sentence, where he admitted that he's not even going to ask me about any future
medical treatments, he's just going to take action. And you know what, judge?
He did. He did all this stuff, and he said he was going to do it. In this
email, it's right here in the third sentence of the third paragraph."
Meriwether: And so the court
can easily see that. And it's very powerful in closing. It makes it easier for
the judge to rule from the bench and say, "You know what? I'm finding you
in contempt," or, "I'm changing custody," whatever you're asking
the court for.
Todd Orston: Yeah. Look, we're coming up
on the end of the show. The bottom line is: this is not the kind of situation
where you're just showing up, that you're just pressing a couple of buttons.
It's going to take preparation. And by preparation, I mean, not just having
your case prepared, but understanding how the presentation is going to be
handled in this new virtual area that we're dealing with.
Meriwether: Practicing that
Todd Orston: Absolutely. So please,
please, please, prepare accordingly. And hopefully, by doing so, you'll get the
best results.
Meriwether: Yeah. So practice
it, practice what you're going to say, practice the questions you're going to
ask, practice as if the judge is in front of you. And then the day of show up,
be very professional, very courteous. And hopefully, that helps you win your
case. Well, that about wraps up this show. Hey everyone, thanks so much for