Summer Visitation

What is Considered Summer Vacation in Terms of Child Custody?
Generally, in terms of child custody, summer visitation is considered when school lets out for the summer until when school begins in the fall. Since school is not in session, arrangements for what your children will be doing during this newfound time are needed. Fortunately, there are plenty of possibilities, from vacations and summer camps to extracurricular activities. Unfortunately, these require planning and coordination between the parents, which can be difficult for divorced parents, especially when conflicts inevitably arise.
A well-defined summer schedule helps ease these conflicts by providing certainty to make travel and vacation plans, arrange time off from work, arrange childcare, and plan for camp and other children's activities during the summer months. Most importantly, it allows your children to experience summer camps and vacations to their fullest.
Top Things to Think About Related to Summer Custody Schedules

Routine Schedule
