Divorce Strategy

What’s the Best Strategy for my Divorce?
Unfortunately, it's easy to stumble in divorce with so many moving parts and potential mistakes that could be made. The best way to ensure success going forward is to take the time to plan and create a good divorce strategy. There is no one size fits all strategy, everyone's case is unique. However, all good strategies start with choosing the right divorce attorney, educating yourself about your rights, and avoiding common divorce mistakes.
Avoid These Common Divorce Mistakes
Divorce is an already a difficult process to undergo. Emotions often run high and people feel anger, guilt, sadness and loneliness. These negative emotions may lead people to make mistakes that can potentially have long term negative effects on their life. Take some time to read through our list of common divorce mistakes. It's best to familiarize yourself with this list early on in the process.
How do I Lower the Costs of Divorce?
Divorce can be very expensive. However, there are certain actions and strategies you can take to lower the costs of your divorce without compromising on the result. First, it's important to understand why divorce can be expensive. Divorce lawyers bill by the hour, which means they have a set hourly rate and they bill their clients for every hour worked on their case. It stands to reason, the longer and more litigious your case is - the more expensive it will be. There are certain tips and strategies you can implement to make sure you don't get stuck with a huge bill.
Single Moms in Georgia
Can Dad's Win Custody?
One of the most common questions that divorce lawyers get is, "can fathers win custody of their children or do mothers always win"? In Georgia, the law is very clear on this matter. There is no presumption in favor of the mother. Custody decisions are not based on the sex of the parents, they are instead based on what is in the best interests of the child/children involved.
Should I use Online Divorce Forms?
There are several reasons why people may want to seek out online divorce forms rather than use a traditional lawyer. The primary reason is that they fear using a lawyer will be too expensive. While online divorce forms may seem convenient and affordable they present several risks. It's best to familiarize yourself with those risks before deciding to use online divorce forms. Additionally, there are many advertisements online for purchasing online forms. Use caution about paying for these since most of these forms can be found online for free.