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What is Legitimation?
In Georgia, if a child is born out of wedlock, the father must file a legitimation action to legally establish a relationship with his child. Even if the father's name is on the birth certificate, a legitimation action will be necessary if the child was born out of wedlock. It is highly recommended that fathers in this situation seek to file a legitimation action or they may forgo their rights as a father. This often includes custody/visitation and decision making abilities for the father. Once a child is legitimated, the father's rights to his child are legally recognized.
Before Legitimation, Mother has Exclusive Custody
In Georgia, when a child is born out of wedlock, the mother has exclusive custody rights. This is why legitimation is critically important for fathers. Prior to legitimation, the mother is entitled to custody of the child, exclusive of the father, and she may exercise all parental authority concerning decisions affecting the child. Essentially, before a father legitimates his child, he has no legally recognized relationship with the child, and he may not legally make decisions on behalf of the child, obtain custody or exercise visitation.
Legitimate in a Timely Manner
If you are a father seeking to legally establish your relationship with your child or children, it is important that you do so in a timely manner. If you delay in legitimating your child or children and a court subsequently determines that this delay was unreasonable, the court may find that that you have abandoned your opportunity to develop a relationship with your child. If a court makes this finding, it may deny your petition for legitimation. In some circumstances, a delay of over a year could be deemed by a court as unreasonable.