What is a Forensic Accountant, and do I Need One?

What is a Forensic Accountant?
A forensic accountant is an accountant who analyzes the bank accounts, financial records, assets, liabilities, and spending habits of one or both spouses. This analysis may be undertaken for several reasons, like determining if one spouse is hiding assets or determining a spouse's true income or earning potential to calculate child support or alimony. Once a forensic account makes findings regarding income and assets, he or she may also provide expert testimony at a final hearing or trial.

Should I hire a Forensic Accountant for my Georgia divorce?
Are you concerned that your spouse is hiding assets or misappropriating marital funds? Do you believe your spouse's income or earning potential is greater than what he or she claims of the Domestic Relations Financial Affidavit? Are you unsure how you will prove your spouse's income or assets for equitable division, child support, and alimony? If you answered one or all of these questions with a yes, then you should consider consulting a forensic accountant to assist with your divorce process. However, before you do so, you should seek the advice of an Atlanta divorce attorney first to determine if seeking the aid of a forensic accountant is indeed the best option for your case.