Family Law
What is Family Law?
Family law is the area of the law that includes divorce. However, family law is more than just divorce. Many people have family law actions that require a family law attorney's help. Family law is state specific. In Georgia, family law can include adoption, filing for paternity or legitimation of your child, grandparent rights, domestic violence issues, pre-nuptial agreements and much more. Below we have included information on common family law actions that may be relevant to you. It's important to note that family law is an area of the law that's rapidly changing. If you need help or have any questions, don't hesitate to call one of Meriwether & Tharp's experienced family law attorneys for help.
What is Legitimation in Georgia?
What is Paternity in Georgia?
Temporary Protective Order (TPO)
Family violence/domestic violence is a very serious issue. People suffering from domestic violence need effective protection very quickly. This is where a TPO comes in. Temporary Protective Orders (TPOs) are sometimes commonly referred to as a restraining order. TPOs work to prohibit contact between the party seeking the order and alleged abuser. A TPO may also order the alleged abuser to vacate the family's residence or refrain from visiting a certain place or residence. In emergency situations, TPOs can be filed and heard quickly.
Family Violence/Domestic Violence
In Georgia, domestic violence is referred to as family violence. Generally speaking, family violence is the commission of a felony or assault, battery, stalking, damage to property or trespass against family member or other persons living in the same household. Family violence is not just physical abuse. In many cases, mental, emotional and verbal abuse can make you a victim of family violence. Family violence is a very serious matter. If you believe you are in immediate danger please call 911 immediately.

Post Judgment Review & Appeals
Not everyone will be happy with the final result of the divorce. Many people wonder, "what about after the divorce is finalized? What rights do I have if I disagree with the result?" You may not have the ability to file for a modification right away, but you do have other options. In Georgia, your first three options are likely, 1) Motion for a New Trial, 2) Motion to Set Aside and 3) Appeal. A Motion for a New Trial is filed when the evidence presented at trial is inconsistent with the result. This motion asks the court to reexamine the issues and findings of fact in the initial trial. A Motion to Set Aside asks the court to set aside the final judgment of the initial trial because of some kind of legal defect like lack of jurisdiction, fraud, or some other kind of non-amendable defect. Finally, an Appeal is a complicated legal matter that allows the filing individual to appeal the decision of a lower court to a higher court for purposes of being overturned.

What are Prenuptial & Postnuptial Agreements?
Prenuptial and postnuptial agreements are contracts entered into by the parties before the marriage and after the marriage respectively. A prenuptial agreement, commonly referred to as a "pre-nup", is a contract that is designed to divide the couples assets & property in case of divorce. By contrast, a postnuptial agreement is a contract between two married parties entered into during the marriage. For people who are already married, a postnuptial agreement divides assets & property in case of a divorce.
Adoptions in Georgia
Adoption is the legal process by which a child is declared to be the legal child of an adoptive parent or parents. Adoptive parents must be several requirements that range from a particular age, residency and fitness as a parent.

Separate Maintenance
In Georgia, there is no such concept as "legal separation" as an alternative to divorce. However, there is a similar concept of separate maintenance. Separate maintenance is where a married couple can live separately but stay married and continue to receive the legal benefits of staying married. The couple will resolve all of the issues that would typically be resolved in divorce, but they will stay married and live separately and apart.