Like many things in life, the first step is educating yourself. Knowledge is power. Knowing what to expect in a divorce can definitely take a lot of the anxiety away. Feel free to browse the topics below to arm yourself with the knowledge you need to succeed in your case.

Alpharetta Divorce Lawyer

Our Alpharetta Divorce Lawyers
When selecting the best Alpharetta divorce lawyer for your case, you should absolutely consider the firm's overall experience with family law & divorce issues. Another important factor to consider is the firm's location. For the most part, where you file for divorce will depend on what county you and your spouse live in. If you live separately - your divorce will probably be filed in the county that your spouse lives in. If your spouse lives in Alpharetta, you will most likely file for divorce in Fulton County Superior Court.
It may be advantageous to seek out a family law attorney that's located near you, and has experience dealing with divorce and family law cases in the county where you will file your case. Meriwether & Tharp's Alpharetta office is fully staffed and has been helping divorce and family law clients through difficult times throughout North Fulton and South Forsyth for over 20 years.
Additional Alpharetta Divorce Resources
Understand the Typical Divorce Process
Divorce Hurts, but It Doesn't Have to be Nasty
How are you supposed to select the best divorce lawyer for you when divorce lawyers tend to say the same things?
Is it possible the traditional method could actually be making things worse?