Enforcement of Alimony Orders
What if Alimony Payments are not Being Paid?
It is not uncommon to find yourself in a situation where your ex has stopped making alimony payments. What should you do to collect alimony? What are your options in this scenario? As with orders for child support in Georgia, orders mandating that one ex-spouse pay alimony to the other ex-spouse may be enforced by either a contempt action or via garnishment and automatic wage deductions. According to Georgia law, all orders, judgment and decrees commanding the payment of temporary or permanent alimony may be enforced by an action for contempt against the non-paying party. See Kay v. Vaughan, 24 Ga. 875; Glover v. Glover, 160 Ga. 422 128 (1925). We will cover the 3 options that you have for non-payment of alimony in more detail below.