Child Custody And Phone Calls
Virtual Visitation - Telephone, Video Calls, Texts, and E-mails

What is Virtual Visitation?
The growing use of Telephone, Video Calls, Texting and Emails during Parenting Time
An important aspect of visitation is not only when you will see your children but also when you will be able to speak to them during the times in which your former spouse has parenting time. In the past, this concern was addressed solely through telephone visitation. With the advancements in technology, however, parents and children may now also communicate via text, email, video chat, and probably even more new ways in the future.
Experience has taught us that these virtual visitation options can be a source of conflict, especially if they are not discussed ahead of time. Some parents are reluctant to share any of their parenting time with the other parent. Others abuse this privilege by monopolizing a child's time during the other parent's parenting time. Others have no problem allowing their children to communicate with their other parent at any time today, but those feelings may change over time. Accordingly, it is prudent to add clauses to allow for and define, this communication.