Men Seeking Alimony
Men Seeking Alimony
As divorce attorneys, it is not uncommon for us to represent men who seek and are entitled to receive alimony pursuant to Georgia law. See O.C.G.A. § 19-6-4, et seq.
However, for many people it is very difficult to overcome the stereotype that alimony is a remedy that should be exclusively awarded to women.
As such, there are several men who, even though they would be entitled to seek and likely receive alimony, fail to seek it or even bring up the topic with their attorneys. In fact, according to analysis by Pew Research Center and the U.S. Census Bureau, although 37% of married mothers have a higher income than their husbands, only 3% of divorcing men receive alimony. This could be the result of many men being ashamed to ask for alimony or simply not knowing that they have the ability to ask for it.
There is nothing in Georgia law that prohibits men from receiving alimony. The law on this subject is completely gender neutral. However, in practice it is often more likely for women to seek and receive alimony than for men. Despite this practical inequality, no man entitled to receive alimony should fail to seek it simply because of a stereotype or because of a fear that he may not succeed. If you have devoted yourself to caring for your children and our spouse during your marriage, and need alimony (otherwise known as spousal maintenance) to help you during the post-divorce transition period, don't hesitate to contact our team of Atlanta divorce attorneys. We will be more than glad to answer your questions and walk through the possible risk and benefits of seeking alimony in your Georgia divorce.