Call (678) 879-9000 to inquire further about Meriwether & Tharp's TPO flat fee options.

Temporary Protective Order (TPO)

What is a Temporary Protective Order (TPO)/Restraining Order?
Most people are familiar with a restraining order or have at least heard the term before. In Georgia, a Temporary Protective Order (TPO) is essentially the same thing as a restraining order. A TPO is a court order designed to help victims of family or dating violence obtain protection from the individual or individuals who are abusing, harassing, or stalking them. TPOs can help victims in the same way a restraining order does - by prohibiting contact between the party seeking the order and alleged abuser. A TPO may also order the alleged abuser to vacate the family's residence or refrain from visiting a certain place or residence.
As indicated by the name, TPOs are temporary, commonly lasting up to one year. However, under certain circumstances, a TPO may be extended for up to three years, and may even be extended permanently.
Before a court will issue a TPO, the following must occur:
- A recent act of family violence between the abuser and victim;
- The victim, or someone acting on his or her behalf, must complete a petition requesting a TPO;
- A hearing where the victim will have an opportunity to speak with the judge about the abuse;
- and, If the judge finds that it is appropriate to issue a TPO, the court will issue the order, and a copy of that order will be served on the abuser by the sheriff.
Most divorce lawyers handle TPOs by requiring you to pay an initial payment or retainer (typically $2,500 to $5,000). After that, they submit a bill to you for every hour they work on your case. This makes it impossible to predict the price.
At Meriwether & Tharp, we believe there's a better way. For TPOs between two married parties, we charge flat fees. You pay one upfront cost and we handle your entire TPO. No more surprise monthly bills or unknown costs. You're dealing with enough as it is, don't settle for expensive TPO with an unknown cost. For TPOs between two unmarried individuals, or TPOs that included multiple parties, we charge a $2,500 initial payment.
Do I qualify for a Flat Fee TPO or a Traditional TPO?
For TPOs Between two Married Parties
We charge flat fees. Under this option you select your flat fee amount based on the category of lawyer that you select (Attorneys, 10+ Years Experience, and Partners). You will pay a one time flat fee and Meriwether & Tharp's experience family law attorneys will handle your TPO.
For TPOs Between two Unmarried Parties or TPOs that Involve Multiple Parties
We offer traditional representation. Under our traditional representation model, you pay an initial payment $2,500 so that our attorneys may get started on your case. Under this option, attorneys will bill by the hour for all of the work done on your case.
What can a TPO/Restraining Order do for you?
At a general level, the Temporary Protective Order prohibits contact between the abuser and the victim. In addition, the Temporary Protective Order may provide other forms of relief, such as
- Granting the victim possession of the residence or household to the exclusion of the abuser;
- Requiring the abuser to provide his or her spouse and children suitable alternative housing;
- Awarding temporary custody of minor children and establishing temporary visitation rights;
- Ordering the eviction of the abuser from the residence or household and assistance to the victim in returning to the residence or retrieving his or her possessions from the residence;
- Ordering either the victim or abuser to make payments for the support of minor children pursuant to a court order;
- Ordering either the victim or abuser to make spousal support payments pursuant to a court order;
- Ordering the abuser to cease harassment or interference with the victim;
- Awarding costs and attorney's fees to either party; and
- Ordering the abuser to receive psychiatric or psychological services to prevent future acts of family or dating violence.