Sole Custody

What is Sole Custody?
Sole Custody is a custody arrangement wherein one parent is given physical and legal custody of a child. Under this scenario, one parent is given the rights and responsibility for all major decisions regarding a child.
When is Sole Custody Likely to be Awarded?
It is uncommon to see an award of sole custody in Georgia. Georgia's public policy is to ensure that the bond between BOTH parents continues after a divorce. That said, sole custody is more likely to be awarded in extreme cases involving one of the following items:

Safety of a Child
Perhaps the most important thing that will influence a court's decision in a child custody case is when it perceives there is an issue that involves the safety of a child.

Physical Abuse
In order to ensure the safety of a child, the court may limit or place conditions to protect a child from physical abuse.

Alcohol or Drug Abuse
Abuse of alcohol or drugs can be dangerous to a child under a parent's care and may result in an award of sole custody in extreme cases.
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