Non-Mandatory Deviations
What are Deviations or Adjustments?
In addition to the Child Support Adjustments (Mandatory Deviations) that include the child's Health Insurance Premium and Work Related Child Care costs, there are several other Non-Mandatory Deviations (often referred to generally as Deviations) which MAY increase or decrease the presumptive amount of child support in Georgia. These Deviations may include but are not limited to: high income, low income, other health related insurance, life insurance, alimony, mortgage, permanency plan or foster care plan, extraordinary expense, parenting time and nonspecific deviations. The more common Deviations are discussed in detail below. However, if you are interested in learning more about any of the other Deviations listed, or the likelihood that a judge will actually exercise their discretion to grant one of these Deviations, please contact one of Meriwether & Tharp's experienced Atlanta divorce lawyers.