Extraordinary Education
Extraordinary Education
The Extraordinary and Special Expenses deviation is another one of the non-mandatory or discretionary deviations that may be made to the presumptive child support amount if the judge presiding over the divorce or other domestic relations mater determines the deviation is warranted. Deviations made to the presumptive child support amount based on extraordinary or special expenses may be made due to either parent paying expenses related to the minor child education, medical care or other child rearing expense that are deemed to be in excess of the average amounts estimated to be spent by other families of similar circumstances. O.C.G.A. §19-6-15(i)(2)(J).
Similar to the other non-mandatory deviations, the Extraordinary and Special Expenses deviation is found in Schedule E of Georgia's Child Support Worksheet. Specifically, as can be seen below, the deviation may be found on lines 12(a) through 12(g) of Schedule E.
Although the above pictures lines of Schedule E of Georgia's Child Support Worksheet are where the deviation may be found, it is not possible to input data directly in the field within these lines. As is noted in the notes in line 12(a) through 12(g) the total amount paid by each parent for extraordinary educational expenses, extraordinary medical expenses and allowable special expenses should be derived from the appropriate lines on Supplemental Table 1, which is also found in Schedule E. Once the table is completed, lines 12(a) through 12(g) will automatically be populated with the appropriate amounts.
In completing Supplemental Table 1, it is important to closely read and adhere to the labels and instructions on the table in order to ensure the appropriate amounts are entered into the correct fields, as the table may be somewhat confusing. Specifically, make sure to enter yearly amounts paid for tuition, room, board, fees books, or other extraordinary educational expense where indicated in lines 1 through 7 of the table, and enter yearly amounts paid for extraordinary medical expenses where indicated in lines 10 through 12 of the table. The specific line these amounts should be listed on is determined according to which parent pays the expense. For example, if the Father pays for private school tuition, books and other school fees, the total yearly amount paid by Father should be listed on line 4 of Supplemental Table 1. For more on how to complete a child support worksheet in Georgia, see our section on this topic.