Johns Creek
Peachtree City
Considering Divorce
Marriage Advice
Strengthening Your Marriage
Working on the Marriage
Common Marriage Issues
Marriage Tips
What do Marriage Counselors do?
Divorce Preparation
Preparing for Divorce
Planning an Exit Strategy
Information Gathering
Telling Your Spouse
Telling the Kids
Is My Spouse Cheating
What to Bring to Your First Attorney Meeting
Divorce Advice
Divorce Strategy
Choosing an Attorney
Questions for your Attorney
Common Divorce Mistakes
Aggresive isn't Always Best
Collaborative Divorce Attorney
Using Online Divorce Forms
Dealing with Narcissists
Can Dads Win?
Divorce Costs
Costs of Divorce
Lowering the Costs of Divorce
Attorney's Fees
Lowering Costs of Divorce: Uncontested Divorce
I Can't Afford Attorney's Fees
Expert Testimony
The Process
Starting The Process
Getting Started in Divorce
How long is the divorce process in Georgia?
Grounds for Divorce
Parenting Seminar Information
Complaint for Divorce
Does it Matter who Files First?
Uncontested Divorce
Contested Divorce
Discovery Phase
Discovery Overview
Failure to Respond to Complaint
Requests for Production
Requests for Admission
Mandatory Discovery
Informal Discovery
Failure to Respond to Discovery
Alternatives to Trial
Alternatives to Trial Overview
Settlement Conference
Late Case Evaluation
Separate Maintenance
Legal Separation
Trial Overview
Trial Procedures
Why You Need An Attorney
Trial Evidence
Tax Concerns
Child Custody
Determining Custody
How is Child Custody Determined
Child Custody Evaluations
- Psychological Examination
- Guardian Ad Litem
Parental Alienation
Top Custody Factors
Age to Choose Parent
Moving Out of State
Alcohol & Substance Abuse
Physical Abuse
Parental Employment
Parenting Time
Standard Visitation Plans
Supervised Visitation
Summer Visitation
Holiday Visitation
Telephone Visitation
Parenting Plans
Example Parenting Plans
Parenting Coordinator
Legal Custody (Decision-Making)
Joint Legal Custody
- Medical
- Educational
- Extracurricular Activities
- Religion
Physical Custody (Time with Child)
- Primary Custody
- Joint Custody
- Sole Custody
- Split Custody
Helping Kids Through Divorce
- Telling The Kids About Custody
- Child Refuses to Visit
General Custody Information
Top Client Custody Questions
Can Fathers Win Child Custody
Grandparents' Rights & Custody
Types of Custody
Asset Division
Marital vs Non-Marital Property
Determining Marital v. Separate Property
Property Checklist
Marital Property
Separate Property
- Premarital Property
- Inherited Property
How Separate property can become Marital
- Commingled Property
- Non-Economic Contributions
How are Assets Divided
Factors for Determining Division of Marital Property
Equitable Division is not Modifiable
Adultery & Equitable Division
Do I need a Forensic Accountant?
Uncovering Undisclosed Assets using Tax Returns
Signs your Spouse is Hiding Marital Assets
Settlement Agreements
Specific Property Issues
Marital Home & Other Real Property
Taxes & Equitable Division
Military Benefits
Stock Options & RSU
Retirement & Other Property
Retirement Assets
Top 5 Retirement Plan Mistakes
Social Security
Impact of 401k loans
Other Retirement Assets
Child Support
Child Support Basics
How is Child Support Calculated?
What is a Child Support Worksheet?
Completing a Child Support Worksheet
Gross Income
Variable Income
Imputed Income
Duration of Child Support
College Expenses
Payment Methods
What are Deviations?
Mandatory Deviations
- Health Insurance
- Child Care
Non-Mandatory Deviations
- Parenting Time
- Private School
- Extracurriculars & Summer Camp
- Travel Expenses
Child Support isn't Being Paid
License Revocation
Contempt Defense
Modification of Child Support
Child Support and Taxes
Dependency Exemption & Child Tax Credit
Uniform Interstate Family Support Act
Waiver of Child Support
Requesting an Account of Child Support
Child Support in a Military Divorce
Life Insurance Coverage
Split Custody & Child Support
Auto Adjusting Child Support
Types of Alimony
Alimony Types Overview
What is Alimony?
Periodic Alimony
Lump Sum Alimony
Temporary Alimony
Permanent Alimony
Factors Affecting Alimony
Determining Alimony
Alimony Factors
Adultery and Alimony
Proving Adultery
Tax Effect
Alimony Recapture Rule
Seeking Alimony?
End of Alimony
When Does Alimony End?
- Death of Either Spouse
- Re-Marriage
- Cohabitation
Proving Cohabitation
Alimony and Attorney Fees
Waiver of Right to Modify
Failure to Pay
Alimony Modifications
Men Seeking Alimony
Post Divorce
Contempt Actions
Contempt Defenses
Income Deduction Order (IDO)
Property Conversion
Child Custody Modification
Modifications without a court order
Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction
Interstate Jurisidiction
Child Support Modification
Change in Circumstances
Requirements for Modification Petition
Agreement between Parents
Change of Custody or Visitation
Out of State Child Support Order
Alimony Modification
Requirement for Alimony Modification
Live in Lover
Procedure to Modify Alimony
Alimony Modification Attorney Fees
No Retroactive Modifications
Post Judgment & Appeals
Transfer of 401k (QDRO)
Motion for New Trial
Motion to Set Aside
Family Law
- Legitimation Procedure
- Legal Effect of Legitimation
- Why Establish Paternity?
Family Violence/TPO
Temporary Protective Order (TPO)
Family Violence
- Prevention
- Am I A Victim?
- Child Abuse
Grandparents' Rights
Grandparents' Custody
Grandparents' Visitation
Death of a Parent
Grounds for Annulment
Common Law Marriage
Termination of Parental Rights
Child Deprivation Actions
Marriage in Georgia
Same-Sex Divorce
Step Parent Adoption
Third Party Adoption
Client Portal
Make a Payment
About Us
The M&T Difference
Atlanta (Midtown)
Our Attorneys
Why M&T
Divorce County Resources
Make A Payment
The Divorce Rate & COVID Pandemic
Aggressive isn't Always Best
Finance Your Divorce
Flat Fee Divorce
- Medical Decisions
Special Needs Children
Cryptocurrency & Divorce
When does Child Support End?
Support for Dependent Adult Children
What is Contempt?
- Single Mom Resources
- Domestic Violence Resources
Applying for a Name Change
Listen Here
Are you are determined to present your divorce case to a judge? Are you confident that t... Listen Here
Do statutes and case law favor one gender over another? Do judges presiding over divorce and custody cases base their ru... Listen Here
In this show, Leh and Todd answer a variety of questions dealing with several different topics. The questions they disc... Listen Here
It is that time of the year again where Leh and Todd have a little fun talking about what the undead and monsters can do... Listen Here
The rules of evidence can be complicated. But, a failure to understand them could result in a loss in Court when you sh... Listen Here
Understanding the reason behind a rule helps you to understand the rule itself and avoid hearing those words . . . "I o... Listen Here
Part of the reason that Leh and Todd do this show is to help people avoid trial by resolving their case. Unfortunately... Listen Here
In this show, Leh and Todd talk about the Four Truths that exist in every courtroom in a divorce or family law case. A... Listen Here
Leh and Todd continue their series about procrastination and what you can do about it. In this show, they discuss its i... Listen Here
The best laid plans can fall apart when there is no follow through. In today's show, Leh and Todd discuss 10 resolution... Listen Here
From a financial and emotion standpoint, adultery has a huge impact on a divorce. But, adultery does not always have th... Listen Here
In this show, Leh and Todd take various procedural and evidentiary questions, such as: In a child custody case, how f... Listen Here
In a first, Leh and Todd review a divorce movie on the show. They discuss the drama and realism of the Netflix Original... Listen Here
Application of the law to questions is one of the best ways to understand how divorce and family law work. Leh and Todd... Listen Here
Smart Phones have brought so many amazing conveniences to our lives. We all feel their positive impacts on a daily basi... Listen Here
At episode 150, we felt like we needed to take a quick look back. Of course, Leh and Todd decided to look all the way a... Listen Here
As society changes, so does the law. Divorce law is no exception. Over the last three decades, we have seen a lot of c... Listen Here
Being an attorney requires you to be serious nearly all the time. Every once and a while, we like to relax and make fun... Listen Here
TJ Ware joins Leh and Todd in Studio to talk about The Single Mom Network. As a single mom herself, she saw a real need... Listen Here
In a continuation from last week, Leh and Todd answer questions that have been anonymously submitted. This week they f... Listen Here
Todd and Leh take on more Divorce Questions that folks have asked anonymously. If you have questions you would like ans... Listen Here
Even without the cost of lawyers, divorce has a significant financial impact on every household. In some situations, th... Listen Here
Researchers coined the term 'Gray Divorce' about a decade ago when they noticed a trend within a certain group of divorc... Listen Here
Todd and Leh tackle several divorce specific questions in this show. They break down the legal and practical sides to e... Listen Here
Thanks Belinda Skelton for having Patrick Leh Meriwether on your recent Atlanta Living Show! To listen click below. News... Listen Here
Todd and Leh take on several family law questions that had been presented recently. As usual, the questions have more t... Listen Here
Life is stressful enough without having to deal with a divorce. For those suffering from mental illness, it can be over... Listen Here
Every year, millions of people make New Year's "Resolutions." Often they center around making more money, losing weight... Listen Here
As a follow up to episode 100, Leh and Todd explore some of the common surprises they see men experience going through a... Listen Here
When it comes to children, the legal landscape has really changed. With zero tolerance laws and an abundance of cameras... Listen Here
Co-parenting both during and after a divorce is hard work. Sometimes, it is easier to just let loose how you really fee... Listen Here
Just because what we do is very serious business doesn't mean we can't have fun sometimes. For the second year in a row... Listen Here
Many have heard that communication is the key to a successful marriage. If that is the case, why do so many marriages s... Listen Here
There are a couple silver linings to practicing divorce law. First, we are sometimes given the chance to save a marriag... Listen Here
Every so many episodes, we like to take people's specific questions and answer them on air. This week, we tackled quest... Listen Here
Had a great show with Erik Broel from the Georgia Probate Law Group to discuss probate myths and how to avoid probate ni... Listen Here
In this Episode, Leh Meriwether and Todd Orston take a series of family law questions and answer them one at a time. Th... Listen Here
Did you know that many devices today have virtual assistants that are constantly listening to you? Did you know that yo... Listen Here
At Meriwether & Tharp, protecting our client's information is paramount. But, we cannot protect the information before ... Listen Here
We have seen many divorces caused by what one spouse refers to as sexual addiction. But do psychologists even recognize... Listen Here
In this show, Leh and Todd had the honor of interviewing Bill Eddy, LCSW, JD., about his new book "5 Types of People Who... Listen Here
Over the years, we have seen marriages break down for no apparent cause. One or both of the spouses simply said that th... Listen Here
Hiring the right lawyer for you in your situation is a critical decision. Often however, people do not know what to loo... Listen Here
It is human nature to pass the blame onto someone else. On the other hand, it is extremely difficult to accept your par... Listen Here
Audrey Silcox is the creator of Divorce Tool Box. Audrey is a counselor, Certified Divorce and Family Mediator, and di... Listen Here
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