211 - You Want to Avoid Hearing this in Court: "I Object" ... Understanding the Rules of Evidence
Understanding the reason behind a rule helps you to understand the rule itself and avoid hearing those words . . . "I object." So, in this show, Leh and Todd discuss the rules of evidence. They explain how they developed over time and where you can find them. They also lay out the over-arching purpose of the rules. Tune in to hear the discuss and get better prepared for court.
Meriwether: Welcome everyone.
I'm Leh Meriwether, and with me is Todd Orston. We are your co-hosts for
Divorce Team Radio, a show sponsored by the Divorce and Family Law Firm of
Meriwether and Tharp. Here you'll learn about divorce, family law, from time to
time even tips on how to save your marriage if it's in the middle of a crisis.
If you want to read more about us, you can always check us out online at
atlantadivorceteam.com. Ready Todd?
Todd Orston: I'm ready.
Meriwether: Oh good, for
Todd Orston: Yeah. I object.
Meriwether: Just kidding.
Just kidding.
Todd Orston: Yeah, no I am ready. I'm
ready, I'm ready. No, I'm excited about today's show. We take certain things
for granted, in terms of our knowledge and experience. We go into court. We try
cases. We understand the rules, and it's easy, really easy, to lose sight of
the fact that the rules, while they're sort of second nature to us, they're not
simple. Every rule, there are rules that have 10, 15, 20 or more exceptions, so
understanding how to apply the "rules" that are in existence,
sometimes it becomes incredibly challenging, especially to people who don't do
this for a living.
Meriwether: Yeah, and if you
haven't guessed, today we're going to be talking about the Rules of Evidence.
We've never done a show about the Rules of Evidence, particularly hearsay.
We've brushed on it, or touched on it in the past, but we're going to take a
... Well, I guess for this show, take a deep dive into it. I mean we hope that
you never have to try your case. I mean in fact, we just did a show recently
with Bill Eddy and his book about how to mediate high conflict divorces.
those do go to trial, but he's developed techniques to help you settle your
case, even if you have a high conflict personality on the other side. We wanted
to spend some time to talk about the Rules of Evidence. Many great legal
battles, and small legal battles have been won and lost based on a key piece of
evidence not being able to be submitted to the judge or jury, and it changed
the outcome of the case.
we get started, I think it's important we give a caveat to this show. First
off, as you said, Todd, the rules can get very complicated, but second, the
Rules of Evidence can vary from state to state. We're going to be as general as
possible. We're going to be talking about some nuances, but just to give you
examples, but every state is going to have its own nuance to a rule of
evidence. We'll be talking in general about the federal Rules of Evidence,
Georgia's Rules of Evidence.
may go back and forth between the two, but again, we're trying to give you an
overview. The rules are constantly changing and evolving. We're recording this
in 2021. A new statute or a new case may come out next year, or next month,
after we record this that changes what we say here. Now, in general it won't,
but like was it 2014? Was that when it was here in Georgia when we redid our
Rules of Evidence, and kind of adopted the federal code? Is that when it was?
Todd Orston: Yeah, I believe so. Yeah,
keep going.
Meriwether: It's been a
Todd Orston: Exactly.
Meriwether: I mean that was
an example of a substantive change in Georgia. Georgia had rules that were
somewhat different, and we definitely are not going to go into the differences
because that was a long time ago and I kind of ... As lawyers, we all had to
make sure we are on top of all the changes. In fact, I've been in court a few
times, just a few months after the new Rules of Evidence, and I remember the
opposing attorney objecting on the basis of the old rule. The judge goes,
"No, we changed that like two months ago."
Todd Orston: I experienced that a few
times, right, where it was definitely, it was a learning curve.
Meriwether: It was a learning
Todd Orston: Anyway, but go ahead.
Meriwether: All right, so
we're going to start off with why do we have these rules? How did they develop
because this is important for you to understand, and why are they so
complicated? Then, we're going to get into what are the rules? We're going to
focus on hearsay and all the exceptions, so not all. Let me go back. Some of
these objections are probably never, most likely, would never ever use in a
divorce trial.
say most likely because as soon as I say you would never use them, somebody's
going to email me saying, "Hey, I used that objection one time." I
won't say never, but I'm saying most likely you will never use them. We may not
even hit some of the objections just because they are so rare. Probably the
reason we're giving this background as well is to help you understand why you
may ... You now know you're going to trial, and your lawyer's been representing
you this whole time. Maybe it's a year, maybe it's two years, maybe it's more
unfortunately, and you get this giant bill from your lawyer to prepare for
trial, and you're like, "Why did it cost so much? You've been so involved
in my case?"
the most part your lawyer's been involved with an absence of having to comply
with the Rules of Evidence, so when it's time for trial, that changes so the
lawyer has to look at everything to make sure that they're going to get in the
Rules of Evidence. They're going to get in the evidence you need to win your
case. That's why we're going to go through the background. We're going to talk
about the nuances, and give some examples of how a lawyer wasn't aware of
something, and as a result, they lost. A little nuance to one of the rules.
just start with, Todd, why do we have the Rules of Evidence to begin with? Can
people just go into court and tell their story?
Todd Orston: Well, without the rules it
would be chaos. It would be anarchy. The rules make sense. Once you get into
this, meaning obviously if you were involved in your own case, and you're
trying to do thing on your own, obviously, first of all I would say, "I'm
sorry," but if you have to go through this process, the rules, you will
see, makes sense. Everybody has a story, but just because you have a story
doesn't mean you just get to tell your story any way that you want.
are rules. For instance, hearsay you mentioned. You go into court, you can't
talk about an out-of-court statement made my someone to prove something that is
relevant and is being presented to the judge. You can't just say, "Well,
Bob said this, or Mary said that." Now, there are exceptions, but think
about why the rule exists. Do you want to walk into court and let's say an
allegation is being made against you, and all of a sudden the other part, or
another witness says, "Well, I heard the neighbor heard say this about him,
or I heard that person say that about the person on the other side."
do you defend against that because you don't have the person who allegedly made
that statement in court where you can cross-examine them and say, "Wait a
minute. You're saying I said something or did something. Were you there? Did
you observe that?" If the person is not there, how do you even defend
yourself, and defend against that statement that could really hurt you in the
Meriwether: Sometimes that
person comes and says, "I never said that."
Todd Orston: That's right. Exactly,
that's right. That's why what you don't want, now what you don't want is to go
into court, and think you have this fantastic story to tell, and I've seen this
too many times. They walk into court, they have the story, and they're getting
warmed up, and all of a sudden their stride, and they're like, "Now, let
me tell you the important stuff. My neighbor, Carl, Carl said ..."
"Objection, hearsay."
sir, you can't talk about something that someone out of court said. Is that
person going to be a witness? Then, you can call the witness." "All
right, well fine." "Adam said ..." "No, no, objection.
Hearsay." The entire story, it just crumbles. That entire strategy because
you can't even tell your story because it was all based on out-of-court
statements, and you don't have those people present to the witnesses and
testify in court.
reason this show, in my mind, is so important is because I have repeatedly, we
have repeatedly seen cases fall apart because absolutely important, I mean
probably game-changing evidence, gets excluded just because you didn't
understand the rule, and you did not present the evidence correctly.
Meriwether: Mm-hmm
(affirmative). The rules develop, they develop in two ways. One is by statutes.
A statute is something that legislature, like your state legislature, it goes
through the process, and then the governor signs the law, and makes the rules,
the framework of the Rules of Evidence. What is an exception to hearsay? That
sort of gets its start, but that's not the end of the development of the rules.
There's United States Rules of Evidence, that's when you're in Federal court,
and then there's ...
court does not handle divorces. That's done at a state level, but many states have
adopted the federal rules which is why we're going to reference them today. Not
just today, we're actually going to go into them in more shows because there's
no way we could cover everything we need ... There's no way we could cover
everything in one show. There's no way we can actually cover everything in just
a few shows because lawyers go to school, and have a whole semester on the
Rules of Evidence. When we come back, we're going to continue to explain how
the rules develop.
Todd Orston: I just want to let you know
that if you ever wanted to listen to the show live, you can listen at 1:00 AM
on Monday mornings on WSB, so you can always check us out there as well. Better
than, I guess, counting sheep I guess, right?
Meriwether: That's right.
Todd Orston: You can turn on the show,
and we'll help you fall asleep.
Meriwether: There you go.
Todd Orston: I'll talk very softly.
Meriwether: Welcome back
everyone. This is Leh and Todd, and we are your co-hosts for Divorce Team
Radio, a show sponsored by the Divorce and Family Law Firm of Meriwether and
Tharp. If you want to read more about us, you can always check us out online at
atlantadivorceteam.com, and if you want to read a transcript of this show, or
other shows we've done, you can find them at divorceteamradio.com. Today, we're
doing a show that, gosh I don't think we've ever done, and we're focusing
strictly on the Rules of Evidence that you're going go encounter in a hearing
or a trial.
we get into the specific rules, we will be getting into the specific rules,
we're giving you some background because I have found that when you better
understand the background, then it's easier to understand and apply the rules,
and understand why they're so complicated. When we left off, we were talking
about it starts with a statutory framework. A statute is issues. For instance,
I think in Georgia one of the statutes is 24-8-803, that talks about hearsay
exemptions, and the Federal Rules of Evidence it's 801.
don't have to write these down or memorize them. You just do a Google for the
Federal Evidence or Google Georgia Rules of Evidence, Georgia Hearsay
Exemptions. You're going to find all this information, but we're going to try
to explain things because you can read these rules and not quite understand
them. That's why we're doing this show. Okay, so you can start with the
statutes. That's what you can find online, but they don't end there.
statutes are really broad, and so you've got a broad statute, but then also,
the statute is confronted by a specific scenario that perhaps a judge or
another lawyer hasn't dealt with before, so they say, "Okay judge, I'm
objecting to this on this basis."
other one says, "No judge, you should allow this in for this reason."
The judge makes a ruling, and if it's a critical piece of evidence, the lawyer
who lost the ruling, if they lost the case, will most likely appeal it, and
sometimes the appeal could be based solely on a piece of evidence being
excluded or allowed in when it shouldn't have been, and then the appellate
courts will look at that situation, and sometimes they reverse the ruling, and
when they reverse it, they also explain why they reversed it, and now all of a
sudden that is what becomes what's called precedent.
that scenario, you've got a statute and there's a case out there that says,
"In this scenario, this is how you apply the rule to this scenario."
That's how the Rules of Evidence develop. It's not just from a statute, but
it's also from case law. Todd, can you remember an example of like a US Supreme
Court case where there was a dramatic, there was like ... I'm trying to think
of the right word. The precedent was really ...
Todd Orston: Game-changing.
Meriwether: ... game-changing
when it comes to rules, including certain expert testimony.
Todd Orston: Yeah, absolutely. You just
touched on it. The Daubert Case. It's not uncommon in really any area of the
law, for expert testimony to be presented, and so the Daubert, the case is the
Daubert, but the Daubert base completely changed and established rules relating
to expert witness scientific testimony.
set the standard for how that's presented, when it can be presented, all of
that, and what that was doing is that was basically taking the Rules of Evidence,
and to your point, saying, "Okay, here is something we hadn't really
thought about, or it's not exactly, specifically dealt with in the rule itself,
so here's a case.
looked at the facts of the case, and now this is going to be sort of the rule
moving forward, meaning the rule as to how the evidentiary rule is applied in
this specific situation, ie the use of experts, and expert testimony. Daubert
is probably one of the biggest and best examples that's out there.
Meriwether: I think part of
the problem was, part of the reason for the appeal, there was a time when an
expert witness, once you classify them as an expert, all of a sudden they start
giving this testimony, an expert testimony going back to evidentiary rules is
given a greater weight. We've talked about this in another show, but it's given
greater weight than what's called lay testimony.
was happening was experts were coming in and saying, "This is how I
analyzed it, and this is my expert recommendation, so you had all these ... as
far as the scientific reasoning, some of it was very questionable, and so the
Supreme Court said, "You know what, there has to be, if the testimony is
going to be presented, it has to be based on scientifically valid reasoning
that's properly applied to the facts of a case.
judge can exclude an expert testimony as evidence that because they're like,
"Hey, you didn't follow these sort of principles when it comes to your
scientific reasoning."
Todd Orston: Yeah, and the process now
is before they even get to the testimony, you have to get the court to accept
them as that expert. Now going to, in terms of the challenges that some people
might have, especially if they're doing this on their own, if you're going to
use, and again, an expert can be a psychiatrist or psychologist, it could be a
forensic accountant, it could be anyone who's going to take the stand.
you want their testimony to be given some extra weight, ie to be looked at as
an expert, now you have to figure out how do I get the court to accept, how do
I lay that foundation, and establish that this person has the requisite skill,
experience, education, training, to be accepted as that expert. If you can't
even get over that hurdle, whether the person has the experience or not, it
could just be your skill. You don't understand how to get them accepted as an
expert, then guess what, that testimony is not coming in.
Meriwether: Right.
Todd Orston: They're not going to be
deemed an expert.
Meriwether: I want to be
clear here real quick though. I've never seen a Daubert objection made in
court. I've never seen it. I think it's probably because there's a certain core
group of experts and lawyers use in our area, and there's no reason to go
through that because they use scientific valid reasoning in doing their
process, that's why the lawyers like to use these experts, because they can
feel confident in their conclusions.
may challenge them from time to time, but because at the end of the day, they
do make a judgment call, as far as making a conclusion, but I haven't seen any
of that. Don't fret. If you're listening, "Oh my gosh, I've got to figure
out this Daubert thing?" No, no, no, don't worry about that. That was just
an example of how a case changed how the Rules of Evidence were applied.
don't want you to panic about that at all. Don't fret about it. We're trying to
explain how these rules developed over time, and how you may understand all the
statutes and have a copy of it with you in court, and you make an objection and
you lose that objection, because there's a case out there that defines
something for you. All right, so we just want you to be aware of that. I think
if you have a relatively general grasp on the Rules of Evidence, you're going
to be okay, but if you have a complicated case, you really need to get a lawyer
to help you out. Todd, why are the Rules of Evidence so complicated?
Todd Orston: You know what, I could make
jokes, but at the end of the day, when it comes to evidence, and I remember
this from my classes in law school where there really wasn't anything funny
about my Rules of Evidence class, but no offense to my professors, it's
evolution. It's that, again, and I think you touched on this, I know you touched
on it, that rules, at their beginning, are more broad, but over the years, and
at this point we're talking many years, every fact pattern is a little bit
different, and therefore it is not unreasonable to believe that over time, the
general application of a rule, the rule may not apply in every single
instance, the rules of hearsay. Okay, hearsay, out-of-court statements, not
allowed. Well, hold on one second. I have a case here where the person made an
out-of-court statement and then was killed. Really? Right before being murdered
by the person on trial, said, "Oh my God, Sam killed me," but I can't
use that dying declaration? Okay. All of a sudden the court goes, "Okay,
well that kind of makes sense. We're going to allow for an exception. Over
time, there are more, and more, and more of those.
Meriwether: Sometimes those
case rules, like the court makes the ruling actually get embodied in a statute.
Sometimes these things can come full circle where there's a statute out there,
and then basically you create what's called ... You create case law, which is
where appellate court makes a law and then that comes full circle and it gets
reincorporated back into a statute when it's amended.
Todd Orston: Right. Again, at this
point, like you were saying, Rule 803, which sets forth in the federal rules,
but the rule 803 that has hearsay exceptions, for example, basically the
statute itself is complete with all of the different exceptions that apply, but
even those exceptions, remember then you have to start dealing with the fact
pattern. What about ...
Meriwether: You know what,
when we come back, we're going to talk about those fact patterns.
Todd Orston: Hey everyone, you're
listening to our podcast, but you have alternatives. You have choices. You can
listen to us live also at 1:00 AM on Monday morning on WSB. If you're enjoying
the show, we would love it if you could go rate us on iTunes or wherever you
may be listening to it. Give us a five-star rating, and tell us why you like
the show.
Meriwether: Welcome back
everyone. This is Leh and Todd, your co-hosts for Divorce Team Radio, a show
sponsored by the Divorce and Family Law Firm of Meriwether and Tharp. If you
want to read more about us, you can always check us out online at
atlantadivorceteam.com. If you want to read a transcript of this show or go
back and listen to it again, or find other transcripts of other shows, you can
find it at divorceteamradio.com.
we're talking about the Rules of Evidence, and the funny thing is we haven't
gotten to what the rules are yet. We're just talking about sort of why they're
there, how they developed over time, because it is important to understand all
of this, and I do want to jump in here Todd, because I think there's going to
be two different listeners to this show.
going to have people representing yourself, themselves, and you're going to
have those that are represented by a lawyer, and I think it's important for
both of them to listen to this show, and the ones that we're going to follow-up
to it with the more specific rules because I think it's important for both of
them to listen. Now, how can the show help the pro se litigant?
Todd Orston: If you're going into court,
and you're going to do this on your own, I have seen too many times, I've even
been involved in cases where the opposing party was pro se, and look, there are
rules for a reason. While judges will sometimes make exceptions for a pro se
litigant, and allow a little bit more than maybe the rules should allow, the
bottom line is, I've seen people's arguments get shut down simply because they
don't understand the rules.
start talking about what other people said out-of-court, and they try to
present things in an incorrect way, and judges take the position of look, these
rules apply to everyone. If you don't have an attorney, okay that's fine.
That's your choice and maybe it's a choice you made because financially you
can't afford and the court understands that, but that doesn't make the rules go
you walk into court and try to present a case, I have seen people's arguments
literally just fall apart because all of the evidence that they thought they
were going to be able to get in, gets excluded because it was all based on
evidence that they were trying to present in violation of the rules. That's why
if you're pro se, it's so, so important. Listen to this show. Listen to the
next show that we're going to do where we really do a deep dive into the rules.
you go into court, and you think, "Well, I have a story. I'm going to be
allowed to tell my story." Maybe not.
Meriwether: Yeah. Like I
said, we're going to try to keep it as baseline as simple as possible for you
so you don't go, "Oh my gosh. There's no way I can understand all
this." You're right. You can't understand all of it. In fact, I've seen
lawyers not be on top of all of it. I've seen judges not be on top of all of
it, and it's nothing against judges. Judges have to stay on top of so many
areas of the law, so many Rules of Evidence it's not even funny. I mean that's
why we have appellate courts because sometimes judges get it wrong. Sometimes
lawyers get it wrong.
not going to understand all of it, but we want you to understand the baseline
because once you understand the baseline, you're going to be able to get in, I
would say, 90% of the evidence you need to submit in a divorce case. I want to
add, before I get to the why people that are represented by lawyers need to
listen to this too, I want to make this one comment about how cases are
presented, at least here in Georgia.
Georgia, you can actually have a jury trial. In a jury trial, the Rules of
Evidence are really strictly enforced by the court. In front of a judge,
there's a little, not a whole lot, but there's a little leniency because the
judges can sift the wheat from the chaff, to choose an old quote. They know
what's hearsay, and they know what's not hearsay. They disregard. They can do,
for the most part, a good job of disregarding evidence that's not really
properly in front of them.
doesn't mean you don't object and lawyers don't object, but I had a trial once.
It was three days. There weren't even kids involved. There was all financial.
Between the two lawyers, between myself and opposing counsel, there were three
objections. I objected twice and the opposing counsel objected once. We knew
the judge. We knew that he was going to disregard what I would call BS
testimony, stuff that just there's no way like somebody says, "Well, I
heard Jim say that Jill said that my wife said ..." The judge is like,
"Yeah, I'm not listening to that."
know the judge's character, he wasn't going to listen to it, so we would just
let that slide because ... The funny thing is, the judge's ruling was almost
dead on to what I thought it would be because I had actually written to my
client at one point. I was like, "Here's what I think the judge's ruling
is going to be." Anyways, my point is, by me not objecting, we just kept
the case going as quickly as possible, because it could easily have been a
five-day trial if we were objecting all the time.
you may not be able to do that in every scenario, but I just want to
understand, give that caveat, which is why if you understand the very basic
rules you're probably going got be okay because the court can't ... Some
judges, not all judges, but some judges can be a little bit more lenient. If
the objection's made, they're going to enforce the objection if it's a proper
objection. We've seen judges just they know how to process evidence, and both
lawyers have confidence in that, and we get going.
both lawyers were good lawyers, I'm saying I was a good lawyer, but the
opposing counsel, he kept his client in check. If his client would start
rambling, he would reel him back in. Let's not go there. No, you can't talk
about that stuff. It made the trial so much better, and that way, when I say so
much better, all the evidence that we needed to get in front of the judge,
because neither of ...
couldn't settle the case. Despite our hard efforts, our clients had reached
their sort of a line that they wouldn't cross, and we both got it, and we said,
"All right, here's all the evidence we need to get in front of the judge,
and let him decide." That's how it happened. You could go sit in a court
room and never hear objection. That's because lawyers know what's going on.
Todd Orston: Yeah, but let me also say
this. The flip side is also true. You're right, and I'm not one of those
attorneys that likes to jump up and object all the time, but I've been involved
in cases where I had no choice. I'm one of those people where I'm going to
actually going to listen to what's being said. There are some attorneys who
will jump up and object when the testimony is just beginning, and the person is
just talking about what their name is, and objections already start to fly.
like, "Come on. That's enough. We're going to be here for three months if
you object like that. Sometimes I have had to shut parties down, or witnesses
down because they're just getting into stuff that I knew was going to be
damaging if it came in, and it was just improper.
are some judges, to your point, that will be more forgiving, and there are some
judges who will shut you down before an objection can even be made. They can,
on their own, say, "Hold on. Don't talk about what other people are
saying. Don't talk about what out-of-court statements you heard, or whatever,
and they'll shut you down.
seen people get so frustrated, especially we're not talking about my clients
but where pro se litigants on the other side, or if I'm in court waiting for my
case to be heard, and I've watched people and seen how frustrated they were because
they have this story to tell, but they didn't know how to tell it. Literally
they get shut down to the point where nothing got heard, and then the ruling
goes not in their favor. That's why it is so important.
Meriwether: I'll add this
other story here. Going back to like sometimes you just can't ... You've got to
object to testimony. There was a case where my client, there was an allegation
that he had done something that was abusive towards the minor child of the
parties. Now, it wasn't true, but anyways, supposedly the child had made some
statement, and there's an exception in Georgia, at least there was. I haven't
looked it up in years, but where a statement of a child regarding child abuse
is considered an exception to hearsay rule.
mom started testifying about what the child said. I objected, and the opposing
counsel was, "Well judge, the statute says this," and this lawyer had
been practicing for 35, 40 years. The judge was like, "Well yeah, the
statute is here, Mr. Meriwether. Why can't she testify to this?" I said,
"Judge, because here's this case, right here." The judge didn't even
know about this case. It was this example of nuance. "Judge, it says that
if the child is available to testify, then the hearsay statements can't come
me see that case." Of course, I had a copy for opposing counsel. I had a
copy for the judge. Sure enough, the judge looked it up, and the lawyer was
like, "I want to Shepardize this. They wanted to check to see if the case
law was still good. It was still good. Evidence didn't come in. Won the
hearing. Got the family violence restraining order thrown out, and later on in
a subsequent custody case, it was investigated by the guardian ad litem, and my
client was vindicated that he had not done anything improper.
just want to make that clear to the listeners, but the point is, this was an
example of nuance where there was a case, and I was able to block some damning
evidence that wasn't true, or could have been, what's the word, exaggerated.
There could have been a core statement by the child that was truthful, and the
opposing party exaggerated the statement which could have resulted in my client
losing the rights to see his child.
an example of getting complicated and honestly where a lawyer can help. When we
come back, we're going to talk about why, even if you're represented by a
lawyer, why it's important for you to understand, at least at a basic level,
the Rules of Evidence so that you can make sure that all your evidence that you
need gets into court.
Todd Orston: I just wanted to let you
know that if you ever wanted to listen to the show live, you can listen at 1:00
AM on Monday mornings, WSB. You can always check us out there as well. Better
than like counting sheep, I guess.
Meriwether: That's right.
Todd Orston: You can turn on the show
and we'll help you fall asleep.
Meriwether: There you go.
Todd Orston: I'll talk very softly.
Meriwether: Welcome back
everyone. This is Leh and Todd, and we are your co-hosts for the Divorce Team
Radio, a show sponsored by the Divorce and Family Law Firm of Meriwether and
Tharp. If you want to read more about us, you can always check us out online at
atlantadivorceteam.com, and if you want to read a transcript of this show or go
back and listen to it again, you can find it at divorceteamradio.com. Well,
Todd, it's amazing ...
Todd Orston: How good I am? I know. Oh,
I'm sorry. I thought you were going in a different direction. I'm sorry. See,
when I've got to let you finish.
Meriwether: When we came up
with this idea of going into the Rules of Evidence, on the surface, it's like,
(snoring). It sounds like it could be a boring topic, but it's actually kind of
exciting in a way because just going through evidence that gets into court,
sometimes these criminal shows especially can get ... This is a quote from
someone else, not me, juicy. What gets into court and that sort of thing.
the end of the day, it's not a laughing matter. We joke to keep it from being a
boring law school class, but it's not a joking matter because it can make a
tremendous difference in someone's divorce case, custody case, child support
case, or murder case. If we're getting into criminal law, it could make a
difference between someone going to jail for a murder they didn't commit, or a
murderer getting free, going free. It is very serious. We make light just to
keep it ...
Todd Orston: Light.
Meriwether: So we, again,
don't put you to sleep or something.
Todd Orston: Too late.
Meriwether: All right. Let's
keep going with why is it important for someone who's even represented by a
lawyer, why should they understand these rules?
Todd Orston: Well, God, I can hit this
from a couple of different angles. Number one, I'm one of those people, and I'm
not a control freak kind of guy, but I want to know the basics. I want to
understand so that my expectations are set correctly as to how things are going
to proceed. If I walk into court, or if I were to walk into court, and if this
isn't what I did for a living, I'd want to have a basic understanding.
"Hey, here's my story. Is my story going to get told?"
have seen so many people get frustrated who had attorneys, and they walk out,
and they're like, "I don't feel like I told my story." Sometimes it's
evidentiary issues, sometimes it's just a strategy disagreement that the
attorney on the other side just didn't present a certain story, but the bottom
line is, it's important because you have your story. It's your story. We've
said this so many times in so many shows, don't ever forget that this is your
case. It's not your attorney's case.
understanding the rules so that you can make sure that your story gets told is
so incredibly important. From that angle, you want to make sure that your story
is told. The other thing is you want to keep your attorney honest, right? Not
honest, but you want to keep them on-point doing what needs to be done.
you have a basic understanding, you hired the attorney because they're the
expert, but just because they know what to do doesn't mean that you should just
sort of say, "Hey, I think this is my story," and you wipe your hands
and you're like, "All right. I'm done." Get it taken care of because
that also leads you to potential problems. Just because you have given all the
information necessary for evidence to come in, you also want to make sure that
your attorney is doing the things that they need to so that your story can be
last thing you want is to walk into court and you start telling your story, the
questions, the right questions, aren't being asked of you, and then all of a
sudden your attorneys are like, "All right, no further questions,"
and you're sitting there in your mind going, "More questions. Ask me some
more questions please. My story is not told yet."
only understanding how things are going to come in so that you can think about
what you need to provide to your attorney, but also so that you understand, as
you're listening to your attorney do things, is the right foundation being laid
and basically is the stage being set for your story to be told?
Meriwether: Here's a specific
example of how things can go awry. Let's say that your next door neighbor,
Jimmy said that he heard your wife say that she was planning on faking
documents in order to make it look like she needed more alimony. You tell your
lawyer that, "Hey look, my wife faked all this stuff, and I've got proof,
or she said she was going to fake all this stuff, so the lawyer may make an
assumption, whether that's right or wrong on the part of the lawyer, we're all
all can make mistakes. Maybe we're focused on something else, and don't ask the
follow-up question of the client. Maybe the lawyer assumes that you meant that
you had heard your wife say that, so you get to court, and you get up there and
said, "Now, did your wife say something along ... What did your wife say
when it came to the document she was going to produce regarding alimony?"
You say, "Well, she said to Jimmy that ..."
course the other side's going to go, "Objection, that's hearsay."
Now, all of a sudden you can't get that piece of evidence, that statement, in,
but if you understand the Rules of Evidence, you would know that you've got to
subpoena Jimmy to come to court to testify about what your wife said about
faking documents, or manufacturing evidence. That's a specific example of how
understanding the Rules of Evidence, man make sure you communicate properly to
your lawyer.
of the time lawyer's going to hopefully have a lot of follow-up questions with
you. Again, this goes back to the point why preparing for trial can be so
expensive, because the lawyer has to ask all these follow-up questions.
"How do you know she said this?" "It was my neighbor that heard
her say that." "Oh, what's his name?" We need to send him a
subpoena, and it's going to cost money to send him a subpoena and we've got to
pay a witness fee to make sure he's in court.
he's a next door neighbor, there shouldn't be any witness fee, but sometimes
there's witness fees if the person doesn't live in the county. This is in
Georgia. You have to pay them mileage and that sort of thing. There's a lot of
steps to go to make sure they're in court to testify to that fact that you want
to get in evidence.
Todd Orston: Yeah because I can tell you
right now, going into court, and realizing at court in the hearing that you
don't have the necessary information to present certain evidence, it's not like
you can look at the court and go, "Judge, thanks so much for putting us on
the calendar today. Why don't we go ahead and move this because I don't have
all my good evidence together, so I'm going to need a little more time to build
a better case." That doesn't work. The court is going to say, "We're
moving forward today, and you should have had everything ready by today."
get one shot. That's the other point that I'm going to make before we finish
today. When you're thinking of things in terms of I'm going to have an opportunity
to go in front of a judge, whether I want it or not, I would love for everyone
to settle every issue, but whether you want it or not, if you're going to have
to go in front of a judge, you better be prepared. If you don't understand the
basics regarding evidence, you're not prepared. That's the whole purpose of
this show.
Meriwether: Yeah. Make sure
you understand the basics, or at least the next one's the basics. I think this show's
more why it's so important you understand the basics. I mean again, we're going
through all this, we're talking about this in such detail, and such length too
so that when we get to these, the rules, you're going to pay a little bit more
attention because sometimes, I mean I've seen it over the years, just people
kind of blow it off. "Well, the judge is going to listen to what I have to
say." It's like, "No, that's not going to happen."
touched on, on the last show, or the other show, about just the four general
types of evidence, talking about relevance. It has to be relevant too, so
that's another core issue. We'll get into the specifics though in the next
show. More talking about the exceptions of hearsay, with the assumption that
the information you're providing is relevant. If it's not relevant, even if
it's not hearsay, or there's an exception, it's not coming in.
got to be relevant to the issue before court, so that's the other important
thing. At the end of the day, the basic rule, hearsay, an out-of-court
statement going to the truth of the matter asserted, that does not come into
evidence. That's the simple part. The complicated part is all the exceptions to
that simple statement.
Todd Orston: I was just going to say
that I've coached mock trial with high school students where they're given a
fact pattern, and I can tell you right now, the biggest challenge isn't
understanding the facts, it's learning all the Rules of Evidence.
the exercise. Going in front of the people who are acting as judges, and these
high school students learning all of these rules and learning then how to apply
them during the presentation of this fake case, this mock trial. It is not
easy, and I'm not talking about, "Well, they're high school
students." These are really bright kids. It is incredibly challenging.
Meriwether: I'll say also
sitting as the judge, because I've been in those mock trial environments where
I was the judge of the hearing, judges have to stay out on top of all the rules
to make sure you're making a fair ruling. Sometimes you have to take a moment
to, "All right, what's your objection? What's your response?" You're
kind of listening for them to go, "Oh, that triggers, oh yeah, no, no. No,
you're wrong."
everybody, that about wraps up the show. When we come back next time, we're
going to talk about all the, well most of the exceptions to the hearsay rule.
Thanks so much for listening.