Episode 149 - Changes to Family Law Over the Years
Meriwether: Todd, can you
believe that we're almost at episode 150?
Orston: Liar.
Meriwether: What am I lying
Orston: Yes, I can
believe it, seeing as how we've been talking about it for the past week and a
half. I believe it. It's pretty amazing, jokes aside. We've been doing this for
several years now, and like you said, we're coming up on show 150 and it's kind
of crazy.
Meriwether: I know. What's
also crazy is how much the law has changed just in the time we've practiced
law. It's pretty amazing.
everyone. I'm Leh Meriwether and with me is Todd Orston. Todd and I are
partners at the law firm of Meriwether and Tharp and you're listening to the
Meriwether and Tharp Show. Here, you'll learn about divorce, family law, tips
on how to save your marriage if it's in the middle of a crisis, and from time
to time even tips on how to take your marriage to the next level. If you want
to learn more about us you can check us out online at atlantadivorceteam.com
I figured-
Orston: I think you
already teased it. I'm not sure, but are we going to talk about changes to
family law?
Meriwether: Why not.
Orston: Nothing gets by
Meriwether: You're so amazing,
Orston: And we have that
recorded. Thank you. We're going to talk about changes to the law, because
you're right, even over this short period of time... I mean, it's a few years,
but still... the law has changed in pretty significant ways. You've been
practicing a lot longer than me, of course. You're much older.
Meriwether: And wiser.
Orston: You've been
practicing longer, let's just leave it at that.
since you and I started practicing at around the same time, the changes that
we've seen in the law and the ways that... When we say changes to the law, it's
not just the law itself, meaning the wording of actual laws that apply to
family law; we're talking about the way courts look at different issues and
consider different issues, and even issues that weren't topics of conversation,
for the most part, back when we first started are now commonplace. Hopefully,
we're going to use this show to go into a lot of those.
Meriwether: Let's start with
custody, because a lot has changed.
Orston: Just don't say
it that way any more.
Meriwether: Just don't say
Orston: It's a little
Meriwether: Well, okay.
Orston: Custody.
Meriwether: Custody.
Orston: Got it.
Meriwether: A long time ago,
in a galaxy far, far away... All right, seriously. We used to have what's
called the tender years doctrine. I know that was here in Georgia. I don't know
how prevalent that was. I don't know how many other states had something
similar to it, but this was as late as the '80s that a lot of places had this.
Orston: My understanding
is it applied throughout the 50 states, meaning the majority of the states
either adopted it or their own laws were based on the tender years doctrine.
Meriwether: The tender years
doctrine was that in the first... I think in Georgia it was... eight years of a
child's life it is presumed... meaning the court starts here... that it is in
the child's best interest to remain with his or her mother. That was the law of
the land for a long time. As society evolved and women started going into the
workforce and you had two household families, that presumption was no longer a
presumption and they changed the law. They removed that altogether so that it
was gender neutral. There was no presumption. They got rid of it.
I won't
mention any names, but I will say that there were still some judges that
practiced the tender years doctrine for years after the fact.
Orston: And there are
some judges still that... Maybe they don't think of it in terms of the tender
years doctrine, but they lean in that direction regardless. But nowadays... and
a lot of people listening have probably either read or heard that a lot of what
the court does is apply a certain standard, and it's the
best-interest-of-the-child standard. That's what really applies. By getting rid
of the tender years doctrine, what the law basically said to judges is think
about what's going to be best for a child. That might be the mom, but it might
be the dad.
Meriwether: I think the next
evolution was not necessarily something in the law, it was just how things were
happening in a lot of states around the country where courts were favoring
moms. Even though the tender years doctrine had been removed from the law, you
saw a lot of courts... and I'm going by statistics... 80, 90 percent of the
time, depending on the state... 70 to 90 percent of the time you would see moms
winning primary physical custody.
Orston: Absent really
bad behavior, there was that presumption.
Meriwether: Then, as things
evolved, we're seeing more judges here in Georgia granting 50-50 custody. I
will say in many states, however, the presumption has now changed: that it is
presumed to be in the best interest of the children to spend 50% of the time
with each parent. It's moved from presumed that one parent... in this
particular case, it was the mom... It has moved from presumed best interest to
be with mom to be in the best interest to be with both parents equally, which
is a huge pendulum swing.
Orston: Absolutely a big
swing. I have been practicing since the '80s, so since the '90s I can tell
you... and we've talked about this... when I was just starting in family law...
so we're at the end of the '90s, beginning of the 2000s... I can tell you right
now that I took training to be a guardian ad litem. I will never forget: when I
took that training they actually brought someone in, an adult, who spoke about
the evils of joint physical custody. We were taught that is not a viable or a
good solution for a child or children. This person came in, said he was a
product of that, and it basically negatively affected his life.
I'm not
taking anything away from his experience, but talking about pendulum swings, I
was literally taught, "Do not do this." As a guardian ad litem,
somebody appointed by the court to represent the best interests or the
interests of a child... they don't represent the child, they represent the
interests of the child and make an announcement to the court in the context of
a custody determination.
Meriwether: Or recommendation.
Orston: Or
recommendation, right. It swung, or has swung, from that to nowadays you have
more and more courts being okay with a joint physical custody arrangement as
long as you can prove that's going to be in the child's best interest.
Meriwether: That's
particularly here in Georgia because we don't have a statute saying that, but
there are states now that have a statutes that say, "The presumption is
50-50 custody to be in the best interest of the child." Then you've got to
come in and provide evidence to show to the court that is not in the child's
best interest.
I went
to seminar probably 19 years ago now, and the presenter was a psychologist and
she had been following a lot of longitudinal studies... often 15, 20 plus years,
and they follow families. In this case, the hypothesis was, "Does 50-50
custody harm the children?" And the answer was no, or I guess the
hypothesis... the affirmative statement... that it harms the children, the
answer was that's wrong. The hypothesis was wrong.
One of
the studies I read went further to say... The goal was to determine whether it
really was harmful to children or not, so they followed all these hundreds of
families that had a joint physical custody arrangement. The results of the
study was that it didn't harm that at all any worse than where dad has every
other weekend. But their evidence said that those children that had the 50-50
custody arrangement were more emotionally adjusted as adults than the children
that weren't, but they said, "We can't go into that because that wasn't
the hypothesis we were working with."
really interesting, so a lot of states have taken that research and changed
their laws.
Orston: Now let me say,
here in Georgia I don't want that to mean that you need to go into a custody
case with the assumption that there will be a presumption that 50-50 applies,
because that's not Georgia.
Meriwether: Yeah, because
that's not Georgia.
Orston: That is not the
case. But, where an every other weekend with maybe a mid-week dinner was maybe
a norm for the father, I can tell you over the years that has extended. What
was the norm then, now the norm might be instead of a Friday to a Sunday with a
mid-week dinner, it could be Friday to Monday.
Meriwether: Or Thursday to
Orston: It could be
Thursday to Sunday or Thursday to Monday. There's a lot more time given to
fathers and that's why courts are leaning also in favor of joint.
Meriwether: Up next, we're
going to talk about other areas of family law that we have seen transformed and
changed over the course of the past few decades.
I just
wanted to let you know that if you ever wanted to listen to the show live, you
can listen at 1:00 AM on Monday mornings on WSB. You can always check us out
there as well.
Orston: Better than
counting sheep, I guess. You can turn on the show and we'll help you fall
Meriwether: There you go.
Orston: I'll talk very
Meriwether: Welcome back,
everyone. I'm Leh Meriwether with Todd Orston. Todd and I are partners at the
law firm of Meriwether and Tharp and you're listening to the Meriwether and
Tharp Show. If you want to read more about us, you can always check us out
online: atlantadivorceteam.com. And if, for whatever reason, you're catching
this show in the middle and you missed the first part, well you can always do
to divorceteamradio.com and find other ways to listen the show, as well as read
transcripts of this show and others.
we're talking about the changes that we've seen to family law over the past few
decades. A lot of them occurred while we were practicing, so we've seen the law
evolve not just from a statutory perspective. When I say statutory, it's what
the legislature... they enact laws laying out how judges are to decide cases.
But also case law: how courts are deciding things, how they're analyzing
things. We've seen an evolution and part of it is because society has changed,
and unfortunately sometimes the law is slow to catch up.
A good
example is the moving from tender years doctrine to, in some states, a 50-50
custodial arrangement as being the default. That's also a result of so many
families are now dual income families. You don't see as many families with stay
at home moms or stay at home dads any more. Society has changed and the law has
changed with society.
Orston: Another good
example is relocation. As we have become a much more transitory population, it
has become more commonplace for people to want to move. Where, in the past, a
court might've had a lot more problem with one party saying, "I want to
relocate," whether it was for a job, to be closer to extended family,
whatever... While a court may have been more upset about it in the past, now
it's much more commonplace. People looking for a job are not geographically
isolated and limited. You might look for a job and find a job across the
Meriwether: Or your current
job moves you across the country.
Orston: Exactly. It used
to only be the military where you dealt with that quite often where someone was
like, "Right now, I'm at a base in Georgia, but I've just been moved to
California. I've just been moved to somewhere else: Alabama."
Meriwether: Guam.
Orston: Yeah. We would
have to deal with those kinds of relocation issues quite a bit, but now people
will take jobs and they're all over the country. On top of that, they may have
moved here for a job, but then they're going through a divorce and they're
like, "We lived for a long period of time in this other state. Both of our
extended families live in that state. I'd like to go back."
Meriwether: What was really
interesting is that for 30 years in the state of Georgia that a relocation was
not... this is by case law... considered a substantial change in circumstances
to merit a modification of custody. Just to give a brief background on what it
takes to change a custody agreement, when you go to the court you have to be
able to show the court that there has been a substantial change in
circumstances where the current parenting arrangement is no longer in the
child's best interest.
thought it was crazy, when I first learned about this decades ago, that the
supreme court was saying, "A move is not a substantial change in
Orston: Relocation in
and of itself was not considered a substantial change.
Meriwether: I did not agree
with that.
Orston: Me neither.
Meriwether: It took somebody
in the mid-2000s to... I guess they decided, "All right, I'm going to
challenge this," and they took it up to the courts. They did it the right
way: they had all kinds of data, they had experts come in, if I'm remembering
this case correctly. They presented this and the supreme court changed their
ruling. They said, "We're going to throw out the 30 years of prior case
law because we think society has changed and this law is no longer
Florida it's even more restrictive than Georgia in that if you move more than
50 miles from your current location... not move to another state, like in
Georgia... you have to petition the court to relocate with the child. Part of
that is because the courts are starting to default to the 50-50 custodial
Orston: So you're saying
that if you're the one moving that you have to petition the court to be
permitted to move, as opposed to you put the other party... Here, the way it
works is that there's a notice requirement. Let's say you have 60 days notice.
You have to say, "My intention is to relocate more than 50 miles, 100
miles, out of state." And you put them on notice. Then it's for the other
party to decide whether or not they want to file a modification stating that
that relocation will substantial and materially your custody rights.
you're saying you have proactively petition the court.
Meriwether: The one moving has
to petition the court, so it's a lot more challenging. I don't know the
legislative background, because while I have handled cases in Florida that's
not my primary area and I've never delved into what developed that, but I'm
sure part of it was to encourage parents to live close together for the sake of
their children, but it's interesting the differences.
The key
point is that wherever you're listening to this, you need to talk to an
attorney if you're thinking about changing where you live.
Orston: Listen, it's
always a gamble. I had a case once where... and this is now probably about 10
plus years ago... all the reasoning for my client's desire to relocate was
sound. She had gotten remarried.
Meriwether: I thought you were
going to say it was really noisy where she lived.
Orston: No, it was not
based on sound. I'll try to write my comments out ahead of time so you can
study them and understand.
So it
wasn't like, "I want to move simply because I want to get away from my
soon-to-be ex-spouse." There was a legitimate reason: she was remarried.
She put the other party on notice. "My new husband lives in another state,
so we want to be together." So we had all that evidence, but unfortunately
the court was like, "No. Ma'am, if you leave, I'm changing custody."
I was able to very quickly backpedal before that became the order of the court,
and my client kept custody, but it was with that condition.
Meriwether: She couldn't move.
Orston: Yeah. "If
you move, that's going to change something."
Meriwether: She can move, but
the child stays.
Orston: That's an
important point, that the court cannot force an adult to do anything. In
Georgia, the way that it's working is the court can say, "You can't move,"
but what that really means is that child cannot move. The court has
jurisdiction of the child, but an adult can do whatever they want. In that
situation, the court looked at me and was like, "Tell me what your client
is going to do because that's going to dictate what I do."
Meriwether: That was awfully
nice of the judge.
Orston: I was very
Meriwether: Another thing that
I've seen develop over the years is co-parent counseling. We didn't really this
years ago. The fact that there are counselors out there that their job is to
help two parents learn to communicate better for the sake of their children is
pretty amazing. Now, some states even have what's called co-parenting
coordinators. We can have orders of that in Georgia.
I want
to say California actually has a statute that recognizers co-parenting
coordinators as an arm of the court. Now, we're not California lawyers, this is
just based on my recollection of talking to a California attorney a few years
ago, but a judge can order... if there's two parents that are struggling in the
divorce... the appointment of a co-parent coordinator, and they actually are
given authority to make decisions. So if you've got two parents that are
fighting over something, before they run back to the court and clog up the
court system, this co-parenting coordinator can hear both sides and say,
"Here's what we're doing."
Orston: You have to
understand that a lot of the push to allow for these third parties to step in
and take on those roles is that courts don't want the system to get clogged.
They actually like mediation. At this point, most people have heard of
mediation. They know someone that's gone through mediation, and it became so
common because it was a great method in the eyes of the court to resolve a
case, which means that you're keeping that case off of the docket, or getting
off of the docket faster, and keeping them out of court.
same thing goes for these parenting coordinators. These kinds of people can
step in and, hopefully, pave the way to resolving issues before they blow up
into something that requires court intervention.
Meriwether: I kind of wish
that Georgia would explore something like that, because we see judges all the
time... not all the time... but it seems like every year I see at least one
case where a judge has issued an order granting the divorce, essentially
closing the case, and saying that once the child's counselor thinks it's okay
that dad can move from supervised visitation to regular visitation, and the
supreme court has said... I should say, the Georgia supreme court has said that
a judge can't do that. They can't allow a third party to make a change in
parenting time later on. It's got to be the court.
only way that's going to change is... That's a potential future change.
Orston: Absolutely. At
show number 300, we'll talk about it.
Meriwether: Yes, that would be
very interesting. You know what else is interesting? The changes to alimony
that we're going to talk about up next.
Todd Orston: Hey everyone, you're
listening to our podcast, but you have alternatives, you have choices. You can
listen to us live also at 1:00 AM on Monday morning on WSB.
Meriwether: If you're enjoying
the show, we would love it if you go could rate us in iTunes or wherever you
may be listening to it. Give us a five star rating and tell us why you like the
back, everyone. I'm Leh Meriwether and with me is Todd Orston. Todd and I are
partners at the law firm of Meriwether and Tharp and you're listening to the
Meriwether and Tharp Show. If you want to learn more about us, you can always
check us out online; atlantadivorceteam.com.
Orston: That's all
Meriwether: We still have more
time. That's not all.
Orston: Oh, for you it
is. I am pulling the plug.
Meriwether: All right, well
you can finish the show, then.
we're talking about the things that we have seen over the years, the changes to
family law that we have seen over the years. We started talking about custody.
We spent a couple of segments on that just because there's a lot to it.
Orston: There's a lot to
Meriwether: There was a lot to
custody with a lot of changes we've seen there. I'm sure we haven't even
covered all the changes, just some of the bigger ones we remember. We're going
to talk about alimony, but before I get there, I was at a mediation the other
and our mediator, who'd been practicing law just a bit longer than I have... he
had graduated law school in 1977... he made a comment that when he was in law
school the word mediation was never mentioned once. There was never discussions
about mediation. There was never discussions about alternative dispute
resolution. It was all trial, trial, trial.
I think
that has been a huge change over the years to where courts now have orders in
place that you can't have a final hearing... in some cases, you can't even have
what's called a temporary hearing... until you've attempted mediation.
Orston: I would say, in
terms of biggest changes, it is the most widely adopted changes to the systemic
approach to divorce. Again, it goes to a court's desire to keep people out of
court. What I've said to people, when we talk about these issues, is just think
about every single case was not only filed but then needed a trial. If
everything had to be resolved by the judge, the system would shut down, or
every county would need about 100 more judges.
Meriwether: Or it would take
10 years to get a divorce.
Orston: The courts have
really embraced alternative dispute resolution because what it's doing is it's
getting people out of the system. It's also allowing them to have a bigger hand
in getting a resolution that comes from them rather than a third party. How
many have you heard, we're in court, and a judge is like, "I'm going to
give you guys an opportunity. Why don't you step out into the hall, because if
you want me... a third party who doesn't know you, doesn't know your kids,
doesn't know anything about what you're dealing with... You want me to be the
one that's making life decisions for you family? Why don't you step out there
and see if you can't work some things out. If you need, there's a mediator
waiting for you."
the interesting thing and what I love: not only do they love mediation, a lot
of these courts also have, on staff... especially the bigger counties...
mediators waiting the wings. Courts will go, "Look, you have a trial
today. That's fine. You can have your day, but by the way there's a mediator
sitting out there and if you want some help just let me know and I'll let you
use the mediator."
Meriwether: That's only
certain counties, because there's a lot of counties [crosstalk 00:26:08].
Orston: It's not a lot,
but the bigger counties that have that ability to have people just on staff...
not on staff, but waiting.
Meriwether: Not just in family
law. I've seen it in all kinds of other arenas. Small claims court,
landlord-tenant cases... Mediation has really been something that has evolved.
Even in the '80s it was just getting started. There may have been some waves
starting back then.
cool thing is arbitrations, because for the longest time... at least in
Georgia... the only one who could decide custody was a judge. I think it was
2007 or 2006 the legislature allowed the parties to pick an arbitrator to make
custody decisions. Now, they could appeal that decision and the judge could
double check the arbitrator, but at the end of the day that also allowed some
parties that may have had some private issues that they didn't want to be made
public in a courtroom, they could go have their case heard by an arbitrator.
Orston: Yeah. In terms
of changes, I'm going to say over the last four to five years... I'm not going
to go so far as to say it's prevalent... the use of private judges in these
cases has become much more popular. I think a lot of that has to do with a lot
of great judges have retired relatively young, you know what I'm saying? They
put themselves out there as what we call a senior judge and a lot of them put
themselves out there that they're willing to take on... which really is
arbitration... as a senior judge to basically become a private judge. And what
does it do? It gets you out the system. You might sometimes have to wait two,
three, four, five months to be heard on a final trial calendar.
Meriwether: At least.
Orston: With a private
judge, you can expedite that. As long as the parties are ready, you might be
able to get a... Within 30 days you might be able to get with a private judge and
have the entire matter dealt with. The great thing is that you might be able to
get somebody who was a sitting family law judge who knows the law, understands
the ins and outs of custody and all the other issues, and you're done.
Meriwether: Another nice
change that we've seen.
is something that has been really evolving. I think if there's been a, quote,
monumental change, the only one I may have seen since the '80s till last
year... or the beginning of this year... is that it's no longer tax-deductible
and taxable to the receiver, tax-deductible to the payor. That to me is
probably the biggest alimony change: from a legal perspective, what the law has
changed, because that changes the dynamic of the negotiations. You run the math
on it, it's really not... It can be very unfortunate, because there's less
money to go around.
Orston: The long and the
short of it is that before, when it was being handled by the... The payor would
not pay taxes on that money. The recipient would pay the taxes. The payor would
pay... just using a number... 3,000 dollars in alimony, but they were done.
That 3,000 dollars, in essence, comes off of their income. The recipient has to
pay the taxes and the recipient, more than likely because they're receiving alimony,
has a lower tax bracket. They're paying a lower tax amount and that allowed for
you to negotiate higher alimony awards because of the way it was structured.
they changed that, automatically it's great for the recipient except for the
fact that it opens the door to re-negotiation... not re-negotiation, but a
different kind of negotiation because 3,000 dollars is now 3,000 dollars plus
the tax impact. So it's a bigger hit, which means that maybe that person can't
pay 3,000. Maybe they're like, "I can only pay 2,500."
Meriwether: Or two.
Orston: Or two,
"Because I have to take into the account the taxes."
Meriwether: I do feel like
alimony is kind of phasing out. This is even before this tax change. Not to say
it's not still being awarded, but years past... maybe a couple of decades
ago... there were a lot of cases where alimony was practically a given. I don't
know if it was an expectation, but you could reliably say to your client, with
a 99% probability, "I think you're getting alimony in this case."
it's hard to make that probability... I don't want to say a promise, because we
can't promise anything, but we can't estimate things like that any more.
Orston: Yeah. If I could
put my finger on what I think the biggest change is, I would say there's a
bigger expectation by courts that the recipient of alimony... there's an
expectation that they should be getting out there and earning and supporting
themselves. It is more rehabilitative in nature than it has ever been in the
past. That doesn't mean a lifetime award is impossible, but it's a heck of a
lot more unlikely than it used to be. Tell me if I'm wrong.
Meriwether: There may be
states that... but where we have offices, that's kind of what we're seeing.
Orston: I have seen
judges time and time again take into consideration not just that party's needs
but, "What do you need to do to ween yourself off of the need for
alimony?" And if you have degrees and even if you haven't worked for 10,
15 years... If you haven't worked for 10 or 15 years and you're in your mid to
late 60s, that's a different story. If you've been married for 10 or 15 years
and you're in your 40s, the court will understand and alimony will probably be
awarded, but the court is also going to be looking at you going, "It's not
going to be lifetime. You need to get out there and do something. If you have a
degree in training, go get more training. Do whatever you have to do so that
you can be self-reliant."
Meriwether: "Get
re-trained so you re-enter the workforce."
Orston: Right.
Meriwether: That's an
interesting change.
also seen, especially here in Georgia, a huge change to child support. I think
the biggest change was that in the past, the people who had to pay child
support, it was paid on a percentage of their income only. Sometimes those
awards could be huge. They weren't consistent. You could have one judge award
1,000 dollars a month: the next judge, on the same set of facts, award 2,500
dollars a month. It was creating a very disparate impact depending on which
judge you were in front of.
next, we're going to talk more about those changes to child support as well as
changes to equitable division.
I just
wanted to let you know that if you ever wanted to listen to this show live, you
can listen at 1:00 AM on Monday mornings on WSB. You can always check us out
there as well.
Orston: Better than
counting sheep, I guess.
Meriwether: That's right.
Orston: You can turn on
the show and we'll help you fall asleep.
Leh Meriwether: There you go.
Orston: I'll talk very
Meriwether: Todd, you're just
talking too slow today. I don't know what it is.
Orston: I've been
accused of many things. Talking too slowly? Never.
Meriwether: We've got so much
to cover.
Orston: And you're
wasting time.
Meriwether: Welcome back,
everyone. This is Leh and Todd, and you're listening to the Meriwether and
Tharp Show. If you want to read more about us, you can always check us out
online: atlantadivorceteam.com.
down to the last segment. Let's cover the last things. What we've been talking
about this whole show is changes that we've seen to the law, especially family
law, over the course of the last several decades, or few decades, I don't know.
Todd's pretty young.
Orston: I'm nine. I'm a
prodigy. I became an attorney when I was three.
Meriwether: We talked about
changes to custody, the evolution of mediation and alternative dispute
resolution, changes in alimony, and we started talking about changes in child
support, because we've seen... especially here in Georgia. There was this huge
switch from focusing only on the person paying child support to switching to
what's called an income sharing approach, which I think is a lot fairer,
because I've seen cases where the person paying, they made about 30. The person
receiving the child support made about 100, and arguably the one making 100
really didn't need child support.
Orston: Or not the full
amount, where it used to be application of a percentage to the gross income of
the payor, ignoring the income of the recipient. Now, the recipient's income is
taken into account, so I try to explain that if the recipient has three times
as much income, then the percentage, the ratio, in the current calculation...
We have other shows and stuff where we go into this more fully. It fixes the
numbers. It takes that into account so that the payor, there is recognition of
the fact that they make a lot less than the other party, the recipient, and it
tries to level things out and make it more fair.
I agree
with you. I think it was a necessary change and it was very helpful and fair to
the payors of child support.
Meriwether: And I think
overall it was fair to the children, because... staying within the realm of child
support... we would see cases where... especially when we had the big downturn
back in 2008... where people are trying to pay their child support but they
just can't. So they're being dragged into court for all kinds of things, all
kinds of issues surrounding... They can't pay their child support: it's the
majority of their monthly payment is child support, because it's after taxes,
and they barely can live. So when the kids are coming to see dad, who's paying
this incredible amount of child support, dad barely has any money to do
anything with the kids, whereas mom gets to do all these great things with the
kids. Dad can't do anything.
giving some extreme examples here, but there was a fair amount of inequity that
I feel like the new child support guidelines has corrected. Then they also
changed the guidelines to... this happened two years ago, I think... The courts
can now take into consideration the expenses... it has to be reasonable, of
course... of the payor.
Orston: Within reason.
As I like to sometimes joke, you can't argue to the court that "My third
Porsche is killing me. Unfortunately, judge, I would love to pay, but I
can't." That's not going to fly. It has to reasonable, normal, ordinary
kinds of living expenses, and if after that you don't have the ability to pay
more, then that's going to be taken into account.
I will
also say that there's been some decent clarification regarding contempt,
because in terms of defending against a contempt, it has become very clear over
the last several years that you have to do everything... beg, barrow, don't
steal... in order to comply with that court order. You can't simply say,
"I just didn't have the money. I'm so sorry. I tried." A lot of
judges... and the case law supports this... are absolutely pushing those people
to prove... "If you're going to come before me and you didn't comply with
the court order, and I want to make sure that you have done everything possible
to comply." You can't just say, "I'm not making as much as I..."
"Okay, I understand it. Have you gotten a second job? Did you go to family
and friends to see if you could barrow? How about taking out another credit
card? Have you done everything that you can?" If you can't prove that,
then more than likely you're going to be held in contempt.
Meriwether: Yeah. Going back
to where I wanted to get on the 2008 situation, back in 2008 we saw people that
couldn't pay. They lost their jobs, they couldn't pay. They finally get a job,
but a contempt action has been filed against them. They just got a job. They
walk into court, say, "Judge, I just got a new job. I'm going to start
making payments," and there were judges throwing those folks in jail, and
then they lost their brand new job they got and unfortunately the child didn't
get the child support. But if the court had said, "Okay, go to work. When
can you make the next payment? Let's have a follow up hearing and see if you're
following this."
changed the statute now, where you can actually have... I forgot what it is.
Pat would know. Where the person can be referred to a government organization
to help them find a better job. So rather than just immediately throwing them
in jail...
Orston: I will tell you
this. Jail, I will tell you this: a big swing also. It is hard... not
impossible... difficult to get a judge, especially if it's not just a long term
thumbing of the nose at the court order...
Meriwether: Yeah, we're not
talking about the deadbeat dads.
Orston: It's really hard
to convince a judge to not at least give the non-paying spouse or non-compliant
spouse some opportunity to comply. Jail is going to be the last option
considered by the courts.
So what
are some other changes?
Meriwether: I believe in the
last couple decades they've made it where if you have a professional license
you can lose it if you don't pay your child support: that they can suspend your
driver's license for not paying, they can seize your tax returns. There's a
bunch of cool things there: a little more enforcement power of the state to
make sure... Now, we're talking about the deadbeat moms and dads who aren't
paying at all.
Orston: What about
equitable division?
Meriwether: In equitable
division, I think the biggest thing we've seen there is the removal of fault.
In Georgia, there's 13 grounds I believe that you can file on, but in Florida
it's one ground. It's no fault, period. The courts there and up here...
adultery just doesn't have the same impact that it did two decades ago.
Orston: Here we also
have no fault. You don't need to prove fault. Historically, there were
states... or maybe are states... but the bottom line is that you have to show
fault in order to get divorced.
there are some grounds like adultery, habitual intoxication, things like that,
where you can use that as a ground for divorce, but strategically... in my
opinion... it's unnecessary because you can still bring up back behavior in the
context of a divorce, but you don't need to include it or make it a ground for
the divorce. And you're right: adultery, which can be a ground... One big swing
I have seen also is that it doesn't have the effect and impact on a divorce
that many people think that it does or should.
Meriwether: There's exceptions
to that in what we're seeing, like the real egregious cases where someone has
an entire second family in another state. Barring those extreme...
Orston: Well, when you
break it down into what we call the four core areas, custody usually...
adultery, unless it's directly impacting, like the affair was being carried out
in front of a child, it's not going to impact custody. It can't impact child
support. Child support, it's one party is the primary and if they're getting
child support it's formulaic, and there isn't a punitive component to child support.
You're left with alimony and division of property, and while it can potentially
have an impact, many judges are like, "Look, that happened and that's why
you want a divorce and that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to grant the
divorce." It doesn't then translate into the judge throwing the book at
the person who committed the adultery.
Meriwether: Right. "Guess
what? It sounds like you need a divorce. I'm going to give you a divorce. And
we're going to split everything up 50-50."
I think
that's one of the big changes I've seen. I'm speaking in generalities. There's
Orston: We have made
arguments and other attorneys have made arguments where they have won more for
their client because the other party engaged in bad behavior. We're not saying
it can't happen, it's just not nearly as commonplace as a lot of people who
call us with questions may believe.
Meriwether: Some of the other
changes we won't have time to get through in this show, but the evolution of
grandparents being able to visit with children... I have to be careful not to
say grandparent visitation rights, because they don't actually have a right,
but there's a statute that gives them the ability to petition the court for the
opportunity to visit with the children. There's been changes to juvenile court
law, but we won't have time to get into them. I did talk to David [Canali
00:44:18]: he's done CLEs on grandparent visitation cases, and he's going to
come on our show and talk about grandparent cases.
Orston: I look forward
Meriwether: That's an
interesting one. But we'll have to save that for another time.
everyone, thanks so much for listening.