197 - Improving Your Child Support or Alimony Case
Leh and Todd continue their series about procrastination and what you can do about it. In this show, they discuss its impact on Child Support and Alimony cases and what you can do about it. For those that want to be proactive and improve their chances of a successful outcome at Court, you will want to tune in!
Meriwether: Welcome,
everyone. I'm Leh Meriwether, and with me is Todd Orston. We are your co-hosts
for Divorce Team Radio, a show sponsored by the divorce and family law firm of
Meriwether & Tharp. Here, you'll learn about divorce, family law, and from
time to time, even tips on how to save your marriage if it's in the middle of a
crisis. If you want to read more about us, you can always check us out online
at atlantadivorceteam.com. Todd?
Todd Orston: Leh?
Meriwether: I'm ready to go.
Are you ready to go?
Todd Orston: Can we do it a little
later? Is it too late for?
Meriwether: It's too late.
You're on trial now.
Todd Orston: All right. Well, if I'm on
I'm on, then, I guess let's do this.
Meriwether: All right. Well,
today, we're going to do the last ... Actually, it wound up being a four-part
series in that we didn't do them all back to back. But we've been talking about
procrastination, and how it can hurt your case. And we first started off ...
Well, maybe I guess it's a five-part series. No, it's four part, sorry. We did
a general one, and then we broke down in each different segment, however, we
went deeper, took a deeper dive. And it's important because we have seen
procrastination hurt so many people's cases in different ways.
they got a poor outcome as a result of the procrastination, or perhaps the case
cost them two to three times as much because people weren't on top of things.
And, it's hard to stay on top of a case that's active going. If you are running
your life, and especially, we're talking about the divorce context or in family
law context, you're trying to pay the bills, you're taking care of the family,
there's not a whole lot of time left to deal with a lawsuit. And as a result,
people tend to procrastinate taking care of things. And so we're not trying to
make anybody feel bad. But at the same time, sometimes that fear, a little bit
of fear can really get you motivating, and that's kind of what we're doing
Todd Orston: Yeah, and I will also tell
you that it's something that people don't want to do.
Meriwether: Right.
Todd Orston: So, I get it. It might be
your life is crazy. But that's oftentimes an excuse. You can find a little bit
of time, the kinds of things I'm just speaking as an attorney, the kind of
things that we ask our clients to do. It's not like we're saying, "Listen,
I need about 73 straight hours of work from you, right now, put everything else
aside." It's, "Hey, do 20 minutes today, 20 minutes tomorrow,
whatever, and you'll get this done for us. Just do a couple things." And
it gets put off, put off, put off, put off. And it's that domino effect.
Meriwether: Right.
Todd Orston: So, the reason we have
spent so much time talking about procrastination and the effects on a case is
because, what we want people to understand is, it can absolutely impact your
case. It can make it longer, it can drag things on, it can even hurt the
positions that you're taking. So you wait too long, you don't turn over the necessary
information. It can result in motions being filed against you, if you truly
wait too long. Sanctions, like financial sanctions. Even in some situations, it
could even result in the striking of your answer. Meaning the judge can say,
"You know what? If you're not going to engage, if you're not going to do
the basic things you need to do to allow this litigation to move forward, I
don't even want to know what you have to say."
Leh Meriwether: Yeah.
Todd Orston: Basically, "Just sit
there, be quiet. We're going to do this around you. And, hopefully you'll show
up for court.
Meriwether: Right.
Todd Orston: So, it is so impactful. And
that's why when we say to people, "Look, our promise, we're going to jump
in, and we're going to try and do things in a timely manner. And in that way,
hopefully, it'll keep things calmer. And we'll be able to get to a resolution
sooner rather than later." But it's a two-way street. It's something we
need our clients to do as well. And if you don't do it, it's going to have a
negative impact. There are very, very few situations where procrastinating and
just allowing litigation to linger benefits you.
Meriwether: Right. And that's
usually a strategic choice.
Todd Orston: Correct.
Meriwether: Sometimes it's by
accident, but most of the times, it is a part of an overall litigation
strategy. So today, we're focusing on support. Child Support, alimony. And I'm
glad you mentioned, Todd, like trying to break it into 20 minute segments a
day, if you can. There's actually a great book out there called Atomic Habits.
I can't remember the name of the author right now. But it's all about how if
you can start creating these small little changes over the course of time, they
make an enormous difference. And they talked, they gave a couple of examples of
like, just on weight loss. One guy changed one little thing in his daily
routine. And after two years, he'd lost 50 pounds. Now, it didn't happen right
away. But it was that one little change, and you barely saw it in the first
three, four months. But over the course of time, it became cumulative and
really added up and he lost a lot of weight. But they break it down all
different categories if you're interested in the book. So yeah-
Todd Orston: Like for me, I used to eat,
let's say at a meal, three hotdogs right in a row. And now I'll put five to
seven minutes in between each one. And, I'm dropping weight like ... No, I'm
joking. It's ...
Meriwether: It doesn't work
like that.
Todd Orston: That's not part of the
atomic plan?
Meriwether: No, it's not part
of it.
Todd Orston: All right. All right, well,
I was hoping. I liked that.
Meriwether: But your example,
the reason why it's good is so let's say, I'm going to give an example. And
we're going to focus on support right now. So let's say, around the corner is a
temporary hearing. And we're going to jump to that because at a temporary
hearing, one of the most common things addressed apart from custody is support.
So child support and alimony, who's going to pay what bills during the pendency
of the case, or who's going to pay whom, what, what amount. And if you show up
to court asking for support in most situations, but you do not present your
side of the financial equation, and when I say by your side, I'm talking about
you don't show up with a domestic relations, financial affidavit.
focusing on Georgia, but I know a lot of states do this as well. Or you don't
show up with, say, some requested W2 statements, or your recent paycheck stubs,
or something like that, the other side can ask for a continuance and they
almost always we'll get that continuance. So let's say you said, "All
right, well, the trial's in a week, I'm going to sit down on this Sunday. I'm
going to spend all Sunday, getting the stuff ready." And you sit down, you
realize, "Oh, wait a minute, I can't find my W2. I'm going to have to get
it from my employer. Oh, gosh, I can't find my last six months of paycheck
stubs. I only have the last two. Oh, I need this information from my soon to be
ex in order to finish my financial affidavit."
all of a sudden, you set aside an entire day to work on it, but you can't get
access to all the information you need, to be prepared for court. And so you
send an email to your soon to be ex, you send an email to your employer, perhaps
you send an email to whoever does your taxes, and maybe they're in the middle
of something and it takes them ... They can't get the answers. They can't get
the information back to you before the court date. And now your lawyer has
spent all this time preparing, and you show up to court, and it has to be
continued. So that's an example. And so the lawyer's going to bill you for all
that time, the time that they're spending in court. And then when you got to
come back to court later, they're going to bill you again. And in this case, it
was your fault that you weren't ready.
that's an example going back to what you said, Todd. Working on these things in
little bite size chunks, rather than trying to eat the whole elephant in a day.
Eat it ... That's an old joke. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.
Not that I want anybody to eat an elephant, so.
Todd Orston: Just that's a terrible
joke. I mean, save the elephants. Come on.
Meriwether: But I don't know
where that joke came-
Todd Orston: It's terrible. Promoting
the eating of elephants, stop it. You're better than that.
Meriwether: I need come up
with something else then.
Todd Orston: No, no. And then one other
thing to think about, is remember that the judge you've now annoyed by showing
up ... The judge, remember, the judge took time out of his or her schedule, put
your case on the calendar. Was there. You showed up, and what gets told to the
court is, "Yeah, we have asked, we have sent formal requests, and we are
not getting compliance." And the court then looks at you and says,
"Okay, I'm giving you X amount of time to comply. We're taking this off
the calendar, this has been a huge waste of time." You've pissed off the
one person that holds your life in their hands. Right? I mean, though now I'm
not saying that judges aren't above ... I mean, it's not like they're going to
or should be holding grudges that when you do finally get in front of the judge
for that temporary or final, that they're going to remember that and use it
against you or hold it against you. But it doesn't help.
Meriwether: Right.
Todd Orston: I mean, I always look at my
clients saying, "You want to walk into court, looking like the one person
of the two that did everything you were supposed to do." And that way if
the court's going to, be sort of swinging both ways in terms of, "Do I go
this way, that way?" Maybe you're going to get that benefit of the doubt.
Meriwether: Yep. And the
other thing is I have seen judges say to the people like, "Well, why
aren't you prepared?" "Well, I didn't, I couldn't get ... I didn't
keep all my paycheck stubs, so I had to email my employer for the last paycheck
stubs, and they haven't got them back to me yet." And like, When did you
email your employer?" "Yesterday." So, I've seen it happen and
the judge was not happy. It's like, "You knew about this hearing 45 days
ago, and you waited." And one thing we can't wait on is, we got to take a
quick break. When we come back, we're going to continue to break down
procrastination, and how it impacts your child support and alimony.
just wanted to let you know that if you ever want to listen to the show live,
you can listen at 1:00 am on Monday mornings, on WSB. So, you can always check
us out there as well.
Todd Orston: Better than like counting
sheep, I guess.
Meriwether: Right, that's
Todd Orston: You turn on the show, and
we'll we'll help you fall asleep.
Meriwether: There you go.
Todd Orston: I'll talk very soft.
Meriwether: Welcome back,
everyone. This is Leh and Todd, and we are your co-hosts for Divorce Team
Radio. A show sponsored by the divorce and family law firm of Meriwether &
Tharp. If you want to read more about us, you can always check us out online at
atlantadivorceteam.com. If you want to read a transcript of this show, or go
back and listen to it again, you can always find it at divorceteamradio.com.
today we're talking about procrastination. This is our last part in a four-part
series, talking about how it can hurt your case. And today we're focusing on
child support, and or alimony claims in a case, and this applies to child
support and divorce case, or straightforward child support action.
Todd Orston: Okay, well, what I'd like
to do Leh, if you don't mind, is-
Leh Meriwether: Oh, I mind.
Todd Orston: Hey, Mr. Elephant Jokes,
all right? Enough.
Meriwether: I never should
have used that joke. Who came up with that joke?
Todd Orston: Seriously, seriously. Let's
do the rest of the show on why elephant jokes are just not appropriate. No,
let's focus this segment on a question that I get all the time. Literally, I
don't want to go so far as to say daily, but weekly, I talk to people who need
help. And they call me and they're like, "Look, I'm contemplating or about
to start this process. And I want to be proactive." And we have talked
time and again about the difference between proactive and reactive behavior,
and how that can benefit you. And it really ties well into the whole
procrastination discussion. But, they will call and they will say, "Okay,
I'm moving forward," or, "I'm going to in a short period of time.
What can I do to help myself?" And the bottom line is, well, there's a
lot. You can start gathering information, you can start thinking in terms of
what the four core areas are. We break that down into child support issues,
custody issues, division of property and debt, and spousal support or alimony.
so when you think about it, just follow the logic trail. And if it's property
issues, what property is out there? Are there documents that reflect the
property? So, Leh, what are ... Let's answer that question. If somebody is
going through or about to go through this kind of a case, what can they do to
be proactive?
Meriwether: Well, I'm going
to break it up into child support and alimony. So we'll start with child
support, because that's the most straightforward one. So on child support, most
states, and I must be focusing on Georgia, but I'm pretty sure this is going to
apply to most states. You want to double check with a lawyer that practices in
your state, but in general, you want to gather your last 12 months of paycheck
stubs, because there can be information on those stubs that may not be
reflected in a W2. But you also want your W2. I would also recommend that you
gather your last three years of tax returns, because that will have both your
and your spouse's information on them, and that's in a divorce context.
this is just a straightforward child support action, you're still going to be
gathering all this information. And you'll just need the other information from
the other side, and you'll get that through the divorce, the child support
process. So get those things together. Those are the primary things. Now, we're
going to ... Businesses and that sort of thing, that's a whole nother animal.
And we're going to spend a whole segment talking about businesses and what do
you do if someone's getting paid under the table, and that sort of thing. So
I'm talking about right now, what you see in most cases.
you're self-employed, you want to get how much your net income is. You want to
make sure you have that information. So you're going to want to gather your
business tax returns as well. But like I said, we'll take a deeper dive on that
later. And often you want the last 12 months of bank statements, because
usually the other side asks for that. Sometimes they also ask for credit card
information. So you might want to get all your credit cards together, and get
the last 12 months of those as well. Now, that doesn't always play into child
support. Typically, it's a domestic relations financial affidavit.
wherever you live, if you research domestic relations financial affidavit in
the state you're in and put your state, you will usually find like a court
website that has all that information in it, what you should be gathering to
put on that financial affidavit. Because some states actually require you to
file a financial affidavit, even in an uncontested divorce if child support's
involved. So make sure you go ahead and get that, and start pulling that
information together. Now, the information that goes on to the domestic
relations financial affidavit doesn't necessarily all apply to child support,
because typically child support's just ... In Georgia, it's your gross income,
and the other side's gross income. And you put it on a child support worksheet.
Some states, it's net income, how much you make after paying taxes. So you need
to double check on your state with that.
then on the financial affidavit, the big reason you want to do that is if
you're asking for some form of alimony or spousal support, because that's going
to tell you what your expenses are, and to give you an idea of your budget.
Because, you have to know your budget. You can't just walk into court and say,
"I need $5,000 a month." You have to prove that's really your need.
So your need may only be $1,000 a month or $2,000 a month. And on the flip
side, you don't want to walk into court saying, "I'm just asking, judge,
for $1,000 a month in spousal support," when in fact, you actually need
three, because that's going to ... $3,000 a month and the other person could
pay for it. So you want to make sure you do yourself a favor, figure out what
your monthly budget is. Not just now, but in the future post divorce. Where are
you going to live? Those kind of things.
Todd Orston: You don't get to keep going
back to the court. If you don't put forth the effort, if you come up with the
wrong number and you ask for that number, and you get that number, and then you
wake up the next day and you're like, "Wow, I need a bigger number,"
all right, and it would be justified and the other party would have the ability
to pay. Then unfortunately, you don't get to just call the court and go,
"Judge. Hey, listen, it's Todd. Remember what you did yesterday? Listen,
awesome, high five all around. I'm going to need some more." It doesn't
work that way. So you have a bite at the apple. And if you don't do the work
necessary to determine what your budget is, the judge may do something that
doesn't help you the way you need to be helped.
on a temporary, that means there could be a months, and that's with an S,
months long delay between the temporary and a final. And you may not be able to
get another bite at the apple, which means you have to live for months with the
amount of money you got at that temporary. And then at the final, if let's say
you do the same thing, shame on you. If you do the same thing and procrastinate
and don't do the work necessary to prepare, and you get a number and then you
wake up the next day. Guess what, you have to show a material change of
circumstance. You have to be able to show that something significant has
happened, that would warrant changing that number. It's locked in. You don't
get to come back and go, "Oh, oops. I just, yeah, I should have ...
Anyway. Judge, come on. Give me some more." So you need to really not
procrastinate. You need to really focus, understand what your goals are. And
then again, like what we're talking about, figure out what steps you can take
to best prepare yourself.
Meriwether: Yeah, I'm going
to add a few more things in there. So you've got to know, this is in Georgia.
So a lot of states have this too, but you need to know what the expenses are
relating to insurance for the children. We're talking about child support,
because that is calculated in child support in the Georgia guidelines, and
maybe in your state as well. So you need to know how much the insurance is, as
it applies to your children. So often you'll have a plan, that's just if you
want your individual, and then when as soon as you add the kids, maybe it's a
family plan, or, you and the kids. The difference between those two insurance
policies is what goes on the child support worksheets. So you need that.
need the information if the children are in daycare or something like it. You
need that information, because that goes on the child support worksheets as
well. I had a case where it wasn't a straightforward daycare, the mom actually
had ... Well, actually, I've seen cases like this, there wasn't just one case,
where there was a nanny involved. And so this person got copies of all the
checks they had paid the nanny in one year. So that way, there was no dispute
on the other side. They're like, "Well, how?" We didn't even get the
question, "Where did you come up with that number?" Or, "How can
I know that's what you really paid the nanny?" Like, "Here's our
checks." That's how the negotiation started, like, "Oh, okay,"
and there was no dispute about it.
because with a nanny, you can't call it like with the daycare center, you can
call the daycare center and say, "You can confirm how much it costs."
Can't always do that with a nanny, they may not talk to you, because they don't
feel comfortable. But you just have confirmation of things, what they cost.
Same thing with extra curricular activities. Some extracurricular activities
can be encompassed in child support. And you can ask for something in excess of
that, but the other side should know and you should know how much they're
really costing, so they can go in the child support worksheet.
Todd Orston: Great point.
Meriwether: I'm trying to
remember, there may be a few other things that go in there. And I mean, I'm
forgetting them off the top of my head. So you want to look at a child support
worksheet in your state, and see what things you can plug in there. Because I
may not know like, there may be states that have different criteria that can be
included for child support. So when we come back, we're going to continue to
break down the impact that procrastination can have on your support case.
Todd Orston: Hey, everyone, you're
listening to our podcast, but you have alternatives. You have choices. You can
listen to us live also at 1:00 am on Monday morning, on WSB.
Leh Meriwether: If you're enjoying the show, we
would love it if you could go rate us in iTunes or wherever you may be
listening to it. Give us a five star rating and tell us why you like the show.
back, everyone. This is Leh and Todd and we are your co-hosts for Divorce Team
Radio, a show sponsored by the divorce and family law firm of Meriwether &
Tharp. If you want to read more about us, you can always check us out online at
atlantadivorceteam.com. If you want to read the transcript of this show, or go
back and listen to it again, you can find us at divorceteamradio.com, or
wherever you get your pods.
right, so we're talking about procrastination, and how it can hurt your child
support and alimony case. And we as lawyers, we like to focus our time. Some
people think lawyers just want to bill, bill, bill, bill and make lots of
money, and lawyers don't. I mean, yeah, are there some out there that want to
do that? Probably. But most of us, we want to focus our time on how it will
best help our clients. So by way of one example was, there have been times
where we've billed clients hundreds, maybe thousands of dollars where I felt
like it wasn't necessary. And it wasn't that I didn't bill work that had to be
done, we had to prepare for court.
had they not procrastinated, we wouldn't have had to spend all the extra time
organizing everything. And I would have rather have spent all that time
focusing on a great strategy for the hearing, focusing on a compelling opening
statement and closing argument, and some really just wonderful, with lots of
gotcha moments, cross examinations for the opposing side. But instead, I was
copying unorganized documents or had my staff doing that. I wasn't actually
doing that.
Todd Orston: Well, and sometimes it's
not that we don't have the time. But do clients really want I mean, do you want
to just spend extra money? Look, I've had several situations where I've had
clients call and they're like, "All right, I have a bunch of documents
that you were asking for." "Fantastic. Great. Thanks for jumping on
this, not procrastinating. High five." There's a lot of high fiving going
on in this show. But anyway, I'm aging myself. It's, high fives were cool in my
day. Anyway, so high fives all around. And they're like, "Yeah, I've got
like, two, three," and I've had 20 plus banker boxes full of documents.
But, two, three boxes, I'm like, "Great. Drop them off at the
comes, ding dong, person walks in, they drop some boxes down. It looks like the
1000 or so pages that they had, that to help us, what they did was their
organization method was sort of a use your legs to throw everything up in the
air. Because safety first. And, then it all falls to the ground, and they sweep
it up and throw it into those banker boxes. And I've had to look at them and
say, "Okay, hold on one second. Thank you for, and I'm glad you did this
in a timely manner, because now you have a little bit more time. So I'm giving you
an option. It is going to take us probably double or triple the time to
organize all that information, reorganize the documents, get them into our
system so that we can even start to analyze. So I'll give you an option. You
want to take them back, work over the weekend, organize it?"
usually the person says, "Oh, okay, that makes sense. Yeah, let me work on
it." I have had on occasion someone go, "I don't care. Have
fun." It's like, "All right. I offered." Okay, because to your
point, Lee, we don't want to be doing that.
Meriwether: Right.
Todd Orston: There is so much. First of
all, we have other clients. And every one of our clients need some legal help.
Not, organize the jumbled mess help. It is the actual legal work that we can do
for them to really help them. And so, I'd rather be focused on that than on
this kind of stuff. But you have to know also, my only other point would be
this comes down to communicating well with your attorney. You have to
understand who your attorney is, how his staff and he work, or she work. What
are ways that you can work with your attorney efficiently, okay?
your attorney is somewhere around 112 years old, and thinks that computers are
a fad, like break dancing, and ere, it's going to go away, then scanning
everything and uploading it into a ShareFile probably isn't going to do you
much good. But if you know that, that same attorney would very much prefer the
banker boxes and file folders, and ask your attorney, "How can I
get?" Not just, what do you want, but, "How can I get this to you so
that you can efficiently process this information?" That way, you put it
together in the best way possible. Like for us, we always tell people,
"Scan it." If you give us hard documents, the first thing we do is
scan it to put it into our document management system. So we always say-
Meriwether: And let me point
out that a lot of, I know here in ... They're passing laws now that everything has
to be submitted digitally. A lot of times when you go to court, especially now,
I mean, post 2020, depositions, all your exhibits and temporary hearings, final
hearings, any kind of hearings, you have to submit your evidence digitally to
the court. So it has to be scanned in now. Two years ago, I might not have said
that, at least here in Georgia. Today it has to be scanned in. So if you scan
it in, that saves time.
Todd Orston: That's right. A great
point. So it's all about, I mean obviously, the procrastination side, which is
what the show's about. It's all about you not putting things off. Things you
clearly don't want to be working on. I get it. And we all, whether we're going
through a divorce or not, there are things that ... Look, my wife has said to
me, "Hey, I thought you were going to do X." If she was listening to
me right now, she'd be like, "How many times does that happen?" Yeah,
actually, she's got her naughty list. I'm on it. And there are things I have
procrastinated, put off. So think about it. Why? Why did I do it? Am I just
lazy? Or is it, I just don't want to do it. There's just, is it right? No. And
does it impact? Yes. When that happens, I try not to do it very often, but when
it happens, it's because it was something, a task I didn't want to take on.
guess what? Divorce is not fun. These types of cases are not enjoyable. It is
something easily put off. But the whole point of a four-show series is that
most of the problems we see are due to procrastination, people putting it off
for whatever reason, and that impacting them. It's not like, "Hey, can you
clean the garage," and a week goes by, and two weeks go by, and three
weeks go by. I don't have a judge walking into my house going, "You know
what, you waited too long. That's no longer your garage. We've given it to your
neighbor." Right? There's no sanction there. In these situations, there
are actual real impacts on you and your life.
Meriwether: Look, I'm going
to share something practical with you about, how many law firms work, including
ours, is that we have legal assistants, and we have paralegals and lawyers, and
they work together to maximize maximum efficiency, minimum effort, or minimum
billable hours in some situations. So a lot of these documents you'll submit to
the law firm will be processed by either a legal assistant or paralegal,
depending on the nature of the documents, or the timing, or when they're coming
in. If you wait to the last minute, which we see happen, and the paralegal or
the legal assistant has gone home, and the hearing is the following morning at 8:00
am or 9:00 am, the only person left the process that so they're prepared is a
you all of a sudden go from, and I'm just going to use, it could be any number,
but I'm just going to use this example. Let's say the paralegal was at $150 an
hour. And they, if you had submitted this stuff three weeks prior, they would
have processed all of it so it was properly prepared for court when you showed
up to court, or there would be online, or I mean virtually or in person. So,
but because you waited until the last minute, the lawyer at $300 an hour is
processing all that and staying up late at night, so they don't get as much
sleep. So, they're not as rested as they'd like to be. But now it's literally
cost you twice as much to prepare, because the lawyer is doing all that work
now. So that is a practical example of how the procrastination can double in
that situation, your bill.
Todd Orston: Great point.
Meriwether: So, it's
important not to procrastinate on these levels, because most lawyers try to
maximize the client's dollar, because they know that elite qualified paralegal
or legal assistant can process this stuff very efficiently at a lower cost to
you. And that's, I mean, we want to do that. And plus, we want to focus, like I
said in the beginning of this segment, we like to focus our energy on crafting
a compelling cross examination of ... Wouldn't you rather, I've seen people get
so ecstatic when their lawyer just catches the other side in a gotcha moment,
or I'm dating myself, a Perry Mason moment. But that can't happen if we're
spending all our time prepping the documents. And when we come back, we're
actually going to get into, what happens when someone's trying to hide things?
just wanted to let you know that if you ever wanted to listen to the show live,
you can listen at 1:00 am on Monday mornings on WSB, so you can always check us
out there as well.
Todd Orston: Better than like counting
sheep, I guess. Right?
Meriwether: That's right.
Todd Orston: You turn on the show and
we'll help you fall asleep.
Meriwether: There you go.
Todd Orston: I'll talk very softly.
Meriwether: Welcome back,
everyone. This is Leh and Todd, and we are your co-hosts for Divorce Team
Radio, a show sponsored by the divorce and family law firm of Meriwether &
Tharp. If you want to read more about us, you can always check us out online at
atlantadivorceteam.com, and you can read transcripts of this show at
today we're we're wrapping up a four-part series about how procrastination can
really hurt your case. Today, we're focusing on support cases, child support
and alimony support, also called spousal support. And we're shifting gears. So
we kind of focus a lot on ... We're sort of shifting gears. We focus a lot on,
getting sort of your case together, your information together, and
communicating with your lawyer in an efficient, effective way that works for
your lawyer. I want to add one more thing to that.
you're gathering your documents together and getting them to your lawyer in an
organized way, you also probably want to have ... not probably. You want to
have a document list you've turned over and that's for you, in many respects,
to help make sure you're organizing, you've gotten everything. So in other
words, you put it together. A lot of lawyers use a system, that you upload the
documents into a confidential, secure location that gets transmitted to the
lawyer. But then send a lawyer and the paralegal an email that says something
along the lines of, "Hey, I provided the following documents to you
today." And so, you list out the last 36 months of bank statements, credit
card statements, and you list out as much information on what you've turned
over as possible in a summary format.
you keep that on an ongoing basis, everything you've collected and turned over,
because often you'll say, "Oh, I forgot to get these things
together." When you make your list, it makes you more efficient. That way,
when you go through it, like, "Oh, shoot, I forgot this," you can
include in to the lawyer, "I still need to provide you X, Y and Z."
And that way, the lawyer doesn't go through it and go, "You know what?
They left out this. I need to send them another email saying, you still owe me
this." And then that costs you money.
and that does two things. One, it helps save you money, but two, maybe you do
have a lawyer that's just, or a law team that's just not on it. Maybe they're
overworked. And so they say, "Hey, we need these documents." You're
like, "Man, I already turned these documents over, I got to turn them over
again? You're going to Bill me again to look at them?" And then you can
send that email you sent two months ago saying, "Hey, I already sent this
stuff to you. Here's the email where I sent it." "Oh, oh, that's
right." So it allows you to be more organized. And, it may be a way to
identify whether your attorney may not be on top of it. Usually they are. And
sometimes it's an honest mistake. So, I just want to be clear on that, too.
Sometimes it's an honest mistake. But that saves you the hassle of uploading
documents two, three, four times. They're staying on it.
right, now we're going to talk about, what do you do when the person on the
side's perhaps paid under the table? Or, they kind of hide their true income by
paying personal expenses through the business? Or, the person's lifestyle does
not match the income they're claiming? How does procrastination come into that,
Todd Orston: I have no idea. I mean, I'm
at the edge of my seat. This is good stuff. All right, procrastination. Again,
remember, these are facts and issues that are directly related to major points
in your case, major issues in your case. That if you don't get it right, it
could cost you thousands, potentially even hundreds of thousands. You're
talking about businesses, you're talking about ... So remember, you don't have
and don't want to spend years in litigation. In Georgia for instance, you have
a six month period within which you can pursue discovery, okay? Now, it doesn't
mean you can't agree to or obtain from a court an extension if you truly do
need more time. But the point is, the court wants you to get through that
process in a timely manner, so you have the information you need to finalize
the case. Those types of things you just brought up take more time.
Procrastinating, I mean, unless you love being in the process of a divorce may
have, "It's just, I hope this lasts for 10 years."
then you don't want to procrastinate, because number one, it will absolutely
prolong the process. Meaning if you're going to do what you need to do to get
the information that you need, it's going to take time. You procrastinate,
you're just adding time. A business valuation doesn't happen overnight. You
need to try and get some of the documents and information relating to the
business, so that you can understand what the value is or might be. You may
need to hire an expert to analyze that information. And, then you can actually
get to a true valuation amount, so that you know what is divisible, what that
asset is worth and how that's going to play into division of the estate. These
types of issues that you're talking about, they, among many others, they take
the most time. And if you fail to do it, it's going to extend or the flip side,
or not flip, but the other part of it is that you may get it wrong.
you don't do the work necessary to truly understand the finances of a company,
let's say, or if you don't look at the other example, or another example you
gave was, if money is just disappearing, and you don't do the work necessary to
track and trace where the money is going ... Is money just being taken out in
chunks in terms of cash? Well, then that's going to open up the door, it's sort
of like, a choose your own adventure, right? You go down this path, and then it
branches off into two others, and then that branches off into four more. You
have to keep following that trail to get to the ultimate answer. Was money
used, because he took cash out? Well, was that for something improper? Or, is
there a reasonable explanation? But at least now, you know the questions to
you don't do the work, if you procrastinate, you're not going to know the
questions to ask and you're not going to get the data you need. If you find out
that the other party blew through a bunch of money, and then all of a sudden
you find out through discovery, because he didn't procrastinate, that there's
another relationship, well, your attorney can use that. If we find out, we have
many times in part of our negotiations, or even in court said, "Judge,
there's 50, 75 $100,000 that's been spent on this paramour. And we want that
back. But for that behavior, the estate would have been larger, and our client
would have been entitled to that additional money. So we want it back."
But if you don't do the right work, gathering that data, and you don't act
quickly, you may be out of time, and you may not have the information you need.
Meriwether: So getting
practical, that means that you sit down with your attorney early on. When I say
early on, in the first 30 days. And you let them know, because you've been
living with this person, or you know this person, you say, "Hey, I know
they get paid in cash a lot. And they have a full time job, but they have a
side hustle. What do you think we should be looking for?" So you have a
pre-meeting with your lawyer to talk about what kind of discovery you can do on
your own, because there's some discovery you can do on your own, and then what
sort of discovery should be sent out to the lawyer. So, and by meeting with
your lawyer, you can narrow down the focus in which they do their discovery, so
they don't waste time and money asking for the wrong things.
by way of example, in a case I saw where the person claimed they only made 30,
but they were living a lifestyle of someone that looked like they were making
120. And so on the lawyer end, they were asking for all kinds of financial
information, credit card statements, that sort of thing. And on the end of the
person who was asking for the support, they were doing social media research,
and in their social media research, they found this person was in a yacht,
talking about how they love their boat, and their boat was about a $200,000
boat. And, they were saying it was their boat, and they love to go out in their
boat. And so meanwhile, there's these strange payments that are being made to this
person's credit card, the lawyer finds on their end, that are not matching up
to the person's bank account.
someone else is paying the same person's credit card, which is a form of
income, even if it's not coming from their personal account. That can count as
gift income, can count is all kinds of things. And the funny thing is, when
they showed up to court, the person showed up, the one who claimed to be making
$30,000 showed up in a Corvette. And the lawyer actually snapped a picture of
it with their phone. I mean, that was just happenstance, like a funny end of
the story. But in court, they presented all this evidence. The lifestyle this
person was leading, living and all these strange payments paying off their
credit cards. And then of course, they wrapped it all up in a bow with saying,
"Didn't you just pull up into this courthouse in a Corvette? I took a
picture of it. Would you like me to show it?" "Yeah, yeah. No, I
drove, pulled up in a Corvette," and the support award was based on
$120,000 a year.
everyone, unfortunately, we're out of time. I hope you've learned a valuable
lesson. Don't procrastinate when it comes to getting ready for your child
support or alimony case.