Meriwether & Tharp, LLC
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If you have divorce questions

Considering a Georgia Divorce? Don’t Trust Everything You Read

Publish Date: 10/15/2013

Divorce and other issues of family law are often popular topics of conversation, especially celebrity divorce news. Gossip blogs, tabloids and other sources of celebrity news are admittedly great sources of entertainment, but they are not the best sources of information concerning divorce, child custody or alimony laws. As divorce attorneys, we at Meriwether & Tharp are often confronted with the misconceptions of our friends, family and even prospective clients concerning divorce that were obtained from tabloids, gossip magazines, and especially internet sources.

It is important for anyone considering divorce or considering initiating any other domestic relations action in Georgia to first conduct their own research and learn as much about their contemplated action as possible. It's also important to be very cautious about the sources relied upon. For example, the outcome of a celebrity divorce in California will likely not be the outcome you enjoy as an individual seeking a divorce in Georgia, because laws concerning divorce and child custody often vary widely between different states. Additionally, every source of information purporting to provide information about divorce or child custody laws in a certain state may not be correct or up to date. Thus, it is crucial for anyone seeking to learn more about the divorce laws in their respective states or localities to consult with a local divorce attorney, or take advantage of the internet resources offered by their attorney. If you are considering divorce in Georgia or if you would like to learn more about Georgia's divorce process, contact one of our attorneys.


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