189 - 10 New Year's Resolutions for Your Marriage
Once a quarter, Leh and Todd like to dedicate a show to marriages. From seeing 1000's of failed marriages, they learn many things not to do in marriage as well as things you should do to help build a healthy, happy marriage. In today's show, they pull together 10 new years resolutions to help build a healthy marriage in 2021. They assembled ideas from different counselors, authors, and psychologists and put them into a short list of action items for 2021 to strive for.
Meriwether: Welcome everyone.
I'm Leh Meriwether and with me is Todd Orston. We are your co-hosts for Divorce
Team Radio, a show sponsored by the divorce and family law firm of Meriwether
& Tharp. Here you'll learn about divorce, family law, and from time to
time, even tips on how to save your marriage if it's in the middle of a crisis.
If you want to read more about us, you can always check us out online at
atlantadivorceteam.com. I'm doing great. How are you doing?
Todd Orston: I'm good. I'm doing well.
Yeah. Yeah, I have to think about it but sure. Absolutely. I'm going to stay
positive. How about that?
Leh Meriwether: Good. Because-
Todd Orston: Today is going to be a
positive show.
Meriwether: Yay. That was the
Todd Orston: Oh, okay.
Meriwether: And the crowd
goes wild. Oh, well, we kind of fell off the pace last year. I mean, we did a
few shows but we try to do at least once a quarter a positive show about
helping to save your marriage or taking your marriage to the next level because
at the end of the day, even though divorce is what we do, we still don't like
divorce. We know it's a part of... It's something that's existed really since
the inception of marriage. If you go back and look at your history, you can see
it going back for centuries, the issue of divorce. So we know it's something
that's real but also that there are things you can do to help avoid it. And so
today's episode, we're going to combine the whole new year because a lot of
people like to think about starting at afresh, anew in the new year and so we
want to focus on, 10 New Year's resolutions for your marriage.
Todd Orston: That sounds great. I mean,
look, doing what we do, we see patterns. And we see patterns in the divorce,
right? We see things that... in a divorce, how people act and react. But we
also see patterns in terms of things that led people to a divorce. Sometimes
it's unavoidable, the divorce, I mean. Sometimes the breakup of that
relationship is unavoidable. Substance abuse issues, abuse issues, things like
that. Financial irresponsibility. But sometimes it is avoidable. I know it
sounds a little bit hokey coming from two divorce lawyers but, if you can avoid
calling us, we're happier.
so that's really why we do these shows because we see these patterns and
therefore we see that sometimes, not all the time, but sometimes, if people
just stop and start to sort of just reprogram, not just themselves but how they
are engaging with and interacting with their spouse, their significant other,
they may be able to avoid the strife. They may be able to get past it, get
through it, and get back on track in terms of having a happier and healthier
Meriwether: Here's something
interesting to keep in mind` when we're talking about these 10 resolutions is
that, according to research from the Journal of Clinical Psychology,
approximately 8% of Americans actually make good on their New Year's resolutions,
which admittedly doesn't look so promising. But now one of the biggest problems
is the goals themselves. Sometimes people think too big, when reality, it's
often best to start small. You may have to... As we go through these things,
we'll try to get... It's important to get very specific and don't make it
something huge that seems when life gets in the way, all of a sudden resolution
falls by the wayside. Start with something small that you know you can achieve
and what winds up happening is small thing develops into something huge. I
mean, termites, they take very, very tiny bites but they can take down an
entire building with those tiny bites.
Todd Orston: Yeah.
Meriwether: So if you want to
build up something, it doesn't have to be... A lot of houses are built one
brick at a time so you don't have to build the whole thing in one day.
Todd Orston: Yeah. Look, I'm not going
to say that the statistic is wrong but I actually myself have tracked. In terms
of resolutions I have made over the year or years, I'm batting about 0%. I
mean, I've joined many gyms.
Meriwether: But I thought
when it came to your doughnut strategy, eating a doughnut a week, you achieved
that one.
Todd Orston: You know what? Thank you.
I'm not at 0%. That one, you're right. I think I've been good on that one. I've
definitely eaten my share of doughnuts, so you know what? Thank you, Leh. This
is such a positive show. I appreciate you helping me through that. I thought I
was a complete failure. No, I'm [inaudible 00:05:25].
resolutions are supposed to be hard. It's supposed to be a challenge. It's not
supposed to be easy like, I'm going to wake up in the morning. Well, I mean,
hopefully you're going to. That's not really something that should be a
resolution. Eating well so that you can keep waking up in the morning. That's
the tough one. Fixing or working on... Not fixing but working on a
relationship. That's not one of the easy ones. It's easier to join that gym and
maybe go to it than truly putting forth the effort to work on a relationship so
that you're in a happy, healthy relationship. And that's a road that goes both
ways. It's not just happy and healthy for you. For both parties in that
relationship. That's when you're going to create that strong bond, that strong
relationship, and hopefully, avoid talking to us.
Meriwether: Exactly. So we're
going to start with all kinds... We've got some practical things. We have some
simple things that you can follow. Is it the end all be all? No. These are just
ideas we want to share. We've gotten a lot of them from experts around the
country and put them together and we pulled these 10 that we thought were
really helpful.
the first one is... comes from Scott Stanley. He's a senior fellow at the Institute
for Family Studies. He's a research professor and co-director for the Center
for Marital and Family Studies at the University of Denver. He's been married
for something like 40 years. One of the things he says is to double down on
your positive time together. His suggestion is you look at your leisure time
and are you regularly doing something with your spare time as a couple.
Something that you both enjoy doing. He said, often many couples, they do
things that one other partner enjoys but not necessarily the other. And it's
important to find things to do together that you both like doing together.
you're sitting there struggling with, I don't know, what do we both enjoy doing
together? Then, here's what you do. You lay out, all right. We're going to find
something this year that we enjoy doing together. And so you start by getting
very specific. And time-bound meaning, you know what? By January 20th, we are
going to come up with four different things to do together. We're going to come
up with four different ideas. And by February 20th, we will try at least two of
them and then by March 20th, we'll try the other two and we'll evaluate which
one we like the best, and then by April 20th, we will choose one and start
doing it once a month or something like that.
you get specific like that, it's harder to blow it off. But if you just say
generally, "This year we're going to find something fun to do," but
you don't create a deadline, you're not going to do it. I mean it's [crosstalk
Todd Orston: Well, no one's accountable
at that point.
Meriwether: Right. No one's
Todd Orston: At that point it's
aspirational but nobody... Like my wife, she wanted to yodel and we did a bunch
of yodeling classes. No, I'm kidding. We'd never yodel. But really, at the base
level, again, we're talking about communication. It's not one party dictating,
"I want to go to yodeling classes," and then it's like, "I never
really thought about yodeling. I don't think I'm ever going to yodel but if
this is going to make you happy, let's go do it."
Meriwether: Right.
Todd Orston: There may be a time for
that. There may be a time for you to give your partner something that they will
like. May not be something that really moves you or that you totally enjoy but
you're doing that for your spouse. We're talking about something where both of
you can sit down, talk, and say, "You know what? I like hiking."
"I like hiking too." "Fantastic. Let's do that." "Oh,
I like a foreign film festivals." "Okay. Let's find some. Let's go to
them. Let's do..." Whatever it is, it's something you can do together that
you both enjoy because that's going to help build and work on those bonds that
you have together.
Meriwether: Exactly. And obviously
coming out of 2020 and going into 2021, we still have the issue of COVID to
deal with, so some of these things you may come up with may not be available
yet because of COVID restrictions but look [crosstalk 00:10:11]-
Todd Orston: Yeah, that's not what we're
talking about. I'm sorry to interrupt. We're not talking about doing COVID
together. That's not a joint venture that we're proposing.
Meriwether: We're not
proposing it. It's fun but no, I'm just kidding. Having done it together,
because I just came out of having COVID with my wife. We did sleep a lot
Todd Orston: All right. Kids are
Meriwether: Well, I'm
literally meaning sleep, [inaudible 00:10:38]. All right. When we come back,
we're going to continue to break down, 10 New Year's resolutions for your
just want to let you know that if you ever want to listen to the show live, you
can listen at 1:00 AM on Monday mornings on WSB. So you can always check us out
there as well.
Todd Orston: Better than counting sheep,
I guess. Right?
Leh Meriwether: That's right.
Todd Orston: You can turn on the show
and we'll help you fall asleep.
Meriwether: There you go.
Todd Orston: I'll talk very soft.
Meriwether: Welcome back
everyone. This is Leh and Todd, and we are your co-hosts for Divorce Team
Radio, a show sponsored by the divorce and family law firm of Meriwether &
Tharp. If you want to read more about us, you can always check us out online at
atlantadivorceteam.com. And if you want to read a transcript of this show and
our previous shows, you can go back to divorceteamradio.com. Well, today, we're
digging into the 10 New Year's resolutions for your marriage.
Todd Orston: Yes, we are. Sorry. There
was that pregnant pause. I'm like, "I guess he needs confirmation."
Meriwether: To make sure you
were still on the same page. All right. Well, we have pulled things off from
various sources. What we did was we put together 10 ideas that we've found from
just various people that we followed, or read, or just found online, and said,
"Hey, these are good ideas. Let's put them together." It's not the
end all be all but we wanted to have a positive uplifting show. So if your
marriage is... maybe it's on the verge of a crisis or there's a struggle, then
we wanted to share with you some ideas that may keep you from ever calling us.
Todd Orston: Yeah. And just building on
that a little bit before we jump in to number two, it's also based on things
that we hear often. Complaints from people, "Hey. I need a divorce. Hey
I'm dealing with some issues in my marriage." And yes, we've gone to the
true experts and gathered this information, but it's also based on what we're
hearing. We hear people call us all the time. It's like, "My spouse does
this or doesn't do that."
Leh Meriwether: Yup.
Todd Orston: And so what we've tried to
do is sort of gather this information, put it together, because it reflects
what a lot of people call and complain, for lack of a better way, complain
about in terms of their other spouse.
Meriwether: Right. So we've
sort of have our own personal, whether you call it anecdotal or not,
confirmation of a lot of these tips we're going to go through. All right. So
number two. Turn off your phones. Yep. Turn them off. One of the problems is
when you see couples... I mean, gosh, you can go to a restaurant and see it. A
couple going out to eat and people are just... You'll see both of them... Just
look around. Go to a restaurant, put your phones in your pocket, turn them off.
Put them on airplane mode. Or at least one of you put them on airplane mode,
just in case you're out and there's a babysitter at home that you want them to
be able to reach you. Look around the restaurant and see how many people are
looking at their phones while they're sitting down.
obviously, we're recording this at the beginning of 2021. The restaurants may
not be packed because of COVID, but you're still going to probably see it,
where people... I know before COVID, Stephanie, my wife and I would go to
restaurants, we do enjoy people-watching, and we would just see people sitting
there, instead of talking, they're each looking at their phones.
Todd Orston: Yeah. But it's not Just
about restaurants. And I know you feel the same way. You're focusing on going
out, being together as a family or as a couple and turning off the phones.
Actually engaging with the other party. But in my family, again, everyone has
something to work on. I will tell you, my wife, very early on, and by that I
mean, when it was just she and I, when the kids came, when they finally got
phones, our rule is at the dinner table, do not even bring your phone over. I
mean, absent a true potential emergency where we need the phone close to us.
it's for that reason, we want that to be family time. We want that to be a time
where we engage with one another. And to be honest, I have found that it
worked. There times where I want to just pick up the phone, I want to check on
something, then my wife gives me that look like... That's one of our rules.
Don't do that. And it's like, you know what? You're right. Whatever I need to
see, it can wait a few minutes. And that has, I believe, at least in my family,
allowed us to have some meaningful quality time and any parent knows, as your
kids get older, it's harder and harder to find those times.
Meriwether: Yep.
Todd Orston: Your kids start drifting
away just because they have friends and they have other interests and whatever,
and they would love nothing more than to be on their phone. We're talking about
spouses but the bottom line is absolutely, I have found that it works and I
think that's a great tip.
Meriwether: We have the same
rule in our house. And everyone honors it. The only exception is if you're
waiting to hear something. Maybe someone's sick or they may be dying and you
may need to hop on a plane or you're trying to coordinate something that's
really life and death, but apart from that phones are off.
Todd Orston: All right. Number three. Go
Meriwether: Seek out positive
role models. Find at least one older, wiser, married couple to spend time with
this year. You can take them out to dinner, or breakfast, or lunch. This is a
suggestion from Alysse... Oh, gosh. How do I pronounce her last name? ElHage.
Sorry, I should have looked it up better. She works for the Institute for
Family Studies and this was a suggestion that she had made. I know we've talked
about finding wise counsel on past shows. It's so important to include in your
sort of circle of influence a couple to sort of look up to and see how they
interact and learn from them.
because we've heard from... I know from doing the marriage groups that my wife
and I have led, we had one couple in there that was really struggling and they
were struggling because between them, they'd been through 12 divorces. What I
mean by that is, as children, their parents married and divorced, married and
divorced, and so both sides, their mother and father, had been married and
divorced three times. So as children, each went through six divorces and when
you combine that together that's 12 divorces so when it comes to positive role
models, neither of them had it. So seeking out a couple that's been married 20,
30, 40, 50 years to spend time with, that can create that positive role model
that perhaps you did not have with your parents.
if your parents are a positive role model, obviously, then schedule time. Make
sure you have quality time with them as well. Invite them over for dinner, ask
them questions. Just being around someone that's a positive influence could
have a positive effect on your marriage. I mean, whether they say... I forgot
who says this but... Gosh, I wish I could give them credit, but like in five
years from now, the biggest difference is going to be the friends you have.
Who's around you. That's going to be one of the biggest differences between who
you are today and who you are five years from now. It's going to be heavily
influenced by the books you've read and the people around you.
Todd Orston: You need to understand, you
may not even realize that a role model is impacting you. It's not like you go
into a lunch, breakfast, dinner, or whatever, and walk away and go, "I
have learned something. Yoda has taught me." It's not that obvious.
Meriwether: [inaudible
00:19:30] I am.
Todd Orston: Yes. We see it quite often,
where in the divorce context, where someone, one of the spouses has started
spending more time with other divorced people and they begin to get influenced.
All right. Now that doesn't mean in every one of those cases it was wrong for
that person to request or move forward with a divorce but I'm just saying,
clearly they have been impacted by the relationship they had with somebody and
that person's way of thinking is, "I went through a divorce, you can do it
as well." And they start to get influenced by that and then they move
forward with the divorce.
I said, sometimes it's absolutely warranted, but they've been influenced. As
with anything, in business, in your career, it's always good to figure out who
knows what they're doing and let me hang out with them a little bit and maybe
some of that knowledge will rub off. So I believe that's what she's saying.
Look to somebody whose relationship has stood the test of time. And maybe, just
maybe, you'll get little tidbits of information or some tips whether... We're
not talking, again, teaching lessons and saying, "This is what you should
do." Just by being around them, seeing how they interact, that might just
cause some kind of change in your relationship and help you to refocus and get
to a healthier place in your own relationship.
Meriwether: Exactly. And so
put it on the calendar. Once a month, maybe twice a month, either a breakfast,
lunch, or a dinner. Make it happen. All right. The next one. Let me take the
next one and you take the one after that. Forgive and ask for forgiveness. This
is from Laurie DeRose, a senior fellow and research director with the World
Family Map. When we come back, we'll hit this, because I don't want to rush
through this one and we only have a few minutes left. And I want to make sure I
explain what I mean by this so when we come back we're going to dive in number
Todd Orston: Hey, everyone. You're
listening to our podcast but you have alternatives. You have choices. You can
listen to us live also at 1:00 AM on Monday morning on WSB.
Meriwether: If you're
enjoying the show, we would love it if you could go rate us on iTunes or
wherever you may be listening to it. Give us a five-star rating and tell us why
you like the show.
back everyone. This is Leh and Todd, and we are your co-hosts for Divorce Team
Radio, a show sponsored by the divorce and family law firm of Meriwether &
Tharp. If you want to read more about us, you can always check us out online at
atlantadivorceteam.com. And if you want to read a transcript of this show or
listen to it again, you can go to divorceteamradio.com.
today we are talking about the 10 New Year's resolutions for your marriage.
Todd, I think you and I need to come up a with New Year's resolution and that's
when we come up with a list that we don't take forever talking about each
subject because right now I'm going to have to cram the last ones into two
segments because we took forever talking about the first three.
Todd Orston: I think you're just wasting
time. Can we just jump in? We clearly have a lot to say about the remaining
Meriwether: Yes. All right.
So forgive and ask forgiveness. Most of our spouses will need forgiveness for a
New Year and it's also important to remember that we all stand to need
forgiveness. Todd needs all kinds of forgiveness [inaudible 00:23:27].
Todd Orston: I forgive you all the time.
Every single show I forgive you.
Meriwether: Oh, boy. All
right. There is a little more to this. Don't approach conflict with the idea
that you have to defend yourself especially if you're not in the middle of a
divorce or anything. Even then, but we're not... We're focusing on marriages
right now. Here's an interesting twist, and again, this comes from Laurie
DeRose. She is a... I think I had mentioned last time but... So when you approach
a situation, your spouse has said something to you, whether it's accusatory or
however they said it, doesn't matter, think of it this way.
that you need to plead guilty and explore why that is true. So rather than
jumping to the, I need to defend myself, assume for the moment what they're
saying is true and explore how it could be true. Because often someone is
saying something from their position, their point of view, and the ultimate
truth, it may not be true at an ultimate standpoint but from their point of
view it is true. And so explore that because you're going to learn a lot about
your spouse.
Todd Orston: And about yourself.
Meriwether: And yourself,
yeah. The thing is by being open... And we may or may not receive forgiveness
from our spouse but the openness that recognizes our own need for forgiveness
is a much better starting place than the pride that assumes our spouse is the
problem. Because pride can quickly lead to a divorce but if you take an open
position that maybe you have done something wrong and you need forgiveness for
it, it can change your perspective and you can learn a lot about your spouse
and yourself. One of the other things to do to help achieve this is commit to
reading a good book on marriage, or do a workshop together or something like
that. To help learn how to forgive and ask for forgiveness. That's number four.
Todd Orston: Okay. All right. Let's jump
to number five because numerically that works. If you struggled in your
marriage last year, here's a simple one. Don't wait to get help. Again, this
comes from Scott Stanley. Really, this is a fairly basic premise. And it goes
with everything. If you're talking about relationship problems and you think
that some level of help, whatever you want to call it, professional help, but
from someone, if that is a therapist, if that is a role model, in other words
if they are family members or friends you think can step into that role in a
healthy way, don't wait. All right.
is one of those situations where procrastination is not your friend. It is not
going to help. Putting these things to the side. That's a major problem that we
see as divorce lawyers all the time. If I had a nickel for every time somebody
said, "Oh, this has been going on for years." Really? Okay. Well,
obviously, my role at that point is not to play therapist but oftentimes the
question is, "Well, has it been brought up? Have you talked to your spouse
about this? Have you let them know that this is a problem?" Sometimes they
say yes, sometimes no.
I can tell you right now, you're not going to fix a problem by remaining
silent, internalizing it. All that's going to do is create bitterness and
increase the level of anger and resentment you might have for that spouse. As
opposed to, confront it, and get the help that you need as soon as possible, if
the relationship is important to you. And I don't mean that in any negative
way. Obviously, anyone who jumps into a marriage, it's an important
relationship. But if maintaining a healthy relationship is important to you,
then don't wait. Get the help that you need because it's out there. Anyway, I
think that's a great tip.
Meriwether: Yeah. For some
reason there is a lot of stigma about, "Oh, they went to a marriage
counselor." There is a lot of negatives... There's stigma about that. But
there's no stigma about, "I went to see my doctor today and got a
physical." Why is it like getting a physical yearly has no stigma but
seeing a marriage counselor or just... I know some couples that go every year.
It's almost like a checkup.
Todd Orston: Well-
Meriwether: Just like a
physical checkup. They go to the counselor and the counselor has a series of
questions they ask every time and it sort of like a, "Hey, let's make
there is no problems."
Todd Orston: Well, I'm going to hit it
from a little bit different angle. If you went to the doctor for an STD, there
might be a stigma. But you're not just like you going to the doctor for that
reason. You're not broadcasting it.
Meriwether: Right.
Todd Orston: I mean, if you are somebody
who needs to post everything on Facebook, that's a you issue, not me. There are
some things maybe you need to keep private. But marital therapy, all right,
counseling, that's not something you need to announce to the world.
Meriwether: Right.
Todd Orston: This is something that you
are doing because this relationship is so important to you that you're willing
to get help from a third party to try and fix what's broken. To bridge some gap
that has been created that is interfering with you having a happy relationship
with your spouse. It is private. No one needs to know about it. There shouldn't
a stigma because it's not a stigma. It's that whole what saying about a tree
falling in a forest, does anybody really hear it? If you go to therapy, no
one's going to know. So don't be hesitant to get the help that you need.
Meriwether: Yep. And let's
say your spouse won't agree to go, well, you can still work on yourself. Focus
on what you have control over and that's yourself, and perhaps you read a good
book on marriage. They may not go to counseling but maybe they'll go to a
marriage workshop. And even if they're not doing those in person right now,
there are a lot of online options available for you. Something to think about.
right. Number six. Now this is from a psychologist and relationship expert,
Paulette Kouffman Sherman, and she's the author of Dating from the Inside Out.
She has this thing called the appreciation game. Every evening at dinner,
practice telling your spouse one thing that you appreciate about him or her and
have them do the same for you. Now, if you have a good relationship and then
you can both do it and you alternate each night, who says what they appreciate.
could be something very specific, it could be something very general. It could
be specific, "Hey, I really appreciate this wonderful meal you made,"
or, "I really appreciate how you work hard to make sure the family's taken
care of," or, "work hard to make sure there's plenty of money in the
bank to pay our bills." So it can be general or specific. But it just
makes the other person... And maybe you try to one up each other each time.
Make it fun. And you do it in front of the kids if you have children because
that also becomes a great example for them to see so when they get married,
they already have a great example of what it looks like to shower your spouse
with words of affirmation.
say you're in a rocky marriage, go ahead and do it. You do it on your own. A
lot of times... there's actually several books written about this. About how at
first the spouse may blow you off, if you're in a rocky situation, they'll blow
you off. They won't reciprocate. But in many, many situations, over the course
of several weeks, or in some cases several months, the spouse begins to warm up
and they start to do the same thing. And I have read countless stories of
marriages that were on the rocks, on the verge of divorce, and doing something
as simple as this changed... it course-corrected. Now that by itself didn't
course-correct but what it did was it got the other person to a place where
they said, "You know what? Let's go to marriage counseling because I'm not
Todd Orston: It's a nice icebreaker.
Meriwether: Yeah.
Todd Orston: For lack of a better way of
putting it. If that ice wall has been created, this is the kind of thing that I
could see create some cracks. And, again, I'm far from perfect. Far, far, far
from perfect. Hopefully my wife's not listening because she'll call in and
agree. But I'll do things like that. Now, is it something I do all the time?
Meriwether: Guess what? When
we come back, we'll explore all the things that Todd does. I just want to let
you know that if you ever want to listen to the show live, you can listen at
1:00 AM on Monday mornings on WSB. So you can always check us out there as
Todd Orston: Better than counting sheep,
I guess. Right?
Meriwether: That's right.
Todd Orston: You can turn on the show
and we'll help you fall asleep.
Leh Meriwether: There you go.
Todd Orston: I'll talk very softly.
Meriwether: Welcome back
everyone. This is Leh and Todd, and we are your co-hosts for Divorce Team
Radio, a show sponsored by the divorce and family law firm of Meriwether &
Tharp. If you want to read more about us, you can always check us out online at
atlantadivorceteam.com. And if you want to read a transcript of this show or
others, you can go to divorceteamradio.com.
right, we are going to wrap up the 10 New Year's resolutions for your marriage.
But I'd cut you off last time. Todd, did you want to [inaudible 00:34:10] you
were talking about? I mean, appreciation game.
Todd Orston: Yeah. I mean, all I was
going to, nothing important, but I was going to say, it doesn't have to be a
game that you're playing constantly. I mean, I think that's a great way to get
into a habit. But do I do that? No, I'm not going to sit here and tell
listeners, every day my wife and I play that game, but I do recognize that
sometimes my wife just needs to hear that I appreciate her. And it could be
something simple. "You made a doctor's appointment for the kids. Thank you
very much. I appreciate you doing that." Whatever. "You put the
dishes away. I really appreciate that." It's those little things that you
don't realize that sometimes that could be... could make a real difference.
That's all I'm saying.
Meriwether: Sometimes people
just need to hear it.
Todd Orston: That's right.
Meriwether: Even if that's
sort of the role they've decided they're going to play in the marriage, they
need to hear that you appreciate it.
Todd Orston: If you take a job, you have
a role to fill, right? But it doesn't mean you don't want your boss every once
in a while looking at you going, "Great job. Good job." All right.
Meriwether: All right. Take
the next two.
Todd Orston: All right. Quickly, some
simple stuff. Okay. Well, I guess seven is simple and eight is uncomfortable.
But [crosstalk 00:35:28]. Number seven is, go to bed at the same time. All
right. I will say, I'm being a little hypocritical. I'm being very honest and
again, I hope my wife doesn't listen to this. She goes to bed earlier, I'm a
night owl. I try to make up for that in different ways. What I try and do is I
try and... The way that we work it, I stay... we watch a show, we do whatever,
we talk. And basically when she's like, "I'm going to bed," then at
that point, it's almost like, "I'll tuck you in," and then I might
just go be my night owl self.
the bottom line is, you're trying to create that relationship. So going to bed
at the same time as part of a new plan to try and rekindle and rebuild, I
definitely think that's a great idea. That was something that came from Cathryn
Mora, a relationship expert and coach and creator of LoveSparkME. Like I said,
I think it's a great idea. If there is a difference, if you have a spouse who's
like, "I go to bed at eight," and you're like, "I go to bed at
one in the morning," that may not work all the time. Try to do it every
once in a while. Try to make sure that you are letting them know I want to be
with you. And I think that's what that's all about.
Meriwether: Yep.
Todd Orston: All right. Number eight.
Set sex goals. All right. Sexologist and relationship expert, Dr. Nikki
Goldstein, she said basically, whether it's once a week, three times a week,
three times a day, whatever it is, you have to work on that side of the
relationship as well. You can't be lazy about that. You can't say it's not
important. It is. And if it's not important to you, that doesn't mean it's not
important to the other party.
before you even get to sex, you have to be willing to talk about it. And I'm
not talking about the bedroom voice kind of talking, I'm talking, just about
that side of your relationship. And then being sort of like, "Well, it
doesn't happen so I guess it's not going to happen," and nobody pushing
that issue. I can tell you right now that's going to create or it has the
potential to create problems. So A, communicate about what a healthy sex life
for you looks like. It might be three times a day for someone or it might be
once a month for someone. If you fall into the same camp, that's fine. Then
you're on the same page. To me, again, this comes down to an issue of
communication and getting on the same page on a very important component of a
Meriwether: Yeah. And
sometimes people... What happens is life gets in the way. And we often see it
when parents have children, or our spouses have children, become parents. You
get busy and sometimes by the end of the day you're wiped out and so the last
thing on your mind is sex. I know for newlyweds that may sound crazy but we see
this in our practice. We have heard this being a chief complaint. And I think
Dr. Goldstein talks about this like, sometimes even if you feel like you lost
it, when you get into it, and I hate to say this like, this is from a doctor's
advice, fake it till you make it. And then often what happens is that traction
and the connection re-emerges because of the regular activity. So it's important
to, like you said Todd, start with a conversation of what that looks like, what
a healthy sexual relationship looks like to you, and then the two of you work
towards it because I can tell you if you don't, you most likely will wind up
calling any divorce lawyer. One of you will.
sometimes, and I'm not saying it's a valid reason but I'm just saying it
happens, that your spouse starts looking for it elsewhere. Is it a good thing?
No. But like Todd was pointing out earlier, we're not perfect. We all make
mistakes. We're human beings. Especially Todd requires a lot of forgiveness,
but you need to have a conversation about it. So that's why we're talking about
the 10 New Year's resolutions for your marriage. Maybe you've let life get in
the way. I mean, we all have. I mean, we see it every day when people call us.
Life has gotten in the way of the relationship. And so this is one of the
things to sort of rekindle that part of the relationship to make sure your
marriage stays healthy.
right. We've got two more. One I'm not going to go into exquisite detail on it
because we did a whole show about it. We had the author of the book, The Five
Love Languages, come on our show, Dr. Gary Chapman. Learn your partner's love
language. Maybe you did this, you read the book 10 years ago or early in your
marriage, but maybe you've drifted from it. Maybe you need to go back and
reread the book together and make sure that each of you is speaking the other's
love language. And if not, you need to have an honest conversation to say,
"I don't feel like my..." One of the terms he uses in his book is the
love tank. My love tank is empty, or I feel like there's holes in my love tank.
They are pouring out.
actually touched on a lot of the different love languages in these tips because
one of them's quality time, one of them's words of affirmation, one of them's
gift giving. We've actually touched on a lot of his love language in this
material. Everyone needs a certain level of this love. Physical touch is
another one. Even if you have a primary love language, that doesn't mean you
don't require the other different love languages, but you do require a lot of
one in particular but... He has a whole book on it and I can't go into it in
detail on the show.
wanted to go into this last one because to me number 10 is an incredibly
practical one. And so here's the last two. We're going to leave you something
really simple you can do every day that can help with most relationships. One
of them we do all the time at the dinner table. Here are two questions you can
ask every day to make sure you're in tune with your spouse. And one of them you
might be afraid to ask it but it's from Dr. Gary Brown and it says, "What
can I do to make your day a bit easier?" When you take a moment to ask
this question in the morning, for instance, it sends a message that you're
thinking of your spouse, even if they don't have anything particular they need
you to do that day. But maybe you do it on the weekends. Like you start Saturday
morning. "Hey, what can I do this weekend that would make your weekend a
bit easier?" And then take action on it.
I said, some people are afraid to ask that question because they don't
[inaudible 00:43:14] to take action on it but hey, sometimes taking that action
or a lot of times taking that action helps to strengthen your marriage. So you
ask that question every morning. And in the evenings, especially during the
week, one of the questions that we ask each other often around the dinner table
is, "What three things happened to you today and how did they make you
question actually is from Dr. Gary Chapman. So by asking this question, it
forces you to find out about your spouse's day and how it has impacted them,
because we get so busy with our own days it's really easy to forget about the
kind of day your spouse had. Not only are you telling your spouse, even if
you've had a bad day, you care about the kind of day they had, but you also
learned maybe they had a really bad day and now's your chance to be there for
them. So we want to end it on a very practical note and want to say thanks so
much for listening and I hope that you are able to take these 10 ideas, these
New Year's resolutions and help boost your marriage. Thanks so much for