It is not at all uncommon for one spouse's use of illegal drugs or dependency on alcohol to precipitate divorce, and it appears this may be the case with the reported demise of Marc Cohn's 12 year marriage to ABC News reporter Elizabeth Vargas. Recently, Vargas released a statement indicating that she is once again battling dependence her alcohols dependence. Her statement reads:
"As so many other recovering alcoholics know, overcoming the disease can be a long and incredibly difficult process. I feel I have let myself, my co-workers and most importantly my family down and for that I am ashamed and sorry. I am committed to battling and addressing this debilitating disease and want to thank everyone who has offered their unwavering support during this trying time."
The news anchor first sought help for her dependence back in November 2013 at the urging of her husband, Marc Cohn. Now, as she returns to rehabilitation treatment, celebrity news outlets report that the couple is headed to divorce. Although the couple has yet to release a statement concerning their relationship or an impending divorce, it is likely that Cohn's alleged infidelity or Vargas's battle with alcohol dependency may be to blame for the couple's relationship woes.
Regardless of why the couple may be seeking divorce, if the couple does proceed with the divorce process, it would not be surprising if Cohn seeks custody of the couple's 8 and 11 year old sons. The two children are currently being cared for by their father as their mother seeks treatment, and if Cohn decides to proceed with divorce, he will likely seek primary custody of the couple's children to provide them with a measure of consistency. Although Georgia court's rarely award sole physical and legal custody to one parent to the exclusion of the other parent, it is not uncommon for a parent's parenting time to be limited due to issues with drugs or alcohol abuse if the court finds the best interest of the child or children would be harmed by extended contact with that parent.