How to Complete the Child Support Calculator
Calculating Support by Completing the Child Support Calculator
Before the existence of the Georgia Online Child Support Calculator, the Child Support Worksheet was the document used to calculate the amount of child support that will be paid per month. Currently, filling out the Child Support Worksheet is done online. The Worksheet is now created by entering the relevant information into the Georgia Online Child Support Calculator. The Child Support Calculator will use your income information and other relevant information to create a presumptive amount of child support. After entering in all required information for the Georgia Online Child Support Calculator, a printable electronic version of the Child Support Worksheet is produced for filing with the court.
The first step in creating a Child Support Worksheet is visit the Georgia's Child Support Commission's website and create a login by clicking "Signup" at the top of the page. To make the process of calculating child support easier, the Georgia Child Support Comission has posted a few tutorial videos which can help show you how to create login and how to create a Child Support Worksheet by entering your information into the Child Support Calculator.
Below we have provided a step by step process with screenshots on how to fill out the Georgia Online Child Support Calculator.
Step 1: Basic Information
On this page, you will see prompts asking you to complete basic information concerning you, your case and your children. The bottom of this page requires you to answer questions concerning any Social Security disability payments received due to the disability of a parent for the benefit of your children. Additionally, this section asks what percentage of uninsured health expenses should be paid be each parent. For example, if there is a health expense that is not totally covered by your child's health insurance, how will the expense be split between the parents?

Basic Information
Basic Information
Step 2: Entering Income Information
Once you have completed the basic information, you will enter in your income information by clicking the red "Go to Gross Income" tab button at the bottom of the page. Below is the first section that you should encounter on the Gross Income Tab Schedule A. The section below concerns the gross income of the parents. The income of each parent, including any salary and wages, commissions, tips, and bonuses must be included in this section. Georgia's child support calculation is based upon the income of both parents. Thus, it is important to complete this section as accurately and completely as possible.
Notice question #41 at the end of the section above. This question involves the imputed income of either parent, if any is applicable. If income should be imputed to either parent, the reasoning for why income should be imputed to either parent must be included in the text boxes labeled 41(a) and 41(b). If you are unsure whether any income should be imputed in your case, see our section concerning imputed income. The next section of Georgia's child support worksheet listed below concerns any adjustments to the parents' income that must be made for the purposes of the child support calculation. The adjustments that may be made include income adjustments for self-employment taxes paid, preexisting child support obligations, and the presence of other qualified children in the parent's home. For more information concerning these income adjustments see our section entitled Gross Income . To complete this section, click on the red "Go to Adjusted Income" tab at the bottom of the page.

Enter Income Information
Enter Income Information
Imputed Income
Imputed Income
Step 3: Health Insurance & Child Care Costs
The next section of the child support worksheet that must be completed, Heath Insurance/ Child Care Schedule D, concerns the amount of health insurance premiums paid by the parent for the benefit of the children and any work-related childcare costs incurred by either parent. If either parent incurs work-related childcare costs, the yearly amount incurred for each child must be listed on the worksheet.

Health Insurance
Health Insurance
Child Care
Child Care
Step 4: Add Deviations
Click the red "Go to Deviations" tab to move to the next section of the Calculator. The section below concerns any deviations that either parent wishes for the court or the jury to take into account when determining the final child support amount. The available deviations change the calculated or presumptive child support amount shown on line 9 of the worksheet, and include, but are not limited to, high income and low income deviation, parenting time deviation, extraordinary expense deviation, and other health related deviation(s). These deviations are referred to as non-mandatory deviations as the court or jury are not required to grant these deviations but may do so in their discretion. In order to request a non-mandatory or discretionary deviation, the parent must select which deviation is requested on the child support worksheet form and fill in the required information for that deviation.

Add Available Deviations
Add Available Deviations
Step 5: Findings of Fact
For any deviations you want the Court or the jury to consider, you must complete the Findings of Fact section at the bottom of the Deviations Schedule E Tab. If you do not fill in all three sections of information, the worksheet will not generate. Be sure you answer the question stated, and give factual information to support your answer. After you have completed the date entry section, click the green button labeled "Display Worksheet Results" located at the end of the page. You will then see the completed child support worksheet. Each section of the worksheet should be automatically populated with the information that you entered.

Enter Findings of Fact
Enter Findings of Fact
Step 6: Print/Download Your Child Support Worksheet
Once you have displayed the Worksheet results, there is a button at the bottom to print or download your completed Child Support Worksheet. If you need to share your worksheet with anyone, go back to the search Screen by clicking the Worksheet pull down in the bar at the top of the page, then clicking Search Folders - Worksheets. From there, you will be able to make your worksheet available to the Court, share the worksheet with the other parent, or print your worksheet.

Print Your Worksheet
Print Your Worksheet
Divorce and child custody matters are often complex, thus it is important that you gather as much information about the process as possible. If you have case specific questions concerning Georgia's child support worksheet or calculations, or if you find that you need additional assistance with your divorce or child custody matter, contact one of our Atlanta divorce lawyers by calling 678-879-9000 or by filling out the contact form below titled "Contact M&T Today".