How is Child Support Calculated?
How is Child Support Calculated in Georgia?
In Georgia, child support is calculated using the Child Support Worksheet (now referred to as the Georgia Online Child Support Calculator). First, both parents will enter in their monthly income information, information about their children and other relevant information. This information will produce a "presumptive amount" of child support per month. Please note that the presumptive amount isn't necessarily the final amount of the child support that will be paid. The presumptive amount can varied or "deviated" upward or downward by taking "deviations" into account. Deviations can include adjustments for health insurance costs, child care, parenting time, and several other situations.
What is the Child Support Worksheet?
The Child Support Worksheet is the basis for the current Georgia Online Child Support Calculator. To calculate monthly child support, the Child Support Worksheet uses the monthly income information of both parents along with several other factors that affect the child's needs and the ability of both parents to meet those needs. The child support worksheet must be used by courts when calculating the amount of child support to be paid. It is important to note that the worksheet only provides a recommendation to the court. As such, the court may use its discretion to determine child support obligations. You don't always have to go to court to determine your child support obligation. Both parties are free to use the Online Child Support Calculator to get a presumptive amount of child support and then agree to that amount.
How to Fill Out a Child Support Worksheet
Mandatory Deviations
As discussed above, deviations are used in the Child Support Worksheet and Online Child Support Calculator to vary (upward or downward) the presumptive child support amount. Deviations account for the fact that there may be cases where the presumptive child support amount is too high or too low because of other factors unique to each individual's case. Some deviations are mandatory. This means that you must apply these types of deviations when they exist.
Non-Mandatory Deviations
Not every deviation is mandatory and must be included. The state of Georgia recognizes that there may be many factors that could come into play causing the presumptive amount to be raised or lowered. When these factors come into play, the parties can choose to apply or choose not to apply them. These are called non-mandatory deviations. Non-mandatory deviations can include many things like: travel expenses, parenting time, private school tuition, summer camp and extracurricular activities.
Georgia Online Child Support Calculator

The Child Support Worksheet is now created online by using the Georgia Online Child Support Calculator. To begin calculating your monthly child support amount, you must first visit the Georgia's Child Support Commission's website and create a login by clicking "Signup" at the top of the page.

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Disability Benefits
On July 1, 2024, Georgia child support law changed to allow a credit
for U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs disability benefits paid to minor children. According to the new Georgia law, any
United States VA disability benefits paid to a minor child on
the noncustodial parent's account shall be counted as child support payments
and shall be applied against the final child support amount to be paid by the
noncustodial parent for the minor child.