Episode 133 - Dealing with Tax Problems Aren't as Scary as You Might Think
Meriwether: Welcome everyone.
I'm Leh Meriwether and with me is Todd Orston. Todd and I are partners at the
law firm of Meriwether & Tharp, and you're listening to The Meriwether
& Tharp Show. Here you'll learn about family law, divorce, tips on how to
save your marriage if it's in the middle of a crisis, and from time to time
even tips on how to take your marriage to the next level. If you want to read
more about us, you can always check us out online, atlantadivorceteam.com.
Meriwether: Well, today we're
actually going to go a little bit beyond family law. Although what's really
interesting about family law is that we touch so many different areas of the
law. We touch bankruptcy law. We touch tax law. We touch criminal law, juvenile
law. It's not just limited to divorce world. It's because it deals with the
lives of human beings.
Orston: Right. There's
so many other things that impact families. We call what we do family law often.
There are so many other issues that can impact a family, and so it's not always
just about divorce. Families are dealing with all sorts of other legal issues.
Sometimes we like to touch on those other issues so we can educate listeners,
make sure that they understand where to go, and what questions to ask if they have
a problem.
Meriwether: Last week, I had
realized that there was a couple other areas of the law we really have never
taken a deep dive on. What's crazy, we've done, what, 133 shows by this point,
or 131, I'm losing track there's so many.
Orston: Realize-
Meriwether: Maritime law,
we've never touched on it. Circus law, I don't know if that's actually-
Orston: There's circus
Meriwether: I don't know. I'm
sure there's animal rights law.
Orston: Oh, definitely,
definitely. That's not a joking matter.
Meriwether: No. Today,
thankfully, we have someone in studio with us to talk about tax law and
particular situations where you might find yourself in tax court or dealing
with the IRS. Well, with us today is Jason Wiggam. He's the founding partner of
Wiggam and Geer located in Atlanta, Georgia. His practice focuses on
representing individuals, businesses, officers, directors, shareholders, and
partners in matters before the Internal Revenue Service and the Georgia
Department of Revenue as well as other state tax departments. He earned his
Juris Doctorate from Georgia State University College of Law. Actually
graduated magna cum laude. He was named Georgia's Legal Elite by Georgia Trend
Magazine 2015, '16, '17, '18, and '19. He was also named a 2018 and '19 Rising
Star by Super Lawyers. Jason, thanks so much for coming on the show.
Wiggam: Thanks for having
Meriwether: Jason, actually we
talked about you coming on the show several weeks ago, and then I asked you,
what, two days ago, three days ago? Was it-
Wiggam: Yeah, yeah.
Meriwether: I am so-
Orston: We wouldn't want
to give you a lot of time to prepare.
Wiggam: I really
appreciated that.
Meriwether: I'm glad you were
able to come on because we have situations... The funny thing is somebody else
introduced me to Jason, but what I didn't realize, he was already working with
another lawyer inside our firm, helping a mutual client dealing with a
difficult tax situation where there was a joint tax liability that rose out of
the divorce. The husband had agreed to be responsible for it, but he wasn't
paying it. The IRS was coming after our client, and so he was working or she
was working with you, Jason, on an innocent spouse statute.
Wiggam: With the joint tax
liability, the IRS can go after both parties who filed even if there's an
agreement otherwise through the divorce. In this situation, I believe, the
ex-spouse who didn't pay the taxes, when they filed, your client, our client,
was an employee. She had paid in taxes from her paycheck. She did everything by
the book. The other party was self-employed and was supposed to pay quarterly
tax payments or pay monthly, however he should have done it, and chose not to
do so.
Orston: He was using a
different book.
Wiggam: Yeah, he had the
wrong book.
Orston: The wrong book.
Wiggam: Her perspective,
which I think is correct, is, "Hey, he didn't pay his taxes. Why should I
be responsible for these?" So the IRS has a program called innocent spouse
relief that you can apply for to remove yourself from the liability
potentially. It's sort of the situation we just laid out there is the
stereotypical situation they look at. Another one you'll see is if there was an
audit. Let's say when the return was filed, one party didn't know that the
other maybe was inflating some expenses or doing something improper on the tax
return, the Internal Revenue Service audits the couple and makes some
adjustments to the tax return related to the business, and they were wholly
unaware. That's another situation that arises then.
Meriwether: What is it that
they need to do? Let's say a listener has suddenly gotten that letter from the
IRS saying, "You owe 40, 50,000 in taxes, and we're coming after
you." I've seen some of the letters, like, "We're going to start
garnishing your paycheck," or something like... What do they do when they
get that letter besides call you?
Wiggam: First, if you don't
call us, I think I would contact the IRS and ask to put their account on hold.
You wouldn't want them to garnish or take any other nasty enforcement action.
For innocent spouse relief, there's actually a form they would file. It's Form
8857. They have a publication online. I don't know the number off the top of my
head, but I think if they just googled "IRS innocent spouse relief
publication" it would come up, that lays out the requirements and what you
have to do. It is quite complicated, but I've seen people navigate it
themselves. Many times they will start the process, and then once they're in
it, they decide, "Hey, maybe I'd be better served that with a professional
help me." That would be the process. Once you submit the request and the
IRS receives it and acknowledges receipt, by law they cannot take any
enforcement action against the taxpayer, so they're protected from seizures,
garnishments, levies-
Orston: Levies a stay,
if you will.
Wiggam: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Meriwether: What I'm hearing
is the worst thing you could do is put your head in the sand and not respond to
the letter from the IRS saying we're going to garnish your wages.
Wiggam: That is definitely
accurate. That never ends well. Maybe if something bad doesn't happen right
away, but at some point it will, and it is much harder to solve a problem once
they have their hands on you. Once they've already started garnishing your
paycheck or once they levy your bank account, once they seize your bank
account, it is much more difficult to work with them. I mean we deal with those
situations. But if I had a crystal ball or if I could plan it out, I would tell
them they'd be much better served to do it before these things happen instead
of waiting.
Orston: We tell clients
similar things. There are issues where not doing something immediately, let's
say non-payment of child support or alimony or whatever, and then wait a year,
two years, five years, 10 years, and then they're coming to us and they're
saying, "Oops, I have a problem." Well, yeah. Well, now your problem
is a whole bunch worse as opposed to had you just acted immediately, we could
have resolved it. We could have figured something out that wouldn't put you
very deeply into a hole. One other thing I do say before we move forward is to
listeners just be careful, because tell me if I'm wrong, there are a lot of IRS
scams out there. When you get some of these letters, emails, whatever, just
make sure you're dealing truly with the IRS.
Wiggam: There are a lot of
fake phone calls where it's pretend IRS agents. In very limited situations that
the IRS call you directly, so if you receive a call from someone claiming to be
an IRS agent, 99% chance it's not one. Usually the tell is there's an accent or
at some point in the conversation will end up with them wanting your bank account
information. The IRS does not take your bank account information over the
phone. Yes, I would ignore those calls.
Orston: You gave a great
tip to all those scammers. You just said, "with an accent." So now
they're just going to have somebody without an accent call.
Wiggam: When he's like,
"My name is John," but it's clearly-
Orston: Not John.
Wiggam: ... that's usually
a good tell.
Orston: I just wanted
that because a lot of what we're talking about and going to talk about is how
to interact with the IRS, when to interact with the IRS, and sometimes it's not
the IRS. So I just wanted to make sure that it was clear that if you have
received a call or more accurately, if you receive something in writing, then
just make sure that you're dealing with the right people.
Wiggam: I agree with that
Meriwether: When it comes to
the IRS, when they seize a bank account, they can seize it without giving you
Wiggam: Well-
Meriwether: They'll send you a
letter saying they're going to do it but can-
Wiggam: Sort of. They have
to give you notice, but it could have been years before. You're right. It's not
like they have to give you notice and then seize the bank account. By law, they
have to issue what's called a final notice of intent to levy, and they have to
wait 31 days. After 31 days, you are potentially exposed, so it could be years
after this letter that they do it. Once they seize your bank account, the bank,
by law, holds the funds for 21 days. You have 21 days to contact the IRS and
work that out. That is a tight time frame. That's why it's much better to deal
with it proactively.
Meriwether: Yeah, because at
least they put a hold on those collection efforts. That's big. Jason, real
quick, so the website, if someone who wants to read more about you or they have
a tax problem, it's wiggamgeer.com.
Wiggam: That's true,
Meriwether: Good, I just want
to make sure. I normally say that in the very beginning. I realize I didn't, so
I definitely want people to find you to help them. But don't go away because up
next we're going to talk about when you can't pay a tax liability, what options
do you have to help work with the IRS to meet that obligation or see if you can
get out of even some of that obligation.
Meriwether: Welcome everyone.
I'm Leh Meriwether and with me is Todd Orston. Todd and I are partners at the
law firm of Meriwether & Tharp, and you're listening to the Meriwether
& Tharp Show. If you want to read more about us, you can always check us
out online at atlantadivorceteam.com. Well, today we're going beyond the family
law. I mean we're not going completely beyond family law because families have
to pay taxes, but we are talking about tax law and how it can impact families
especially ones going through a divorce because a lot of times tax situations
arise during a divorce. Sometimes they can be a cause of the divorce, a
discovery of someone playing some kind of fraud with their business and
perhaps, we've talked about this, using their business to hide an extramarital
affair, and but they try to write it off. That gets them in trouble, and it
starts the whole process. But we're not going to talk about taxes because we
know just enough when to call Jason Wiggam and bring him in to help. Jason, all
you do is focus on tax law and tax litigation in particular.
Wiggam: Yeah, that's 100%
of my practice representing taxpayers and resolving their tax liabilities with
the IRS or state agencies.
Meriwether: Let's talk about a
tax liability has arisen. We see this in divorces. We'll see couples that are
just struggling. They're starting a business. They're struggling just to pay
their taxes. They don't withhold along the way, and then at the end of the
year, "Oh my gosh, I owe $20,000." Well, yeah, if you had been paying
all along and all this, but now they're in a situation. They're going through a
divorce, and literally their expenses have doubled because they're now living
in two households. What do they do? What can you do with that $20,000 debt? Is
the IRS just going to come in and levy on the house? What should you do?
Wiggam: Well, I would say
first and foremost, deal with it. Don't put your head in the sand because if
you don't deal with it, eventually it could get elevated to something bad
happening. The IRS has a lot of programs to deal with a tax liability that's
unpaid. At $20,000, they would be willing to give you a six to seven-year
installment agreement no questions asked-
Meriwether: Oh wow.
Wiggam: ... without
disclosing your financial information to the IRS.
Orston: Six to seven
Meriwether: Is there a
threshold for that? Like, if you go above 50, you can't get that deal?
Wiggam: It's actually 100
now. It used to be 50. Recently the program was working so well the government
decided to up it to 100. The problem with that one is you pay in full, so
they're going to charge late payment penalties, interest, which combined can be
10% a year.
Meriwether: Really?
Wiggam: Many times I talk
to people that are looking to pay less than the legal amount owed, and they do
have those programs too. Or even if the person couldn't afford to pay it out in
six or seven years, they have programs. They have this thing called
uncollectible status. Basically, you go to the IRS and you show them that, due
to your expenses being very close to your income, you can't afford to pay them
anything at all, and they just leave you alone. So there, they're looking at,
do you have assets that they would be interested in taking? In many cases if
you have a home, 401(k), that's not a problem.
Meriwether: Meaning, they
won't look to seize it?
Wiggam: Correct, correct.
Orston: But I assume you
can't say, "Look, between my mansion and the yacht..." which we all
know yachts are expensive to maintain and the Lambo, that Lamborghini, I got to
tell you, that's expensive, that's not going to fly with the IRS.
Wiggam: That's true. So
that person needs to do the six to seven-year agreement. Better yet, they'd
probably be well served just selling the Lambo and just paying them because
Orston: It's a Lambo.
Wiggam: I mean sure, or
whatever they want to do.
Orston: That's
ridiculous. It's crazy.
Wiggam: I don't tell anyone
what to do with their money.
Orston: By the way, I
don't really refer to it as a Lambo. That's-
Meriwether: What do you refer
to your Lamborghini?
Orston: Oh, I wish. A
Toyota? It's a lesser known model of Lamborghini.
Wiggam: They have a
settlement program too. It's called an offer in compromise. If they don't have
a Lamborghini, approach the IRS and try to pay a lump sum that's less than they
owe. You can file bankruptcy to get rid of income taxes. I won't dive into that
very deep. I think you might be doing that at a later date. You can also
request that they abate your penalties, and they'll do that in some instances.
So there are ways that you can pay less than the full amount. Typically, the
penalty abatement request, you would tie it with the installment agreement.
Orston: So all of this,
what I'm hearing is that the IRS... I'm not trying to pat them on the back.
They do a necessary job for us. I mean they collect the taxes. But the bottom
line is they would much prefer to work something out then to have to pursue you
through courts and basically come after you that way.
Wiggam: For sure.
Orston: So the bottom
line is is as long as you don't stick your head in that proverbial sand, there
are options out there for you to try and work something out and avoid big
Wiggam: They have a lot of
incentive beyond just taking your property and garnishing your wages too. They
instituted a new program a few years ago where they can actually deny your
passport application, deny your renewal of a passport, or even revoke your
passport. Now, they hadn't been revoking passports at all, but they are going
to start doing so soon.
Orston: Did I hear
correctly that they started doing it a little bit, and it was a very popular
method of getting people to pay attention to their taxes?
Wiggam: They dipped their
toe in the water on just let's deny the applications and deny renewals or just
certify that you couldn't get a passport, like send a letter to the delinquent
taxpayer. By the way, it only applies if you owe more than $50,000. If you owe
less than $50,000, this wouldn't happen. They send you a letter that-
Meriwether: At least not yet.
Orston: Exactly.
Jason Wiggam: Right.
Orston: Let's see how
much above 50,000-
Wiggam: How well that
Orston: ... how well
that works out.
Wiggam: First of all, they
collected over a billion dollars in a one, two-year time frame.
Orston: Wow.
Wiggam: They looked at the
data and the majority of the cases, the taxpayers were just paying in full.
Meriwether: Not even
Wiggam: Correct.
Meriwether: Wow.
Wiggam: So they love this
program and that's why they are-
Leh Meriwether: Clearly.
Wiggam: ... expanding it.
If you receive a notice saying that you're certified, that they're certifying
your passport is delinquent, you definitely need to address it then. Once it's
already happened, it can be reversed. It's just much harder. Better yet, before
you even get the letter, the sooner the better, I think, is the theme there.
Meriwether: But if you're
talking to the IRS, they're probably not going to do that to your passport.
Wiggam: Correct, yeah. If
enter into a payment plan, installment agreement, you file for innocent spouse
relief that we talked about earlier, you enter into uncollectible status, you
file an offer in compromise, you file for bankruptcy, there's a number of
exceptions. So, yes, engaging with them and trying to resolve your liability is
the ticket there to preventing that from happening.
Meriwether: Let me ask you
this. IRS enforcement, what can they realistically do to a taxpayer if there's
an unpaid liability?
Wiggam: I mean legally they
can do a lot of different things, but practically speaking, they typically
garnish wages or seize bank accounts. Those are the two easiest, simplest
things for them to do. Or seize financial accounts, so it's not just your bank
account. It could be your brokerage account, your Bitcoin account, whatever.
They are one of two creditors that can seize a retirement account.
Meriwether: Really? I didn't
know that.
Wiggam: An ex-spouse with a
QDRO, which I'm sure you guys deal with all the time or the IRS. Now, they
choose not to do so. In extreme circumstances, people that have really thumbed
their nose at them who owe really large liabilities and who they've attempted
multiple times to resolve the debt or choose not to do so, that's going to happen
to. If you're engaged with them, you've hired a professional to engage with
them, that's unlikely to happen.
Wiggam: With a primary
residence, they can seize properties. They tend not to seize your primary
residence. If you have equity in a property, what they want you to do is take
out a home equity line of credit or try to refinance. But they shoot themselves
in the foot. In many cases when you have a tax liability, lenders won't work
with you, so as long as you have a denial letter stating that you tried to get
the loan, you did everything you could and you were unable to do so, they will
move along and leave the home alone. Second properties, like rental properties,
if they were paid off, that's definitely in the danger zone. If you owe over a
certain dollar amount, they will definitely try to take them. They'll give you
an opportunity to do a payment plan instead, but they are going to assume that
that property is theirs if they want it.
Meriwether: Years ago I went
to do a home equity line of credit, and they denied me. I was like, "Why
are you denying me?" "Well, there's a tax lien on your house." I
had no clue. I didn't owe any taxes, but the Georgia Department of Revenue had
put... it was like $5,000. I had tons of equity in the house, but it wasn't
mine. So I had to get on the horn and talk to them. Of course, you wait on hold
forever. Finally I got a hold of them and said, "I just found a lien on my
house, and I don't owe y'all any taxes." It turned out to be a big
mistake. They withdrew it and everything. But oh my gosh, it delayed the home
equity line by, I want to say, four months or three months. One thing I can't
delay is going to a break. But we're going to come right back. We're going to
continue to talk about what you can do to reduce your tax liabilities, and
we're going to learn about statutes of limitations when it comes to recovering
Meriwether: Welcome everyone.
I'm Leh Meriwether and with me is Todd Orston. Todd and I are partners at the
law firm of Meriwether & Tharp, and you're listening to the Meriwether
& Tharp Show. If you want to read more about us, you can always check us
out online at atlantadivorceteam.com. Well, today we're talking about taxes,
tax liability. Is it directly family law? Not directly but indirectly because
so many of our clients have been impacted by a tax liability in one form or
another that has had to have been dealt with in the divorce and the context of
divorce. We know just enough of when to tell our client to call Jason Wiggam
because that's all he does. He focuses on representing clients before the
Internal Revenue Service, the Georgia Department of Revenue. The person doesn't
have to be a Georgia resident for you to represent them on an IRS debt, right?
Wiggam: That's correct. I
represent taxpayers nationwide.
Meriwether: Because it's
federal law, you just need to be licensed in one state-
Wiggam: That's correct.
Meriwether: ... which is nice.
Even if you're not in Atlanta and you need help, contact Jason. That's, what,
williamgeer.com, right?
Wiggam: Wiggam-
Meriwether: Did I say William?
It's wiggamgeer.com.
Wiggam: No worries.
Orston: You're doing so
well. He just went off the rails.
Wiggam: Why don't I just
give them the phone number?
Meriwether: Okay.
Wiggam: Was that okay?
Meriwether: Yeah, that's fine.
Wiggam: It's 404-233-9800.
You can find us online at wiggamgeer.com.
Meriwether: Where we left off,
we were talking about the enforcement... the idea that we talked about that
they can put a lien on your house. I talked about a problem I had where there
was an improper lien on my house. A retirement account, that they can seize
that. I did not know they could do that. That's interesting. They can garnish
your account. One thing you hear about, I know they're fake calls, but they're
like, "We're going to put you in jail." The IRS, do they have the
authority to put you in jail?
Wiggam: There are tax
crimes, but for your average person who just has a tax liability that they
couldn't pay for whatever reason, financial hardship, divorce, whatever, you're
not going to be put in jail. There's no debtors' prisons. It's not a crime to
owe them money. It could get to a level of a crime if you had assets and you
hid them from them or fraudulently transfer them to your sister or something,
but for your average person, they're not going to put you in jail.
Orston: It's not the IRS
actually putting you in jail. They still have to go through the entire process
of filing some kind of an action. Wouldn't it be them filing with some court-
Wiggam: Sure.
Orston: ... a criminal
action and then going after for tax evasion or something like that? Then, of
course, the sanction, if you are found guilty if you will, of that could be
Wiggam: Correct. I guess I
was just looking at someone who owed a tax liability. Typically, it's you had
unreported income that you intentionally didn't report. You intentionally
overstated your expenses. I think earlier you guys talked about a case where
someone paid their mistress through their business. Clearly, that's not a
business expense so it's done intentionally, and it could be.
Orston: But it wouldn't
be the IRS sending you a letter, not calling you, and saying, "Oh yeah, by
the way, report to jail because-
Wiggam: Correct.
Orston: ... you've done
Wiggam: If you just owe
them money, you're not going to jail.
Orston: If they feel
that your actions have risen to the level of criminal behavior, they would have
to follow the same path, if you will, that any governmental agency, like a
Meriwether: Has to prosecute
you for a crime.
Orston: ... they would
have to prosecute you for a crime.
Wiggam: Correct. Yeah, due
process rights and the whole nine yards. The situation I typically see, because
I do interact with taxpayers, like criminal liability or the potential for it,
are people who are non-filers. What I mean by that is someone hasn't filed a
tax return. Typically, it's for a number of years. Someone typically being
under the table in cash. I mean it could be other reasons, but that's typically
what it is. They're usually self-employed and no one is sending them a 1099 so
the government doesn't know about them. I've helped people where they haven't
filed for a few years. They haven't filed for 10 years, 20 or ever.
Meriwether: Let me ask you
this real quick, and correct me if I'm wrong. That's why I'm asking this
question. A failure to file a tax return is a crime.
Wiggam: It can be-
Meriwether: Or can be.
Wiggam: ... if done with
criminal intent.
Meriwether: But filing a tax
return and you just can't pay the taxes, that in and of itself isn't a crime.
Wiggam: Correct.
Meriwether: So some people are
afraid to file their tax return because they know they can't pay it, but you're
setting yourself up for bigger trouble.
Wiggam: Right. I see that a
lot where people, because they don't have the money to pay it, they choose not
to file. The problem with that is they assert late filing penalties. It's 5%
per month, the maximum of 25%.
Meriwether: Wow.
Wiggam: Even if you
couldn't pay them, just by filing on time, you get a 25% discount if you want
to look at it like that. Yeah, they're shooting themselves in the foot because
if they had filed the return and just owed the money, there's no criminal
liability, but by choosing not to file, it could be. I think very few taxpayers
get prosecuted. Typically, it's-
Meriwether: You got to be
somebody like Wesley Snipes.
Wiggam: Yes, celebrities,
public figures, large dollar amounts and really egregious behavior. What I mean
by that is money laundering, skimming, just things that your average person
aren't doing.
Meriwether: Isn't that
actually how they started catching a lot of the drug dealers down in Miami? It
was through money laundering.
Wiggam: Yeah, Al Capone, it
was the tax fraud they got him for.
Meriwether: Let's talk about
settling and reducing tax liability because I'm sure a lot of people want to
understand that, or maybe disputing a liability. Rather than trying to do it
yourself, when they hire you, what do you bring to the table to help them
navigate that process?
Wiggam: Taxes are
complicated. A lot of people make mistakes unintentionally. I'll have many
clients who come to us of a tax liability, and maybe they were looking to work
out a payment plan or whatever. Once we get all the information and look at
their account, I'll see that mistakes were made, I guess, is the best way to
put it. Maybe they were audited, and they were unaware. They could have moved.
They were so afraid to open the letter, they didn't realize they were audited.
Meriwether: Oh wow.
Wiggam: If you fail to
file, they will file a tax return. The Internal Revenue Service will file a tax
return for you. So we'll see taxes situations where we end up correcting the
liability, disputing, and reducing it. That's step one. Can we do that in any
way? Then if we can or if we couldn't, then we look at what are the ways we can
get a reduction. So number one, they have 10 years to collect the tax debt from
you generally speaking.
Meriwether: The IRS does?
Wiggam: The IRS does, yeah.
There are programs that you can enter into where... Well, first of all, if
you're going for the strategy, you would want to delay resolution as long as
possible legally. Don't hide or do anything insane. Just wait to resolve it as
long as you could before they could take action against you. Then you can enter
into payment plans with them in some instances where you will not pay in full.
Like if a taxpayer owes $100,000, $50,000 and they enter into a $100 a month
payment plan, they'll never pay that in full over the 10-year period. Earlier I
talked about uncollectible status. They'll just leave you alone. So we put the
client into these programs, and they just wait it out. At the end of the 10
years, they literally write off the tax debt. To this day it still blows my
mind. I have clients, they owe $300,000. It's there one day; it's gone the
Meriwether: Really? Let me
make sure I understand this. So you enter a payment plan of $100 a month. You
owe $100,000. There's no way you're going to pay it off in 10 years. At the end
of the 10 years, maybe you paid $50,000, I know my math's wrong, but you've
only paid off half of it. At the end of those 10 years, the other half is just
forgiven? I mean it's gone?
Wiggam: In most instances,
yeah. Technically, they can convert it to a judgment, but they rarely ever do
that. I've seen it once in my career. It doesn't happen very often.
Orston: So the agreement
doesn't create some kind of-
Meriwether: Stay.
Orston: ... a stay of
that 10-year period. At the end of that 10 years, there might be some things
that the IRS can do, but, like you were saying, technically or traditionally,
they don't really spend the time and the effort to do it.
Wiggam: That's a good
point. The agreement doesn't, but there are other actions you take that can
extend the 10 years. That's why I said 10 years generally. If you file
bankruptcy, if you file for innocent spouse, if you file and offer in
compromise, certain appeals you do, so it's very important to figure out what
the game plan is and which route you want to go to resolve this tax liability
because a lot of actions you take can screw it up.
Wiggam: The other way that
we settle for less than the person owes is they have an offer in compromise
program. That's their settlement program where you've offered to pay less than
is owed. There, they're looking at what are your assets, your liabilities, and
your monthly cash flow. The better off you are financially, the more assets you
have, the more money you make, the more money they're going to want you to pay.
Orston: Kind of makes
Wiggam: Yes. Bankruptcy and
penalty abatements are the other two big ones.
Meriwether: Interesting. We
may not have time to get to it before the end of this segment. You had
mentioned that they can actually file a tax return for you.
Wiggam: If you choose not
to file a tax return, step one is they send you a notice that says, "Hey,
you haven't filed a tax return. Please do so by this date." If you then
choose not to file it by the date proscribed, they will prepare one for you.
Meriwether: They don't give
you any deductions, right? They hit you with the maximum taxes.
Wiggam: Correct. It's a
punishment tool. They want to encourage you to resolve and come into the
Orston: Once that
happens, we'll get to that in a minute.
Meriwether: Up next, we're
going to answer Todd's question, and we're going to have some hypos. We're
going to have some hypotheticals that have come out of some divorce cases.
Welcome everyone. I'm Leh Meriwether and with me is Todd Orston. You're
listening to Meriwether & Tharp Show. If you want to read more about us,
you can always check us out online at atlantadivorceteam.com. I'm talking fast
because we are on our last segment, and I feel like we've barely scratched the
surface of tax law. Of course, we talked yesterday that this was going to
happen, but there's just so much interesting... Sometimes taxes can be boring,
but sometimes it can be very interesting, and we've been talking about some
interesting things. We had to interrupt one of your questions, Todd. What was
Orston: It was very
rude. My question that I realized we were running out of time is let's say the
IRS prepares a tax return for you, and it's the most draconian tax return ever.
Meaning, it is as harsh... There's no benefits to you at all. Do you have any
recourse to try and change or modify that return?
Wiggam: Yes, yeah. When
they prepare one for you, they don't give you any of your deductions. It's the
basically the worst possible return that can be prepared. In those situations,
step one is we have the taxpayer prepare and file their original tax return
which would include all those benefits, deductions. In many instances, it's a
significant reduction. I would say in probably 95% of the time the IRS files a
return for someone, it's going to be wrong. I think it's designed to be that
way intentionally because they want you to engage with them and come back into
the system.
Orston: It makes sense.
They don't have all of your personal information and financial information, but
they're saying, "We want a return filed, so either you do it or we do it.
We're going to have to make some assumptions if we do it."
Wiggam: They actually do
have some of it. Like, your mortgage interest they have. They have all your
income information. Anything that you receive in the mail from a third party,
they get a copy of too. Typically, they just take all that information, all the
income, and put it on the tax return with-
Todd Orston: No deductions.
Wiggam: ... the minimum
amount of deductions. It can be fixed. You're not stuck forever.
Meriwether: One of the things
we've seen in divorces is you've got one party, I'll just say the husband. He's
been running a business, but he hadn't filed tax returns in five years. So
we're getting ready to go through a divorce, and obviously there's this
concern. She's been trying to file her returns, but she hasn't. She knows that
at the end of this divorce she's going to have to buy a house. Well, they
always want to see tax returns when you go to buy a house. Are there programs
where you can basically get back into the system of filing without being
Wiggam: Generally speaking,
when one hasn't filed for a period of time, the Internal Revenue Service will
require the taxpayer to file for the last six years. But look, you might want
to go back and file further. Let's say the taxpayer had losses or some tax
benefits that would accrue to them if they filed beyond the six years. Or what
we were just talking about, if the IRS filed a tax return for the person beyond
the six-year period, you would definitely still want to file that return and
correct it. States have... they're called voluntary disclosure programs. They
will have programs where it can be even more beneficial. For instance, the
Georgia Department of Revenue allows you to file for the last three years, and
they will waive all the penalties for late filing and late payments. The IRS
doesn't waive any penalties. They just let you get off with filing the last six
years instead of 10, 15, 20, whatever the time frame.
Meriwether: Even 10 years, you
can just file the last six.
Wiggam: Right.
Meriwether: I'm going to give
you a different hypothetical. We've seen cases where it turned out during the
course of the litigation where one person was not reporting cash that they had
received on their tax return, so it came out in the divorce. I'm not trying to
pick on the husbands; it's just that's where I've typically seen it. Let's say
the husband hadn't filed... There was $200,000 in cash that was unreported, and
it comes out. What should they do? Let's say she doesn't want him to go to jail
or get in trouble because she's going to be dependent on him for some child support
and alimony. What should the parties do in that situation?
Wiggam: Do you want me to
look at it from each person's perspective?
Meriwether: Yeah, yeah.
Wiggam: If I representing
husband, I think step one is, does he have any criminal exposure? Just because
you didn't report cash doesn't mean that it's necessarily a criminal matter. It
could be purely civil. There, we would look at what's the statute of
limitations to correct it. If you filed a tax return, generally speaking, it's
going to be either three or six years. Let's say he did have criminal exposure.
You get immunity from it, generally speaking, if you correct the problem before
someone reports you or if the IRS comes after you. I think the answer for him
is he would want to resolve it especially if he was concerned that someone
would report him, because there are whistleblower programs. I've seen this in
divorce cases. It can come out as you're saying. From the wife's perspective, I
guess she... Did they file jointly?
Leh Meriwether: Let's say they've been filing
Wiggam: She would have
innocent spouse relief in her back pocket. She couldn't use it until something
actually happened, but if something did happen, she would. I guess if she just
hated him and wanted to ruin his life, she could turn him in, but she probably
doesn't want to do that because she might need funds from him: alimony, child
support, whatever.
Meriwether: Let's talk real
quick about that whistleblower program because you had mentioned that to me
when we were talking on the phone yesterday. I had never heard of it before. It
makes sense. I tell a quick story. There was an attorney here in Georgia. He
had a divorce, and there was a trial. At the trial, it came out that he had
bought a house in cash, well, not exactly cash. It was a $600,000 home, and he
paid for it with a series of cashier's checks that were in the amount of
$9,999, so just under the $10,000 reporting threshold of the banks. I won't get
into all the details why they have to do that. He was under the threshold, and
it came out.
Meriwether: Then lo and
behold, after the divorce was over, he suddenly got audited by the IRS, and
they brought fraud charges against him, tax evasion charges. He was found
guilty, and then lost his bar license. Because if you have a felony on your bar
license here in Georgia, you lose your bar license. Now I'm wondering was there
a whistleblower in that courtroom who called the IRS? Is there incentives for
Wiggam: There is. If you
report a tax issue to the IRS for an individual or a company, any type of
taxpayer and it's credible information that they can act on and they choose to
take the case, audit the person, and collect the funds, which can be a very
long process, you can get 15 to 25% of what the government collects. There
actually a pretty famous whistleblower. So this guy, Bradley Birkenfeld, he
worked for UBS in their Swiss banking program. He was in the business of having
all these taxes US persons come over and hide their cash and untaxed income in
Switzerland. For some reason, he decided to disclose all the accounts to the
IRS. I assume he was in trouble in some other matters. But long story short, he
went to prison for a few years. When he got out, he got a $300 million check
because the Internal Revenue Service collected a lot of money from those UBS
account holders that he turned over.
Meriwether: Wow.
Orston: I just want to
say if any of you in this room are contacted by the IRS and investigated, I had
nothing to do with it. The same thing goes for my family and friends. I have no
idea. It's just coincidence. 300 million, that's-
Meriwether: Put down your
phone, Todd.
Orston: Usually I only
know it from movies, but people come out of prison and they get some bus fare
Wiggam: He was pardoned,
Orston: Wow. The limo
comes and picks you up. That's-
Meriwether: Wow. If there's
anything to take from this, and we're just about out of time for the show...
Orston: Turn in your
family and friends. No, I'm kidding.
Meriwether: Here's the big
takeaway from this is if you're in the middle of a divorce and there's been
some tax issues, you really don't want to go to trial. You need to focus on
trying to settle that case because I would think that the court reporter who's
recording everything that's being said in that might be a whistleblower. There
could be a bailiff in the room who call, I suppose, too, because it's public
record. The bailiff could order the transcript and turn it in. So the moral of
this story is if you are in the middle of a divorce and you may have not been
reporting everything, call Jason to make sure that you report this and clean
all this up before it becomes a problem. Before we wrap up, how can people get
ahold of you?
Wiggam: The best way to
reach us is to call us at 404-233-9800. We also have information on our
website. It's www.wiggamgeer.com, W-I-G-G-A-M-G-E-E-R.com, and it's
Meriwether: Awesome. Hey,
thanks so much for coming on the show.
Wiggam: Thank you for
having me.
Meriwether: In fact, I think I
have your partner coming on next week.
Wiggam: You do.
Meriwether: We're going to
talk about bankruptcy. Actually, there's some interesting bankruptcy tales too.
That's another show we haven't made a deep dive on. Hey, everyone, thanks so
much for listening. If you're enjoying this show and perhaps maybe you're not
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