205 - Why are the Gates and more older people divorcing?
For some, the Gates divorce was a surprise. Unfortunately, they are part of a growing demographic where divorces are on the rise. This situation has come to be known as Gray Divorces. Carol Hughes and Bruce Fredenburg, the authors of Home Will Never Be the Same: A Guide for Adult Children of Gray Divorce, come back on the show to discuss the Gates divorce. Carol and Bruce share their thoughts on what is happening and what advice would they give the Gates and their children going through this tough time.
Meriwether: Welcome everyone.
I'm Leh Meriwether and with me is Todd Orston. We are your co-hosts for Divorce
Team Radio, a show sponsored by the divorce and family law firm of Meriwether
& Tharp. Here you'll learn about divorce, family law, and from time to
time, even tips on how to save your marriage if it's in the middle of a crisis.
If you want to read more about us, you can always check us out online at
atlantadivorceteam.com. Well, Todd, I've got some good news and bad news for
you today. What do you want first?
Todd Orston: You know what? I'm going to
go with bad news first.
Meriwether: Bad news? Okay. Well,
we're talking about another tragic gray divorce today. Namely, Bill and Melinda
Todd Orston: Yeah, that is definitely
unfortunate news. I mean, we weren't close, but still, I'm sorry. But jokes
aside, it is an interesting situation, because they are incredibly public
figures, and from the outside looking in, it appeared like they were good,
right? That everything was on track for them. And then, all of a sudden, they
drop this bomb and really, the effect on me and my family, it's selfish really.
Am I taking it too far?
Fredenbur...: It reminds me of the
old Al Franken shtick he did on Saturday Night Live. I know what you're asking,
I know what you're thinking, "How's this affecting Al Franken?"
Todd Orston: Right, right. In and of
itself, a little selfish. But, yes. All right. But no, jokes aside, from the
outside looking in, they seemed good, but Leh, you and I, we talk about this
all the time. Unfortunately, it's happening more and more, people later in life
getting divorced, where unfortunately you would think they've ironed out all
the rough spots, they've figured out how to make things work. And yet, after
15, 20, 30, 40, 50 years saying, "I think it's time for a divorce,"
and that gray divorce concept, it's becoming, unfortunately, more and more
Meriwether: It is. And here's
the good news I have for you.
Todd Orston: I can stop talking, and
somebody who actually knows what they're going to talk about...
Meriwether: I was going to
say, "You don't have to hurt your brain today," because I know this
radio show taxes you mentally. How about maybe we bring on some experts to talk
about the situation and shed some light on gray divorces like the Gates? With
us today are Dr. Carol Hughes and Bruce Fredenburg for a repeat appearance.
They are the authors of the book Home Will Never Be the Same: A Guide for Adult
Children of Gray Divorce. Thanks so much for coming back on.
Dr. Carol
Hughe...: Thank you. You guys
are always great to have us and great to talk with.
Fredenbur...: We figured you won't
let us stumble too much, so this is good.
Todd Orston: Well, that's not really
what it is. We stumble all the time, so you'll fit in.
Meriwether: Yeah, it's fine.
Dr. Carol
Hughe...: Oh, okay. Well,
pressure is off then.
Meriwether: Exactly.
Fredenbur...: We won't stand out
as [inaudible 00:03:23] here.
Meriwether: That's right.
Well, and if y'all are interested in all the credentials behind their names,
definitely go check out their book, Home Will Never Be the Same: A Guide for
Adult Children of Gray Divorce. Dr. Hughes has a doctoral degree in clinical
psychology and she has a master's degree in counseling psychology. And Bruce,
he is a California licensed marriage and family therapist for more than 30
years, he's a college instructor of human services at Saddleback College. And
the list goes on and on. So I don't want to take up the precious air time going
through it, but definitely check the two of them out. I'm pretty sure, if you
go to Amazon, you can look up your bios there, too. Right?
Dr. Carol
Hughe...: Yes.
Meriwether: Well, today, I'm
so glad that you reached out to us, because Todd and I were actually thinking
the Bill and Gates divorce. Bill and Gates.
Todd Orston: That's all right. See?
Meriwether: The Bill and
Melinda Gates divorce. Then I got your email and I was like, "Oh, that
makes our lives easier." Not to mention, you've studied this and wrote a
whole book about it. Is this one of the first books of its kind, where it's
focusing on gray divorces?
Dr. Carol
Hughe...: It's the first book
about the adult children of a gray divorce. There was one back in 1990 that a
therapist and journalist wrote, but it's the only current book about the adult
children of gray divorce. And then, we have a lot of information in there to
help the parents help, as well, help themselves, as well as help their adult
Meriwether: And I could tell
you that even in the past year, so y'all had come on the show last year and
talked about the book coming out, and I have had several people talk to me,
unfortunately, about divorce, because they fell into that gray divorce
category, and all of them were under the misconception the children would be
perfectly fine, and I definitely recommended your books. I said, "Hey,
look, before things go sideways, because you think that's how things are going
to be, you really need to read this book and share it with your children,
because odds are they are going to have problems with this." If our
listeners haven't heard that previous show, that's sort of do a quick recap
before we talk about the Gates divorce. Why are there increasing numbers of
older Americans getting divorced?
Fredenbur...: Well, a lot of
things have come together. The Baby Boomer generation, the people born from
1946 to '64, technically, they accept divorce more than previous generations,
and they don't seem to be attached to the till death do us part part of the
agreement that people used to say they were going to do. And so, it's a
phenomena that's going on, actually all over the world, in developing counties.
The researchers at Bowling Green State University coined the term the gray
divorce and they found that from 1990 to 2015, they divorce rate for this
particular population actually doubled, and they predict that by the year 2030,
the divorce rate for this population will triple.
Meriwether: Wow.
Fredenbur...: And so, they've got
kids and most women work outside the home, so in the early parts of their
marriage, while maybe the newness was wearing off, suddenly they've got
responsibilities of their kids and building their careers. And so, that is
enough, a lot of times, to keep people occupied and not notice how much their
drifting apart. But now the kids are older, going off to college, have their
own family, and suddenly they might find themselves living with someone that
they really don't have much in common with. These are mainly women initiated
divorces, so women have the economic ability to not have to stay in a marriage
just because it's the only source of income. So all of that coming together, we
think, accounts for a big part of the rising divorce rate.
Dr. Carol
Hughe...: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
And Bruce mentioned that the Baby Boomers are more excepting of divorce.
Interesting statistic we came across, in 2001 about 45% of Americans considered
divorced morally acceptable, and in 2014, 69% considered divorce morally
acceptable, so those are interesting statistics, we thought.
Todd Orston: Yeah, I will say, from my
point of view, a lot of the people that call in, that need help, that would
fall into this category, I agree, the stigma's no longer there. And I do see a
lot of people where they've just drifted apart, they're just not the same
people, so on and so forth. It's not just people have changed, but there are
some behavioral issues that pop up where people they're just sort of like,
"I'm done." Right? It could be drinking, it could be something more
serious, but they are far less patient and they are more ready to move on and
say, "I'm not going to live another X number of years, if this is the way
I'm going to be treated. And with that stigma gone, more and more people are
moving in this direction.
Dr. Carol
Hughe...: Exactly. And people
are living longer, also, and as you were saying, they're looking at the next
10, 20, 30 years of, "I want to be happier than I am now." And also,
when they become empty nesters, which is, of course, what Bill Gates is quoted
as saying, waiting until their last child became 18, it gives them more freedom
to get on with their lives. And as Bruce alluded to, economics is a factor,
too, because the majority of American women have jobs and careers outside the
home, so they're not as economically dependent on husbands or partners, as in
previous decades.
Fredenbur...: Also, people's
expectations for marriage have been changing. In previous generations, if you
were a man and you were able to be a good provider, that covered a lot of sins
or at least deficiencies. And the mother was expected to be able to stay home
and run the house and be able to raise their kids. In fact, I remember a
therapist that I knew when I was an intern, she was much older than me, so she
was from the World War II generation, and she told me she always thought men
knew what they were doing. They would talk as if they knew what they were doing
and they always had answers and she said, as she got older, she realized that,
at least the men of her generation, they really knew their job and just didn't
really talk about much else, because that's what they really knew and they
weren't going to venture into areas that they weren't good at. And nowadays,
people expect, they talk about-
Meriwether: Hey Bruce, we're
coming up against a quick break. Hold that thought.
Fredenbur...: Sure.
Meriwether: We'll come back
to it when we come back. We'll be right back. I just wanted to let you know
that if you ever wanted to listen to the show live, you can listen at 1:00 a.m.
on Monday mornings, WSB, so you can always check us out there, as well.
Todd Orston: Better than counting sheep,
I guess. Right?
Meriwether: That's right.
Todd Orston: You can turn on the show
and we'll help you fall asleep.
Meriwether: There you go.
Todd Orston: I'll talk very soft.
Meriwether: Welcome back
everyone. This is Leh and Todd and we are your co-hosts for Divorce Team Radio,
a show sponsored by the divorce and family law firm of Meriwether & Tharp.
If you want to read more about us, you can always check us out online,
atlantadivorceteam.com. If you want to read a transcript of this show or go
back and listen to it again, you can always find it at divorceteamradio.com.
Well, today we are very privileged to have some repeat guests, Dr. Carol Hughes
and Bruce Fredenburg have come back on to talk about their book Home Will Never
Be the Same: A Guide for Adult Children of Gray Divorce. And, in particular,
how their research in putting together that book, they're going to apply that
to the recent announcement of the divorce between Bill and Melinda Gates.
I know I had to cut you off on that last segment Bruce, and you were talking
about how roles inside of marriages have changed over the years that could be
impacting the gray divorce. Was there anything else you wanted to go into? I
can't remember exactly where I cut you off, and then we talked offline.
Fredenbur...: Sure. Well, I was
just saying, in past generations, the people expected from their marriage
different things. The woman maybe expected the man to be a good provider,
primarily, and he may or may not have had other great qualities. And men
expected the woman to be able to take care of the house and to raise the kids,
and people didn't live as long. But nowadays, marriage is seen as something
where you're going to be marrying your best friend and women don't have to
depend on a man economically anymore, so they find that he can be a good
provider, but they can be a good provider, too, so they often want more things
out of a marriage.
when it comes to Bill and Melinda Gates, calling them Bill and Melinda, it
almost sounds like I know them, but I don't. That's just how we know them as
the public. And so, we can speculate on the things that led them to make this
decision, because they're part of that Baby Boomer generation, but they've done
a really good job for such a public couple, of keeping most of their family
private life private. And so, we are assuming that most of the reasons that
other people divorce in this population, this age group, apply to them, and
then the things that have to do with money are just magnified. And the things
that have to do with being under a microscope, just by being famous. Those can
put pressure on people, as well, but we may never know much more.
Meriwether: I wanted to go
back to something said earlier. We've got a bunch of questions for you and what
I love about doing these interviews is it's as much a conversation as a series
of questions. But you had mentioned that women are the majority of the
initiators of divorce in couples 50 years older and beyond, which is really
interesting when you consider the cliché, the stereotype you might see on TV is
that men are divorcing their women to get younger, I'm putting air quotes,
trophy wives. But you've seen something different.
Bruce Fredenbur...: Yes, yes. In fact, Carol, you can talk
to that. We've discussed that in a couple of interviews before.
Dr. Carol
Hughe...: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
It doesn't mean that the trophy wives scenario isn't still happening, it's just
that women are less tolerant, for some of the reasons that Bruce was just
explaining, to stay in the marriage, so they aren't mutually exclusive.
Certainly, the research that I've read is that that phenomenon of the older man
looking for a younger woman and even sometimes starting another family is still
happening. It's just that women aren't feeling as stuck, because the majority
of American women have careers or professions outside the home.
Meriwether: Gotcha.
Fredenbur...: In fact, Carol, as
you were speaking, I was thinking, there's a comedian, I think her last name is
Boosler, Elayne Boosler. And she had a great line, she said, "Women will
become equal when they can become fat and balding and still imagine their
attractive to 20-year-olds."
Dr. Carol
Hughe...: That's a great one.
Fredenbur...: I just said,
Meriwether: That's pretty
funny. Oh, we've all seen those situations. And you guys are in California. You
see it quite a bit, I'm sure.
Dr. Carol
Hughe...: Yes.
Leh Meriwether: Anyway-
Fredenbur...: We've heard of it,
we've heard of it.
Todd Orston: Let me ask you this, moving
on, we've talked about why increasing numbers, but the last 12, 14, 16, almost
months have been like nothing most of us have ever experienced. How has
COVID-19 played a role, or has it, in the growing number of gray divorces?
Dr. Carol
Hughe...: Well, I think that it
has, from the little bit of research that is out, which isn't a lot right now.
Often, as Bruce mentioned earlier, couples 50 years and older, the adults
rather, have drifted apart and don't like, love, or respect each other anymore.
And during the pandemic, they've been forced to spend time together, maybe
working from home, jobless for months, retired, disagreeing about individual
and family health safety measures, like wearing masks, deprived of outside
leisure and social activities. So they've been coping with a lot of the same
stressors as younger couples have been, too, a lot of things I just mentioned.
Their routines are disrupted, they don't feel economic security a lot of them.
A really important consideration is that we know from previous times in US
history, when people have been forced to be at home, for whatever reasons,
unemployment or whatever, that increased arguing and fighting and domestic
violence increases.
I have some interesting statistics. The National Domestic Hotline reported a 9%
increase in calls and online contacts between March 16th or 2020 and May 16th
of 2020. That was a while back. But then, the Los Angeles County Department of
Health Domestic Violence Council Hotline, long name, saw an increase in calls
every months of 2020 compared to 2019, and in December of 2020, the calls were
32% higher than previous years.
Todd Orston: Wow.
Dr. Carol
Hughe...: And what we know is
when people spend time like that together, for whatever reasons, as I said earlier,
more divorces occur.
Fredenbur...: And Carol, I was
thinking while you were saying that, we've noticed that, too, with divorcing
couple. The Gottman's work where they found that maybe the one quantifiable
tool you can use to predict who's going to get divorced is when the ratio of
positive to negative interactions falls below five to one. And so, when people
say, "Well, we get along most of the time," well, 80%'s most of the time,
but that's not five to one, that's four to one, and this has been validated
with studies and with functional MRIs, too. Just the common interaction with
ordinary people in your life, not within the intimacy of a marriage, but just
ordinary interactions. It has to be three to one positive to negative
interactions. So you've got people who have been locked down in the same house,
in the same area, and the normal things that they would do to have fun together
or apart from each other weren't available. People like to go out to
restaurants, they like to go to movies, they go to sporting events. They'd walk
around the neighborhood, go to the gym, but all of that's taken away.
the normal business conversations that couples have to have still happens, and
the subject of, I don't know how you two guys are, but most couples the
subjects of those family business conversations is almost never, "Honey,
what are we going to do with all this extra money?" It's always about,
"Well, Junior needs braces, and this is the year I was going to get a new
car. My car's falling apart. Now, I love my children, I'm going to get the
braces, but it's still bad news to me that I don't get the car." Those
things happen anyways, and so that increases the opportunity to have negative
interactions with each other while you have decreased opportunities to have
positive interactions or at least an escape from each other. So that five to
one ratio, and in a marriage you really want six or seven to one, but anyway,
it becomes really lopsided and I sort of see it as people have depleted their
funds here in levels, and then [crosstalk 00:20:41] go into the garbage.
Dr. Carol
Hughe...: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Mm-hmm (affirmative). And I wanted to add to that too, Bruce, that a number of
mental health organizations like National Institute of Mental Health started
doing research of April of last year, in 2020, and comparing the depression and
anxiety rates that are being reported to physicians and mental health hotlines
and already in April of last year, the numbers were 33% higher of adults
calling the hotlines reporting anxiety, depression, feeling hopeless, fear of
dying, fear of dealing with their loved ones who might be getting sick or
definitely had an effect, we'll know more as more research comes out, but we
know that traditionally after couples or families spend time together, like
during the holidays, extended time or vacations, the divorce rate spikes after
that. And China and Italy saw their divorce rates spike after they came out of
their first shutdown early. I think it might've been summer. I'm not
remembering the exact time. Probably, we'll be going through the same thing,
but we don't have any research on that yet, that we know of.
Meriwether: When we come
back, we're going to start breaking down what we think happened between Bill
and Melinda Gates.
Todd Orston: Hey everyone, you're
listening to our podcast, but you have alternatives, you have choices. You can
listen to us live, also, at 1:00 a.m. on Monday morning on WSB.
Meriwether: If you're
enjoying the show, we would love it if you could go rate us in iTunes or
wherever you may be listening to it, give us a five star rating and tell us why
you like the show.
back everyone. This is Leh and Todd and we are you co-hosts for Divorce Team Radio,
a show sponsored by the divorce and family law firm of Meriwether and Tharp. If
you want to read more about us, you can always check us out online at
atlantadivorceteam.com. And if you want to read a transcript of this show or go
back to listen to it again, you can find it at divorceteamradio.com.
today we are very fortunate to have back in studio, so to speak, with us the
authors of the book Home Will Never Be the Same: A Guide for Adult Children of
Gray Divorce, Dr. Carol Hughes and Bruce Fredenburg. Bruce, am I saying your
last name right?
Fredenbur...: Yes, you are.
Meriwether: Because I'm
horrible at names. Oh, excellent.
Fredenbur...: You are.
Meriwether: Normally, I mess
up names and Todd makes fun of me ruthlessly.
Todd Orston: Normally, he means all the
time. Every time.
Fredenbur...: One time I called my
brother at work and the secretary answered and I said, "Can I speak to
Brian Fredenburg?" And she said, "Mr. Fredenburg's out of the
office." And I said, "Well, tell him when he gets back his brother
Bruce Fredenburg called."
Meriwether: I do know that
there are a lot of people out there that really appreciate the fact that you've
written this book, especially for the adult children of gray divorce, because
we have seen, actually in our practice, it negatively impacting the children,
the adult children more than it would have when they were younger. Especially
the younger ones under 10, I see them not being as impacted as greatly as the
ones that are perhaps in college or recently graduated. And your book really
shines light on that, so thanks for writing that book, I really appreciate it.
I know it's helping people out there.
want to talk about the Gates divorce and at some point I'm going to ask you a
question about what advice would you give their children. But they've been
married, well before the divorce, 27 years. And so, many people are just
sitting there, "Why can't they just work it out after all this time? I
mean, my gosh, they're billionaires, surely they can get some great counseling
and help them work on their marriage." And not to mention, it's not like
either of them have to work. I mean, I know they do a lot of charity work. But
gosh, they have so much money in the bank they don't need to work, per se, and
they could focus on their marriage. So what do you think's going on there?
Fredenbur...: Well, somebody once
said that money can solve all the problems that only money can solve, but
there's lots of things that money can't solve. And so, they are, at least as
best I can tell, again they've done a good job of shielding their public life
compared to, say, the royal family. But at the same time, we do know that they
seem to be very different personalities. They're both really intelligent,
really bright. He left Harvard early on, but is a brilliant business guy and is
also able to grasp a lot of other things, because he's become a very powerful
person and sits on a lot of boards. But she was really a driven student, real
high academic, and she's also, I read, a very devout Catholic, and she really
took to heart some of the ideas of liberation theology, about being able to
help disenfranchised people around the world, so she may have been the driver
of their charitable work around the world, and he was a builder of this
they took care of the kids. But she's also a good athlete, too. I don't know
how much of an athlete he is, but she was a really good athlete. They may have
been different people who were attracted for various reasons when they were younger,
but 20 years has gone by and now they're different people and the focus of
their life may have been their children for the 25 or so years of the oldest
one. But now the 18-year-old's gone off to college, probably. And when we talk
about adult children, they're not monolithic. There are different stages.
There's the younger and the middle and the older. Now, their youngest one's not
going to have the question some people have, "Is anybody going to still be
able to help me pay for college?"
they are going to have to deal with the fact that their relationships with
their parents, will they ever see them really together at holidays? Are they
going to celebrate Thanksgiving together? How much was hidden from the public?
How much they hid from themselves, just because they were so busy with these
other things, but now that the children are gone. And again, this is
speculation, but I think the same things that affect other people in their
generation. What about you, Carol?
Dr. Carol
Hughe...: Well, I think, as we
mentioned earlier, about the empty nest, obviously that's an issue. I don't
think Bill Gates would've mentioned it, and the wanting to be happy is there,
probably, my guess. I read something, I think one article said that it was in
Melinda Gates' book where she talked about feeling like she was always behind
the stage when she and Bill Gates were on the stage together, and the power
differential that she felt in the marriage, and she is about empowerment, as
Bruce said, and empowering women. The person who wrote the article, and I've
read several that said the same thing, "Someone close to them said,"
you know how that goes.
it did seem like it was one of those where, as I was saying earlier, women
aren't financially dependent on their male partners or even female partners,
for that matter, as they used to be decades ago. And it sounded like she has
some ideas about a direction she wants to go, and that maybe on her own, to
have her own voice. So I think that might be another issue, from what I've
Fredenbur...: Hmm. And
relationships take a lot of work and a lot of people stay in them because they
don't have as many options as the Gates do, if they wanted to do something
else. They don't have the constraints that most people would have, other than
the ones they want to impose on themselves.
Todd Orston: Yeah, it's kind of
interesting when you think they could hire all the therapists.
Dr. Carol
Hughe...: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Fredenbur...: They could hire us.
Todd Orston: Every single one, and not
even make a dent in their piggy bank.
Fredenbur...: Right.
Todd Orston: But you're right, they
have, financially speaking, everything. And a lot of people, I mean, I speak to
people daily, and a lot of people are reluctant to take that next step and far
be it from us to push that issue, that's not for us to do. But they are
reluctant simply because of the financial concerns. And so the Gates, they
don't have that. So whether it is some self-empowerment issue or whatever the
case might be. I mean, obviously, things have broken down and it's gotten to
this point, where now unfortunately, their laundry is airing in the public eye.
But in any event, when you see people like the Gates, obviously, it's much,
much different, the dynamic is much different than what 99.999% of the people
that are out there are going to be going through.
Dr. Carol
Hughe...: Right. But you know,
at the same time, the mutual announcement that they made was that they no
longer believed that they could grow together as a couple in the next phase of
their lives. And we hear that from all different people in the gray divorce
population, no matter how wealthy or not wealthy they are. As Bruce said, the
money doesn't fix that problem, necessarily.
Fredenbur...: The children are
going to have the same challenges that other adult children have in these
situations, and the parents, too. Because some of the challenges are going to
be taking up sides, when people start taking up sides, deciding who's the hero,
who's the villain in the piece. That makes it really hard to fix later on or if
different siblings choose different parent to fight with, I mean, assuming that
that's a danger for a lot of people. That can be a big problem. And sometimes,
kids solve it by just distancing themselves from one or both of the parents.
And so, the average person wouldn't be able to travel as far to distance
themselves as any of the Gates children. But again, they would only be
constrained by their own self-constraint, I would imagine. I have no idea what
their estate plans are, but I suspect that they'll have more resources than
most adult children their age, so that's going to be a challenge, and I don't
know how much of a challenge, because again, I don't know the inner workings of
their family.
it is a challenge to keep their own family of origin, that are the kids' aunts
and uncles and grandparents and cousins from choosing up sides, because it can
be really painful for an adult child when aunts and uncles start inviting them
to join in on a bash the other parent conversation. And so, there's some
proactive work that this family could do by having conversations about
boundaries and what's okay to talk about and what you don't have to talk about
and speaking to their own family of origin to make it really clear that they
don't want the kids pulled into those kinds of conversations and that each of
their children has a right to have their own individual relationship with each
parent, which is going to be a very different relationship than the parents
have with each other.
Meriwether: Bruce and Carol,
when we come back, we're going to ask you what advice would you give the Gates
children as they navigate this transition in their life? I just wanted to let
you know that if you ever wanted to listen to the show live, you can listen at
1:00 a.m. on Monday mornings on WSB, so you can always check us out there, as
Todd Orston: Better than counting sheep,
I guess, right?
Meriwether: That's right.
Todd Orston: You can turn on the show
and we'll help you fall asleep.
Meriwether: There you go.
Todd Orston: I'll talk very soft.
Meriwether: Welcome back
everyone. This is Leh and Todd and we your co-hosts for Divorce Team Radio, a
show sponsored by the divorce and family law firm of Meriwether & Tharp. If
you want to read more about us, you can always check us out online atlantadivorceteam.com.
And if you wanted to read a transcript of this show or go back and listen to it
again or find transcripts of other shows, you can find them at
divorceteamradio.com. Well, today we are talking with Dr. Carol Hughes and
Bruce Fredenburg, and the book is Home Will Never Be the Same: A Guide for
Adult Children of Gray Divorce. And in particular, we're applying what they
have learned in putting together this book to the Gates divorce and how it
might impact their children.
wanted to just go back to, because what, in some respects, makes the Gates
divorce different than a lot of other people is just there's so much money
there. And I like how you pointed out, even though there's a lot of money that
makes that different, the emotional impact can be the same, regardless of how
much money you have. And another thing that kind of hit me, too, while y'all
were talking was, even though they have a lot of money, you still only have so
much time in your life, and it makes it more difficult on the adult children
that now that they're separated, especially at the holidays, often you see
adult children, they're visiting both parents at two separate residences and it
becomes, in some cases, a pain in the butt.
money doesn't change that, money cannot buy you more time. We all have so many
minutes in a day, that doesn't change. The big question is, what advice, and I
know you have some background on this, too, so I'm just going to ask the
question and let you run with it, what advice would you give the Gates children
as they navigate this divorce and transition in their life?
Dr. Carol
Hughe...: Well, one of the
things I wanted to share, Leh, is a quote that I read that the oldest daughter,
Jennifer Gates, posted on Instagram. It really captures it and it's something
that the research indicates and that we, as clinicians, hear adult children
saying a lot. And she said, "It's been a challenging stretch of time for
our whole family. I'm still learning how to best support my own process and
emotions, as well as family members, at this time." And so, we would say,
first, exactly what Jennifer said, focus on your own process, what you're
feeling, fear, anger, frustration, sadness, depression, anxiety, whatever the
feelings may be, they're all very valid, and help yourself help yourself. It's
not your job, really, to help the parents or family members and this is what I
call healthy selfish, is that it's important to keep the balance between what
do you need to do for yourself, and what do you need to do for your family and
family members.
a lot of adult children say, as Bruce said earlier, they just need some time
away. They need time to process it and not be talking about it with their
parents or family members, because in the end, it's their own process of how
it's affecting them. The family that
they've known their whole lives is breaking apart, and maybe they'll be able to
readjust as, what we call, a restructured family and still do some things together
like dinners or whatever, vacations. Some parents and adult children are able
to do that. And then, the holidays that you were mentioned, Leh, you also get
to decide, as an adult child, what you want to do for the holidays, and it may
not be schlepping back and forth between mom and dad's. It may be going with
friends on a vacation, something like that, that's focusing on your own
Meriwether: Is these a way
that they can, I've heard from parents, they're like, "I can't believe
their not coming to visit me for the holidays," and they get upset. How
would an adult child broach that conversation with the parents that are getting
divorced and saying, "Look, I need time away. Y'all are crazy"? No,
just kidding. What is a more effective way than what I just said, for the adult
children to discuss that, where they need some self-care with their parents.
Fredenbur...: I think that it
would help if they had already started ahead of time to have conversations
about boundaries. For instance, are the parents able to be civil to each other
or is it important they they stay away from each other? And then, that could be
more burdensome for the children. I'd also like to advise all family members
going through a divorce that divorce is hard, no matter how much professional
help you get. And be kind to yourself, because there's going to be mistakes
made, and as best you can, be kind to the other people who are involved in it
for the same reason. It's hard for all of you. It's new territory for all of
you, it's certainly not something they planned for. Allow for those mistakes
and don't make every one the hill you're going to die on.
I know for adult children, whether the parents are together or not, there's
just times when their busy with their own lives. Once a kid becomes a
teenagers, if you have teenagers or ever raised one, even when they love you
and they're happy to be around you, they really want to be with their friends.
And so, that's just going to be a given, I think, and giving everybody
permission. But maybe invite them to take some time for each other, but
everybody understands that you're still having your own life.
Meriwether: I will say that I
know you cover this in depth, I mean, we can't obviously get into it in a short
show, but you do go into it in pretty good detail in your book, Home Will Never
Be the Same Again. So if someone's listening out there and going, "I need
more, I need more," you can definitely pick up the book and get more of
that information. And let me ask you real quick, if someone were to reach out
to y'all and perhaps talk to you about or use your services or whatnot, how
would they get in touch with you? What's the best way?
Dr. Carol
Hughe...: Actually, the best way
is they can simply email us. My email address is all lowercase, no punctuation,
D-R, like Dr. C-A-R-O-L-H-U-G-H-E-S at me, like Mary Elizabeth dot com. And I
will reply to you.
Bruce Fredenbur...: And my email is all lowercase, it's
Bruce, B-R-U-C-E at healthsolutionsmadeeasy, all one word, dot com.
Meriwether: Excellent,
excellent. And before we get to our last question real quick, I know that
during COVID there's rules in every state and you have to be licensed in a
certain state to give out counseling advice and they lifted it for a period of
time during COVID-19, so that you could get a lot of remote services, but I
heard they're going to start tightening back down on that. Do you know where
they are on that, as far as who can you help and you can't help when it comes
to counseling?
Dr. Carol
Hughe...: Not yet. From what
I've read, the American Psychological Association, there's a lot of pressure
from mental health professionals to keep those guidelines lifted, because there
are people in remote areas that don't have, literally, access to mental health
care. But even though we are licensed in California, there's another option
that we can... you've heard of coaching, which is not regulated in most states,
and so we can do adult children of gray divorce coaching or family coaching,
something like that, if people are interested.
Meriwether: Oh, that's great
to know, because I think that's really helpful. I mean, I don't see why you
wouldn't take advantage of technology like we are right now. We're doing this
radio thanks to technology. COVID didn't stop that from going forward. Hey, if
you're out there and you're listening and you're either the parents going
through the gray divorce or you're the adult child of parents going through a
divorce then definitely reach out, not only get the book, but reach out to
Bruce and Carol, and maybe they can help coach you through that. Okay, last
question Todd, what's the last question?
Todd Orston: Well, I mean, for me, I
guess the last question would be, we've talked about advice to give to the
kids, but how can the parents help the children cope with this?
Fredenbur...: One of the easiest
things they can do is to simply listen to what their adult children are telling
them about what they're experiencing, how they're feeling, what's going on,
because the research shows that just feeling that you've been heard can help
people with healing. And the parents shouldn't be surprised that this is going
to be troubling to their adult children. If somebody's family member died,
nobody would be surprised that that was hard. And, in a very real way for adult
children, their family that they've grown up with, that's just been there their
entire life is now dissolving before their eyes. And so, that would be a big
one, and we already covered some of the other. But Carol?
Dr. Carol
Hughe...: Just today I received
an email from someone, I don't even know where she lives, and she says,
"Dr. Hughes, I'm almost finished with Home Will Never Be the Same Again,
and for the first time, as an adult child of gray divorce, I feel heard."
That was how she started her email, so the listening that Bruce talked about is
really important.
Meriwether: Well,
unfortunately, we are out of time. Gosh, thanks so much for coming on the show
and hey everyone listening, I hope you got something great out of the show.
Thanks so much for listening.