There are several ways to come to an agreement on the outstanding issues in your divorce action, including negotiating directly with your spouse/through attorneys, mediation, and a final divorce hearing. A Netherlands-based company has come up with a new option - the "Divorce Hotel." 'Divorce Hotel' Provides A Quick Getaway…From Your Awful Marriage, by Brittany Wong, The Huffington Post, September 12, 2014. According to the article, the "Divorce Hotel" is "a rotating program that takes place at resorts and boutique hotels in which experts help couples mediate their divorces in one weekend." Couples in the Netherlands have been visiting "Divorce Hotels" since 2011, and now the company is expanding.
Later this month, the company will launch its first "Divorce Hotel" in the United States at the Gideon Putman Resort in Saratoga Springs, New York. For about $5,000, couples can purchase a package that includes two separate rooms and a mediator to help the parties resolve all their outstanding divorce issues. If the divorce is particularly contentious, the cost may increase, as additional experts may have to be called in to assist.
On the surface, this is not a terrible idea. It forces parties to come together for mediation, while allowing them time to relax at the spa between mediation sessions. However, many divorces cannot be resolved in such a short period of time, even if the parties come willing to negotiate. For this reason, the "Divorce Hotel" may be a good start, but couples may need additional time and mediation sessions to resolve all outstanding issues.
See here for a video about the "Divorce Hotel."