Meriwether & Tharp, LLC
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If you have divorce questions

Can I bring a family member with me to meet with my divorce attorney?

Publish Date: 11/01/2007

Family law clients often want to bring their parents, siblings or friends in to meet with their attorney. It is completely understandable that you might want to involve your family the divorce orchild custody case because the proceedings in these types of cases are extremely upsetting to everyone in your life. However, you should think twice before you involve your family or friends inyour case.

When you bring your family in to meet with your attorney or you involve your family in e-mails/texts or phone calls with your attorney, you are waiving your attorney-client privilege, and you areallowing your family to be a part of conversations that your attorney would keep confidential.

Your lawyer can meet with your family and involve them in the process, but ultimately your attorney must put your interests and needs first. Your attorney will look to you, as the client, and notyour family to make the decisions about the case. Not only is this in your best interest, but your attorney is bound by the Georgia Rules of Professional Conduct to act on your direction.

Another concern in involving your family is that they don't know what really went on between you and your spouse, and they are eager to offer advice or tell you what happened in their divorce.Remember that each situation is unique and that the law is always changing. What was appropriate for your family member during his or her divorce may not be what is best for you. Your attorneyand support staff can help guide you through the divorce process, and as a divorce attorney I take it very seriously that you rely on me for advice and support during the pendency of your case.

If you are concerned about your family law case and feel you need the guidance of an expert to help you through this process, contact our team of experiencedfamily law attorneys.

By Elizabeth Doak, Associate Attorney, Meriwether & Tharp, LLC


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