Coronavirus Update – We are Prepared to Serve
We are Prepared to Continue to Serve You
As Coronavirus (COVID-19) becomes more of a concern in our local communities, it is important that we all take the necessary precautions. At Meriwether & Tharp, we have implemented several precautionary measures to protect the safety of our clients and ourselves. We understand the essential nature of the service we provide and we know that family law emergencies can happen at any time. We know that many of you have critical concerns during this difficult time, as always Meriwether & Tharp is here to help guide you through it. If you need help with a divorce or family law issue, M&T is available through a virtual platform to help you.
Information is being dispensed rapidly as communities adjust and brace for the potential impact that Coronavirus may have. Please use caution when reading or sharing new articles that may or may not be credible. For more information about the Coronavirus, it's best to visit the CDC's website. Below we have some helpful links to the CDC's website:
- How to Prepare
- How to Protect Your Family
- How to Manage Anxiety & Stress
- Symptoms & Testing
M&T Operating Policies during the COVID-19 situation
It is important to note that the Courts are NOT currently closed. The courts have delayed non-essential hearings and issued Emergency Judicial Orders that lay out various policies and procedures for how they will move forward. New cases may still be filed and current cases will still move forward. As such, we will remain open to assist you with your family law needs. During this difficult time, we have implemented a few new policies and procedures that will help us serve you better.
- We are operating in a digital work environment - We will continue to serve your needs via phone and email during normal business hours (8:30 AM to 5:00 PM) Monday through Friday. Whether you are a current client or potential client, M&T lawyers and staff will be responsive and available to help you.
- Virtual meetings - We will continue to be in contact with you as we diligently help you with your family law needs. We are implementing social distancing in accordance with CDC recommendations and are not scheduling in-person meetings at this time. All meetings we be virtual until the CDC revises its recommendations. If you already have a scheduled in-person meeting with your attorney, we will arrange for that meeting to take place virtually. You are more than welcome to schedule phone calls or video calls with your team going forward.
- Upcoming hearings/court dates - If you have an upcoming hearing or court date, depending on the county, it is possible that it has been postponed for at least 30 days. Some judges/counties will be proceeding with hearings as scheduled, but will be doing so virtually through Zoom or Skype. It is possible that the court may still proceed with your hearing as scheduled. PLEASE contact your attorney and team regarding any concern you may have related to the postponement of any court hearing or scheduled event.
We routinely represent clients outside of Georgia and even the United States. Accordingly, we have the technology and resources to operate and provide the best legal services to our clients even with social distancing. We routinely meet with clients for consultations or meetings virtually rather than in person. For your health and safety, we will continue these virtual meetings for all of our clients and consultations. We continue to be available to talk to you about your matter or answer your legal questions via phone, video conference, or e-mail. As always, we are here to assist you through your divorce and family law matters with innovative technology.
Most, if not all, of our pleadings are submitted electronically. Therefore, we are able to file your case and relevant pleadings while exercising social distancing. In addition, we are available to begin new actions and help resolve new issues.
We are using our technological resources to advance your case despite many of the Courts postponing hearings. Many mediators, arbitrators, and parent coordinators are available virtually and we are equipped to participate virtually to help meet your needs and your goals. Consequently, there should be minimal disruption to your legal action during this time.
We are guided by the principle that family law matters should, when possible, be resolved outside of the Courtroom. We remain a resolution focused family law firm and our hearts and resources are open to assist you.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
How M&T is Exercising Social Distancing
The Supreme Court of Georgia issued two Orders Declaring Judicial Emergencies. The First Order is for the period March 13, 2020 to April 13, 2020. The Second Order extends the first Order from April 13, 2020 to May 13, 2020. The Superior Courts (where all Georgia domestic relations cases are filed) followed suit extending deadlines and hearings to April 13, 2020. Most courthouses are limiting any nonessential legal matters for a period of 30 days (concluding Monday, April 13, 2020). The Superior Courts are starting to issue new Orders extending the domestic relations deadlines to May 13, 2020, but this is on a county by county basis. Not all Court hearings are being rescheduled. Some Superior Courts are now holding hearings via video conferencing or telephone. Meriwether & Tharp is working diligently to keep you informed regarding your case. Many scheduled court hearings will be postponed, reset or cancelled by the courts. That said, some courts are electing to go forward with some matters, either virtually or in person. We are working with the courts to determine whether your particular matter will be postponed, changed to a telephone/video format, or rescheduled and will keep you informed as soon as we have that information.
Judicial Orders Regarding Coronavirus
The State Of Georgia Executive Order: Clarification to Governor Kemps Shelter In Place OrderOrder filed June 12, 2020
Supreme Court of Georgia: Order Extending Declaring Judicial Emergency (Amended)Order filed May 11, 2020
Appalachian Judicial Circuit (Fannin, Gilmer & Pickens): Order Declaring Judicial EmergencyOrder filed March 13, 2020
Bibb County Superior Court: Order Declaring Judicial EmergencyOrder filed March 13, 2020
Burke County Superior Court: Order Declaring Judicial EmergencyOrder filed March 13, 2020
Cherokee County Superior Court: Order to Address Essential FunctionsOrder filed March 18, 2020
Cherokee County Superior Court: Order Declaring Extension To Judicial EmergencyOrder filed April 7, 2020
Clayton County Superior Court: Order Declaring Judicial EmergencyOrder filed March 13, 2020
Cobb County Superior Court: Order of ClarificationOrder filed March 20, 2020
Cobb County Superior Court: Order Declaring Judicial EmergencyOrder filed March 13, 2020
Colquitt County Superior Court: Order Declaring Judicial EmergencyOrder filed March 13, 2020
Columbia County Superior Court: Order Declaring Judicial EmergencyOrder filed March 13, 2020
Coweta County Superior Court: Order Declaring Judicial EmergencyOrder filed April 2, 2020
Crawford County Superior Court: Order Declaring Judicial EmergencyOrder filed March 13, 2020
Dawson County Superior Court: Order Extending Declaration Judicial EmergencyOrder filed April 2, 2020
Dekalb County Superior Court: Order Declaring Judicial EmergencyOrder filed March 13, 2020
Echols County Superior Court: Order Declaring Judicial EmergencyOrder filed March 13, 2020
Forsyth County Superior Court: Amended Order Extending Judicial EmergencyOrder filed April 7, 2020.
Forsyth County Superior Court: Second Amended Declaring Judicial EmergencyOrder filed March 30, 2020
Fulton County Superior Court: Order Declaring Judicial EmergencyOrder filed March 13, 2020.
Fulton County Superior Court: Order of ClarificationOrder filed March 23, 2020
Gwinnett County Superior Court: Order Declaring Judicial EmergencyOrder filed March 13, 2020.
Hall County Superior Court: Order Extending Declaration Judicial EmergencyOrder filed April 2, 2020
Hall County Superior Court: Order Declaring Emergency ClosureOrder filed March 27, 2020
Henry County Superior Court: Order Declaring Judicial EmergencyOrder filed March 13, 2020
Lowndes County Superior Court: Order Declaring Judicial EmergencyOrder filed March 13, 2020
Paulding county Superior Court: Order Declaring Judicial EmergencyOrder filed March 13, 2020
Peach County Superior Court: Order Declaring Judicial EmergencyOrder filed March 13, 2020
Richmond County Superior Court: Order Declaring Judicial EmergencyOrder filed March 13, 2020
Rockdale County Superior Court: Order Declaring Judicial EmergencyOrder filed March 13, 2020
Thomas County Superior Court: Order Declaring Judicial EmergencyOrder filed March 13, 2020